Sunday, May 13, 2012


So you had to choose between being locked in ice for the next seventy years after defeating a colorful action costume super-suit wearing super-villain named Red Skull while dressed in a colorful action costume super-suit.  The good news, you save the world, blow up multiple blocks of real estate, injure lots of people and kill the villain .  The bad news is that you're locked in ice for the next seventy years and miss out on the chance to marry Hayley Atwell (who played Peggy Carter in the film Captain America---The First Avenger).  However, in order to marry Hayley Atwell, Captain Steve Rogers has to toss away his colorful action costume super-suit and his colorful action costume super-hero career and rely on actual law enforcement to save the day.  If he does so, he could've married Hayley Atwell and produced children.  He could've gotten a respectable job, joined a church and became a pillar of the community.  However, Captain Steve Rogers aka Captain America (Played by Chris Evans) chose his colorful action costume super-suit and his colorful action super-hero career over the sexually seductive beauty of Hayley Atwell.  And as punishment for his choice, Captain Steve Rogers was locked in ice for the next seventy years.  When he woke up, Hayley Atwell as Peggy Carter was gone.  Everything that he could've enjoyed with Hayley Atwell as Peggy Carter was gone.  And like a prison inmate who completed a seventy year prison sentence, he woke up to a world that has moved on without him.  He ends up exercising at an empty gym alone because nobody gives a darn what he has to say anymore.  
So what happened to Hayley Atwell as Peggy Carter after Captain Steve Rogers aka Captain America was locked in ice for seventy years like a prison inmate serving a prison sentence?  Perhaps Hayley Atwell as Peggy Carter married somebody else.  Perhaps she had children with somebody else.  Perhaps she joined a church congregation and became a pillar of the community with somebody else.  Somebody else got to have the life that Captain Steve Rogers as Captain America turned down because being locked in ice for seventy years like a prison inmate serving a prison sentence was much more crucial---At least from his perspective, but not from Hayley Atwell as Peggy Carter's perspective.  But it's too late for that.  The choice that we make could mean a huge difference.

As I think about comic book films, here are some photos of sexually gorgeous film and television actress Hayley Atwell.

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