Friday, July 20, 2012


Gentle Reader, it goes like this.  This is hypothetical and not an actual reflection of your day to day existence.  Ok, let's assume that you're twenty-four years old and possibly male.  You're going to watch The Dark Knight Rises in the movie theater in Aurora, Colorado.  I'm not sure if this was before, during or after the movie, but it dawns on you that all these people isn't in the movie theater to watch you.  All these people are in the movie theater to watch Christian Bale perform as Batman.  You're furious that Christian Bale dressed as Batman is getting more attention then you are.  Everybody in the movie theater needs to suffer because they're paying more attention to Christian Bale as Batman then to you as a cash paying customer.  So what do you do when an Englishman steals your thunder away?  Simple.  You take a gun and open fire into a crowded movie theater of people either before, during or after the Dark Knight Rises is playing in the movie screen. 
Now that you killed twenty-four people (among them was three months old child) and injured fifty more, you either ran and got arrested or you surrendered instantly.  You have yet to stand trial, but photos are available of your shooting spree before, during or after the screening of the Dark Knight Rises.  Go ahead and blame it on Batman.  Go ahead and blame it on Catwoman.  Go ahead and blame it on Bane.  Your fingerprints are still on the gun and the gun is now being held as evidence.  Now it's almost time for you to stand trial.  Will you declare guilt or innocence?  What will your lawyer say?  Anyway, the below photographs were taken after a twenty-four year old psychopath opened fire in a crowded movie theater either before, during or after a screening of the Dark Knight Rises.

Good news, the death toll has been lowered to only twelve dead bodies.  There has been two last second resurrections thanks to the magic of modern medicine.  The Dark Knight Rises movie theater shootings attacker is James Holmes.  A bomb (or rather an explosive device of some kind) was found and it didn't go off.  It wasn't enough to for James Holmes to shoot people before, during or after a screening of the Dark Knight Rises, but he needed to blow up the movie theater too.   James Holmes claimed to have bombs planted in the apartment complex where he lives.  While the the truth of the claim hasn't been verified, the building was evacuated and placed under lockdown anyway.  One witness claimed that James Holmes was dressed like Bane when he opened fire before, during or after the screening of the Dark Knight Rises.
Police search a car for explosives left behind by James Holmes.

Police search James Holmes' apartment complex for bombs. 

Police, Federal Bureau of Investigation agents and news media reporters gather outside the home of Arlene Holmes, mother of The Dark Knight Rises movie theater mass murderer James Holmes.

Tom Sullivan is afraid that his son Alex Sullivan was killed by James Holmes in the Dark Knight Rises Movie Theater shooting attack.  The Dark Knight Rises mass murderer James Holmes may end up being at the receiving end of Tom Sullivan's rage.

President Barack Obama talking about the Dark Knight Rises shooting attack in a press conferance earlier today.
President Barack Obama expressed that he was "shocked and saddened" by the Dark Knight Rises movie theater mass murder shooting attacks launched by James Holmes.  To be more exact, President Obama said, "Michelle and I are shocked and saddened by the horrific and tragic shooting in Colorado. Federal and local law enforcement are still responding, and my administration will do everything that we can to support the people of Aurora in this extraordinarily difficult time. We are committed to bringing whoever was responsible to justice, ensuring the safety of our people, and caring for those who have been wounded."  President Barack Obama was told about the incident by assistant for Homeland Security and Counter terrorism John Brennan today at  5:26am.   Republican Party Candidate for President of the United States Mitt Romney was, "deeply saddened by the news of the senseless violence."
I've read from one internet source that James Holmes tossed tear gas (which he purchased from an unknown source) into the crowded movie theater.  James Holmes then opened fire live ammo bullets into the crowd killing twelve people and injuring fifty more.  One internet source said that James Holmes was dressed like the comic book villain Bane while tossing tear gas and firing bullets into a crowd of innocent movie theater customers.  Perhaps James Holmes thought that innocent people needed to die for real in order for fictional Batman films to move to the next level of fictional storytelling.  James Holmes inability to tell the difference between fictional Batman film stories from reality might be the cause of the scary outburst of unprovoked violence against innocent people just for laughs.  Gentle Reader, let's hope that wasn't the case earlier this morning. 
Here is a photo of (Possibly comic book addicted) movie theater mass murdering psycho James Holmes.
When James Holmes (The above photograph is what he looks like) isn't busy shooting innocent people with bullets and tear gas in a movie theater, he's a college student at University of Colorado medical center.  Up until recently, James Holmes was working towards a PHD in neuroscience.  The fact that James Holmes was working towards a medical career that's linked to psychiatry is ironic since attacking innocent people with tear gas, shooting innocent people with bullets in a movie theater is considered to be the act of a homicidal maniac.  James Holmes is currently being investigated by the police and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.  No link to Middle Eastern terrorism has been found in James Holmes background---Yet. 
The one bright spot in this dark tragedy is that the three month year old isn't dead, but survived bullet wounds and will live long enough to be a one year old child.

James Holmes is going to need a really good defense lawyer, but it won't do him any good.  Too many people have witnessed his The Dark Knight Rises movie theater shooting mass murder attack.

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