Monday, July 16, 2012


I just received word that after popping corks of champagne, Police Commissioner Gordon was overflowing with grief over the sudden surprise death of Bruce Wayne aka Batman.  Although the Gotham City Police Department is now without a super-hero to do it's job for them, there has been no attempt to hire a brand new super-hero to replace Batman.  Yes, Robin and Batgirl has been spotted recently trying to fight crime, only to be arrested for operating without a private investigators license, 10,000,000,000 counts of unprovoked murder one against the criminal element, assault and battery. 
Police Commissioner Gordon has publicly said that he only allowed Robin and Batgirl to fight crime in HIS CITY ONLY BECAUSE BATMAN TOLD HIM SO.  And now with Batman dead, it looks like Robin and Batgirl may end up spending a life sentence behind bars for taking a ridiculously flexible approach to murder in self defense against the criminal element.  And with Waynetech bankrupt, Richard Greyson aka Robin and Barbara Gordon (Police Commissioner Gordon's disgraced jailbird daughter) had to use a public defender as their lawyer instead.  Barbara Gordon has been disowned by her father Police Commissioner Gordon because of her friendship with late Bruce Wayne aka Batman.   Police Commissioner Gordon can't be reached for a comment about the fate of his disgraced and disowned jailbird daughter Barbara.  A race riot errupted in front of what's left of the Wayne Family Mansion since most of the criminals Batman killed were racial minority.  Waynetech former CEO Lucius Fox is facing prison sentence for bribery charges.
Alfred Pennyworth suffered a heart attack and with Waynetech bankrupt, he had to avail himself to Obamacare for medical treatment instead.  It was the first time in his life that former butler Alfred Pennyworth was forced to vote for Barack Obama in order to keep his Obamacare treatment plan going.  The first three Gotham City hospitals refused to treat Alfred Pennyworth's heart attack ailment due to the inability to pay his medical care.  Alfred Pennyworth waited twenty years for the Republican Party to allow Obama Care to finally get started for the first time ever.  Alfred Pennyworth suffered a second heart attack as he waited patiently for gridlock in Congress to allow Obamacare to finally begin.   
In other news, with Bruce Wayne dead, Waynetech has filed for Bankruptcy and may end up being purchased by Luthorcorp.  Lex Luthor's first order of business was to take all the cash assets and sell off the rest of Waynetech.  Lex Luthor publicly claimed that he didn't purchase Waynetech just to wreck it, but with Bruce Wayne dead, there's nothing to stop him from doing so either.  The United States Government refuses to arrest and imprison Lex Luthor because Luthorcorp is too big to fail.  However, Waynetech was a company that was created for the sole purpose of being wrecked at the first sign of a hostile takeover bid.  No reason has been given for the disparity.  Luthorcorp being more important to United States Department of Defense business contracts has nothing to do with Luthorcorp being considered too big to fail.  This story will be continued tomorrow....

As the world learns to cope without Batman in the following days after his sudden death at the hands of Bane (Who also died on that day too), here are some photos of cute adorable, sexually seductive film and television actress Brea Grant.

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