Friday, July 27, 2012


Gentle Reader, can you imagine trying to live on a planet that doesn't have the sun hanging above in the sky?  Can you imagine living on a planet that doesn't have the clear blue sky?  It's thankful that we don't have to worry about living on such a world.  The Earth's moon does have the sun in the sky, but the Earth's moon is incapable of having the clear blue sky.  And when the sun does emerge above the sky on the Earth's moon, the head is so extreme, that everybody above ground will die.  And thus the sun isn't so friendly on the Earth's Moon.  We'll be forced to dig caves and hide underground from the sun and only emerge when night falls upon the land.  Gentle Reader, we're thankful that the sun is our friend back on Earth.  We don't have to run and hide.  And to that, I'm glad we have the sun to be our friend on Earth and someday the sun will be our friend on the Earth's Moon too.  Though I'm not sure how to solve the problem of giving an atmosphere to the Moon.  I guess I'm thankful that it's not my problem to solve. 

As I ponder the existance of the Sun, here are some photos of rock star (And former lead guitar player for the rock band Hole) Melissa Van Der Maur.

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