Friday, July 13, 2012


Fairuza Balk has been working non-stop since 1983, but most people don't know who she is.  She played Dorthy Gale in the often forgotten film Return to Oz.  She was Aissa,  the evil feme fatal taking orders from Marlon Brando in the Island of Dr. Moreau.  She was Lucinda when she was busy learning about Things To Do in Denver When You're Dead.  The fictional character she played, Nancy Downs, tossed Skeet Ulrich out of a window and smashed his skull across the concrete below in the Craft.  She played Cecile in the film Valmont (A reworking of Les Dangerous Liasons).  She was named Vicki Vallencourt and made out with Adam Sandler in the Waterboy.  Yes Gentle Reader, I'm just as baffled as you are as to why Adam Sandler is still working in Hollywood.  Yes, Rein Over Me was good, but most of his other films are garbage.  Anyway, I always enjoyed Fairuza Balk.  Not only is she sexually seductive, she normally gives a fantastic performance---Even when the film she's starring (Or playing a supporting role in) is falling apart around her.  With luck, she's be a household name.  Until then Gentle Reader, Fairuza Balk will remain our hidden secret living within Hollywood.

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