Sunday, May 13, 2012


The lawn was mowed yesterday.  It's a medium sized lawn.  The grass was starting to get unmanageable in parts.  However, the lawn was still presentable.  The lawn is much more presentable after being mowed.  It's a clean smooth surface of bright green grass.  Or rather, it's about as smooth as you're going to greet with a medium sized field of grass.  There's a small grove of trees separting the house from a road.  I keep forgetting the name of the road.  It's a road that doesn't have much cars traveling across it.  When this entire cul-de-sac was a giant sized farm owned by a single person, the backyard was the driveway into the garage and the farmhouse.  You could see a vague semblence of that driveway in the grove of trees.  However, these days, it's better to let nature reclaim what used to be the driveway.  The backyard full of grass in the neighbor's backyard has claimed the rest of the former driveway---I think.  I honestly don't know where the farmhouse and the garage once was situated nor do I know what it looks like.  I guess I'll never know and I'm satisfied with that.

As I look at the past while getting prepared for the future, here are some photos of sexually seductive film actress Rebecca Hall.

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