Wednesday, May 16, 2012


And so with the 2011 to 2012 season coming to an end, there will be the expected season ending cliffhangers for those television shows that are expected to get renewed.  Gentle Reader, you know the drill.  You get invested in the fictional characers only to have most or possibly all of them dangling on the edge of doom and now you'll have to wait three to four months to figure out if any or all of them made it out.  Of course, there's the life and death prime directive in which fictional characters necessary for the survival of the television show are guaranteed survival.  The only exception would be the final season, the final episode or the actor/actress planning to leave the show.  So it's not really if the fictional character will survive after being left on the brink of doom, but how that particular character will make it back from the edge of a cliff back to safety.  Reality isn't nearly as comforting as fictional.  If an actual person is endangered nearly as much as a fictional television show character is every season ending cliffhanger---That actual person would be seeking psychiatric therepy.  Reality is never as extra-ordinary as fictional existance.  And possible we should be thankful for that. 

As I'm lost in thought about television shows, here are some photos of rock star Alison Sudol aka A Fine Frenzy.

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