Friday, July 20, 2012


There are clouds in the sky, but no rain falls.  There's a slight chill in the air, but Autumn doesn't arrive.  It's Summer, yet hot weather isn't scorching the landscape.  I should be thankful that the weather isn't so hot right now, though the temperature could rise later in the day.  It's still July and not yet August.  We're cruising past the halfway point of Summer and heading down the home stretch towards Autumn.  I'm not ready for Autumn, but Autumn arrives anyway regardless of our feelings on the matter.  Still, it's Summer right now.  And it's important to build memories of Summer to carry through the Autumn and Winter. 
Should I start a rock band?  Record an album with twenty-two songs on it.  Become really huge and popular.  Launch a television show.  Each episode will have a song from the album.  Then launch an animated cartoon with one song from the album each episode.  Then do a film remake of the Beatles film Hard Days Night again with songs from the album.  Go on tour.  Record another album with twenty-two songs on it.  Do a second season of a television show.  Each episode has a song from the album.  Do a second season of the cartoon that recycles songs from the album and television show.  Do a film remake of the Beatles film Help! that recycles songs from the television show and cartoon.  Go on tour.  I'm putting the cart before the horse.  First, I need to learn how to read musical notes.  Second, I need to learn how to play a musical instrument.  Third, I need to learn how to write songs that's worth listening to.  Fourth, I need to hire a backup band.  How about four drummers, ten lead guitar players, ten bass guitar players, ten electronic keyboard players, five saxophone players, five trombone players and a violin player.  Yes, I know that's a lot of people for a rock band.  I'm hoping to get into the Guinness Book of Worlds Records for the largest backup band ever.  If I was hoping that my rock band would have a two musicians maximum duet structure, those dreams are now dead forever with four drummers, ten lead guitar players, ten bass guitar players, ten electronic keyboard players, five saxophone players, five trombone players and a violin player.  Forty-five people isn't considered a duet anymore.  Still, it would be fun to have rock band consisting of forty-five people.  Heck, I won't be alone anymore.  I'll have forty-five symbiotic friends hanging around me all the time.  The opening credits for the Monkey's style television show might take a while with forty-five names and pictures to list in the opening credits.  Still, I always wanted to be the central focus of a television show that has a five minute long opening credit sequence.  Ah yes, that would be a lot of fun.  Fun.  Fun.  Fun.
Since I'm still unable to read musical notes, I can't sing on key and I can't play a musical instrument, I'm not even good enough for America's Got Talent, let alone do anything else beyond that.  So with that in mind, I'll fill out another job application form for minimum wage employment instead.  As I fill out another job application form, here is a photo of film actress, television actress and rock star Miley Cyrus---The daughter of country music star Billy Ray Cyrus.

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