Monday, May 14, 2012


I'll never get a tattoo.  I don't care if it turns off a potential date for the evening.  I never understood the need to get a tattoo.  Not only does it look painful, but is there any picture or saying that's truly worth getting etched to the skin forever?  Isn't there a better way of expressing that certain picture or saying that doesn't involve getting it etched to the skin?  I know what some people who advocate tattoos are saying about their art---the human skin is a canvas to draw upon?  Isn't it better to draw your art on a canvas instead?  Canvas art has always been a better way to express artwork.  I'm not trying to sound like a prude when I'm saying this.  But tattoos never made sense to me.  People evolve and change.  Pictures, images and thoughts that was crucial at one period of a person's life could change and evolve throughout a person's life.  However, tattoos are permanent and can't be erased.  So if a certain picture, image or thought is no longer relevant, the tattoo wearing person will be stuck with something that person no longer believes in etched to the skin.  That's the disadvantage of tattoos that I find more troubling than any other reason for avoiding tattoos.

While I'm thankful that I don't have any tattoos etched to my skin, here are some photos of the lovely and delightful to look at film and television actress Katherine Heigl.

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