Tuesday, August 28, 2012


It's a bit disappointing that Hurricane Isaac didn't rain out the second day of the Republican National Convention.  I was praying to GOD all night and all my prayers wasn't answered.  Darn.  I mean, come on, Hurricane Isaac is a Category One Hurricane that's almost the size of Texas.  Surely that's worth canceling the Republican National Convention FOR THE REST OF BOTH THIS MONTH AND NEXT MONTH TOO.  What's that Gentle Reader?  Mitt Romney has to be nominated as the official candidate of the Conservative Republican Party?  Oh alright, if you insist.  I guess we have to get the misery of seeing Mitt Romney becoming the official candidate of the Conservative Republican Party over with.  Once the anguish of the Conservative Republican Party is behind us, then we have the fun and excitement of President Barack Obama becoming the official candidate of the Liberal Democrat party for the second time.  Yay.  There's hope for humanity.  Meanwhile, we get to see news reports of Hurricane Isaac tearing apart the entire Gulf of Mexico region (Mostly New Orleans, Louisiana) existing side by side with news reports of the Conservative Republican Convention.  I know the death toll and the property damage resulting from Hurricane Isaac will be catastrophic and I don't really want to make light of the carnage.  Don't worry.  President Barack Obama will save the day when he flies down to help with the post Hurricane Isaac clean up efforts.
Here are some photos of rock star Ellie Goulding.


Katy Perry and Ellie Goulding

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