Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Having friends is wonderful.  Having friends is amazing.  Having friends helps you with the bad times.  Friends help you celebrate the good times.  Friends are people to confess your secrets and your desires to.  You can argue with friends and still have the friendship intact at the end of the fight.  Friends never put conditions on friendship.  Friends accept your darker traits as well as your positive traits.  However, it's never a good idea to take friendship for granted.  Keep in mind that you must give to a friendship just as much as you take from the friendship.  If you're taking more than the friend is able to give and you never give in return, then it's not really a friendship.  Friendship is all about equality.  For a friendship to function as a friendship, everything must be equal.
As I'm lost in thought about friends and friendship, here is a photo of rock star and actress Selena Gomez.

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