Friday, June 15, 2012


Gentle Reader, always keep this advice in mind.  When you're going out on a date, never bring a pet skunk along.  Yes, you might feel sorry for the skunk because it's lonely.  It's hard for the skunk to make friends (Except with another skunk) or gain a human owner because of the horrible stench that the creature produces.  However, your date may not be in such a forgiving mood.  And when your pet skunk has already sprayed you with it's horrible stench, it will do the same to your date.  And even if you don't mind being sprayed by a skunk and getting a horrible stench from it, your date may not be so accommodating.  So save yourself from a bad date experience.  If you have a pet skunk in your home, keep your pet skunk inside it's pet animal habitat.  Your pet skunk may feel lonely, but your date and other guests in the restaurant will thank you for it.  And if your pet skunk sprayed you with a horrible stench before the date, try to wash off that stench if you could manage to do so.  Your date will thank you for not smelling like a skunk (Or worse) during the course of the date.  Just another helpful hint from my blogspot blog.
As I'm lost in thought about skunks, here are some photos of film actress Elizabeth Hurley.

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