Sunday, August 26, 2012


Gentle Reader, you may be surprised (or not surprised) that I never write anything with an outline.  Oh sure, I tried to writing the ending first and then wrote the begining and the middle in hopes that I'll end up right back to the end of the story.  However, my knack for making stuff up as I go along kept getting in the way.  Then I had to write a brand new ending because the start and the middle always ended up taking a severely different path then when I originally intended.  I always work best without an outline or an organized plan when it comes to writing.  However, when it comes to life there's a stronger tendency to have an organized plan.  Making stuff as I go along might work for literature where I can control all the variables and factors.  Making stuff up as I go along doesn't work in real life where other people control some (Or often most and in other times all of) the variables.  In that regard, going through life blindly won't work at all.  I need a flashlight (as in an organized plan) to illuminate the way.  I have strong optimism that I will succeed, but I can't live on strong optimism alone.  I need to have a strong desire to succeed too.  Because having strong optimism, but not having a strong desire to succeed is just living in fantasy land.
Here are some photos of film and television actress Summer Glau.



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