Saturday, June 16, 2012


Gentle Reader (s), how many of you are excited about the second season of the reality television game show The X-Factor (Not the Marvel comic book series about a sub-division branch of the X-Men, but the United States of America branch of the television series)?  More to the point, how many of you are expecting Britney Spears to self destruct and melt down under the pressure of being an educational mentor of unknown amateur rock star student wanna bees.  I might be alone in this opinion, but I'm actually expecting Britney Spears to be on her best behavior for the show.  Britney Spears may have been on a horrific self-destruction spree, but she's slowly getting her life back together again.  It's doubtful that she'll do anything to ruin her self-improvement efforts.  And with that in mind, Demi Lovato and Britney Spears are getting ready for their role as contest judges for the second season of The X-Factor.  Demi Lovato and Britney Spears has become best friends forever recently as they bonded over reality television game show host/judge responsibilities.  They do everything together recently.  They take turns hosting slumber parties.  They take turns braiding each other's hair.  They gossip with each other in shopping malls and movie theaters.  They take turns having public nervous breakdown meltdowns and talk for hours to each other about it.  Ok, Britney Spears' public nervous breakdown meltdown was a bit more of a larger than life epic in comparison to Demi Lovato's public nervous breakdown meltdown.  But still, Demi Lovato and Britney Spears are destined to become the best of friends.

 Britney Spears

Demi Lovato

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