Monday, July 9, 2012


Sometimes headphones a comformtable to be wearing.  Sometimes headphones isn't comfortable to be wearing.  It depends on the headphones.  The headphones that I'm wearing right now isn't comfortable, but it's servicable.  One of the benefits to using the Internet to fill out online job application forms is the opportunity to play music while filling out the job application form.  Of course, it also helps to use headphones so that nobody else in the Brunswick Public Library hears the Pat Benatar music being played.  Headphones makes it easy to watch movies or listen to music without the rest of the room, house or building being an audience (and possible critic) to whatever I'm watching or listening.  Then comes the question, if what I'm listening to or watching is worth listening to or worth watching, then why the secrecy?  My taste in music and films isn't necessarily the same taste in music and films to somebody else.  My interest in Internet blogging isn't necessarily the same as somebody else.  I still believe that I can blog without driving away potential employers.  Time will tell if such a claim turns out to be true.  Hey, at least my skills in typing without looking at the typewriter keys can be put to good use.
As I fill out another job application form, here are some photos of professional golf athlete Michelle Wie.

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