Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Gentle Reader, I don't really have much to say.  I could say something, but it would be more of a stream of consciousness sort of talking.  I'm not saying that there's something wrong with stream of consciousness sort of talking.  I could talk about what a huge hit it would be to start a chain of clothing stores that sells only six type of outfits maximum (Only six varieties of shirts, six varieties of pants and so on), but such limited supply would cause the clothing store chain to go out of business.  Plus, I'm not really good at managing a clothing store.  I'm good at sweeping the floor of a clothing store, but not managing it.  I'm sure I could be a good store manager given time and experience.  However, fate keeps directing me towards stocking store shelves, bringing in shopping carts from the parking lot and cleaning up the store.  It's an easy form of employment.  However, I'm unemployed right now.  I would like to be employed.  Yes, I'm rambling.  I tend to ramble from time to time.  This evening is a good time to ramble.
As I ramble about broom sticks and shopping cart gathering, here is a photo of film actress Kristen Stewart. 

Here is a photo of Dakota Fanning.
Here are some photos of Charlize Theron and Kristen Stewart.

Here are some photos of Charlize Theron, Noomi Rapace and a few of their friends.

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