Monday, July 23, 2012


Today is Monday.  Or rather, today is what's left of Monday.  Yes, the time on this blog entry is wrong.  It's actually 6:27 when I wrote this down.  I tried to fix the time on these blog entries, but it never works out as planned.  So I just learned to post these blog entries with the wrong time on the blog entries.  I just ate dinner.  I ate chicken, rice, corn and a glass of water.  I did some job hunting on the Internet.  I even found some time to swim in the outdoor swimming pool near my Mom's house that I'm staying at.  Ok, it was a quick one hour long swim, but I got some exercise.  I enjoy swimming.  I enjoy swimming pools.  I enjoy swimming in a swimming pool.  Swimming pools are fantastic when the weather is hot (Such as today).  Though I enjoy air conditioning too, swimming in the swimming pool is a fantastic way to beat the heat.  I know the Summer weather won't last forever.  However, I'm enjoying the near tropical weather while it lasts because it all goes away when Winter comes around.  I'm not looking forward to Winter, but it's not here yet.  Right now it's Summer and I'm enjoying the fantastic amazing weather for all it's worth.

As I fill out another job application form, here are some photos of sexually seductive film actress Marion Cotillard.

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