Saturday, August 11, 2012


Gentle Reader, can you imagine what life was like before ice cream was invented?  Neither do I.  Of course, ice cream became much more interesting AFTER the invention of reliable refrigeration.  So how did ice cream got invented?  I'm glad you asked that question Gentle Reader.  The first ice cream was invented by the Ancient Persian Empire (Currently known as Iran) poured grape juice over snow. Yes, the Persians (Currently living in Iran) actually has access to snow. Don't ask. Just nod your head and go along with it. People in the Middle East eventually replaced snow with milk. Anyway, China reportedly made and served sorbets and ice cream by mixing snow with Niter in a special device a certain way in a special device.  Marco Polo learned how to make ice cream from the Kublai Khan  and gave the recipe to the Italians.  Ice cream spread from Italy to both France and England.  French monarch Catherine de' Medici  and English monarch King Charles I imported the recipe from Italy to their respective countries.  It was from both England and Frace that the recipe for ice cream spread to the United States of America starting when it was called the Thirteen Colonies.
As I'm lost in thought about ice cream, here are some photos of rock star Laura Jansen.

Jaura Jansen and Butter Boucher
Laura Jansen and Kimbra Lee Johnson
Elizabeth Ziman (Lead singer of the rock band Elizabeth and the Catapult) and Laura Jansen
Lindsey Ray, Beth Thornley, Sara Bareilles and Laura Jansen

Sara Bareilles and Laura Jansen

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