Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Kristen Stewart took a deep breath, she was engaged to a Wealthy Billionaire, but she was having a secret affair with an impoverished Bartender.  She remembered what the Bartender told her.  That she was instructed to be careful, the Wealthy Billionaire's family is dangerous.  Kristen Stewart bristled at the word of caution.  The Wealthy Billionaire has been nothing but pleasant and sweet to her.  After all, she's going to marry the Wealthy Billionaire next year.  Take a deep breath.  She checked the handgun that she had in her purse.  Is it still loaded?  Yes.  Good.  Now comes the hard part.  The Wealthy Billionaire will open the door.  There will be a pleasant conversation between Kristen Stewart, the Wealthy Billionaire, his Mother, his Father and his Sister.  Then Kristen Stewart will unload her loaded handgun into all four members of the Family.  It will be as if she's working for Charles Manson.  And when the massacre is over, the Hampton's will never be the same.  But she's doing it all in the name of revenge.  In order for Kristen Stewart to avenge the death of her father, she must wipe out all four members of the most privileged and important billionaire family in the Hamptons.  Or to be more exact, Kristen Stewart is seeking to avenge the destruction of her family by destroying somebody else's family.  And when the massacre of Hampton's wealthiest and most crucial is done, the Hamptons---Or rather the entire United States of America will change forever.  Kristen Stewart is about to embark upon an overnight turning point that will change the life of herself and everybody around her forever.  And when it's done, nothing will be the same again and the innocence of the past can never be returned to.  She rung the doorbell.  Time to aim the gun and fire.  Wait.  She needs to be let into the house first.  The door opened.  The Wealthy Billionaire kissed her and allowed her in.  She checked the gun in her purse again.  It's almost time to wipe the family out.
This story will be continued four months from now.  So sorry that you must wait this long.

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