Monday, July 16, 2012


I've been using my cell phone and I've been using desktop computes so often, that it's hard to believe that it's still brand new and recent.  Desktop computers really didn't get started until the 1980's.  And when I attended high school at Highland Park High School from 1983 to 1986, Apple IIe was still considered to be a state of the art desktop computer.  Cell phones were these massive brick sized novelties that only had a battery life of barely an hour (Only the wealthy could afford such a thing).  It's amazing how things change.  It's amazing how quickly technology improves.  And and now with the 21st century upon us, soon we'll see what new technological wonders we will encounter.
As I marvel at technological progress, here is a photo of Evan Rachel Wood, Patton Oswalt and Juliette Lewis.

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