Sunday, August 26, 2012


Gentle Reader, there is one truth that both of us can agree on.  Oh yes, we might hide behind illusion that the impossible can happen with magic words, magic potions and magic rituals.  Come on, we're only kidding ourselves.  We can't stop the aging process.  We can't stop seconds from turning into minutes.  Nor can we stop the minutes from turning into hours.  Nor can we stop the hours from turning into days.  Nor can we stop days from turning into weeks and then turning into months which evolve into years.  Nor can we stop years from evolving into decades.  Before you know it, close to fifty years have gone by and the world that we remember to be the genuine world has faded into dust to be replaced by a new, different scary (Meaning not really scary, but rather way too different for comfort) world that we're now permenently stuck with.  For those who isn't aware of this yet, the 1950's has long been gone and faded into memory.  We may try to fight against the new generation replacing the 1950's generation, but change and evolution will happen anyway.  Likewise, there will come a time when the 1980's become just as faded and dust covered as the 1950's generation, though we're still a long way off before that ever happens (I'll give it sixty-six to seventy more years).  Take the cast of the late 1970's to 1980's era television show The Facts of Life for instance.
Charlotte Rae (Edna Garrett)
Chloris Leachman (Beverly Ann Stickle)
Lisa Whelchel (Blair Warner)
Nancy McKeon (Jo Polniaczek)
Kim Fields (Tootie Ramsey)
Mindy Cohn (Nattalie Green)
Mackenzie Astin (Andy Moffett)
Molly Ringwald (Molly Parker)
Time changes everybody eventually.  And we all hope that we all end up changing for the better.  However, we can't stop time from advancing.  We can't stop society from changing and evolving.  The best thing we can hope for is that the world will remember each and every one of us as having made a positive contribution in the world in the brief time that we were a part of it.

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