Tuesday, June 12, 2012


So what would life be like without gasoline?  Would the planet Earth descend into a post apocalyptic society deprived of Democracy and freedom?  Believe it or not, the Human Race survived for over nineteen centuries without gasoline.  The United States of America and American democracy has survived for one thousand nine hundred years without gasoline.  If you want to see Conservatives functioning without gasoline, just look at your friendly neighborhood Amish and/or Mennonite farm.  The Amish and Mennonite community has functioned in a safe Democracy society without gasoline.  Plus, there's always solar power.  There's windmill technology.  There's freedom from pollution.  Without gasoline, there will be a stronger push for cleaner safe alternative fuels.  In the television series Star Trek, Star Trek:  The Next Generation, Star Trek Voyager, Star Trek Deep Space Nine and Star Trek Enterprise, spaceships the size of cities are powered not by gasoline, but rather by dilithium crystals with American style democracy intact.  Plus, dilithium crystals are in unlimited supply, cause no pollution and last in the gasoline tank for centuries without running out (Unless the script requires the USS Enterprise to be stranded somewhere).  So all we need is to find out where to find dilithium crystals to power up our automobiles.  Oh yes, there might be an army of Kingon Warriors in the way, but we're used to behavior like that in the Middle East. 
As I ponder the future of the human race without the use of gasoline, here are some photos of film actress and rock star Lindsay Lohan.

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