Wednesday, August 15, 2012


So what happens to an Olympic Village once the Olympics has done.  This city has built this giant collesium, several smaller gyms, a few dormitory buildings and playing fields to be used for only two weeks.  Here comes the media.  Here comes the rich and powerful.  Here comes every significant politician on Earth.  Chat.  Chat.  Chat.  How are you doing.  I'm fine.  How are you doing.  It's all for a good cause.  We're promoting unity between all countries.  You walk in only with your countrymen and you end up two weeks later wandering around aimlessly with everybody in sight regardless of national orgin.  You see.  You just made friends with somebody from North Korea and Syria because the Olympics is about throwing down borders between countries.  Yeah right.  As if an American Athlete is actually going to walk side by side with somebody from North Korea and somebody from Syria without a fist fight breaking out.  Yes, I know that somebody from North Korea and somebody from Syria (Biologically related to Bashar Assad no doubt) is just six inches away and somebody from America has a huge urge to punch the S*** out of him for his political loyalties.  Be calm.  We're still on television.  We can still jump the creep in the parking lot.   
Still, it's for a good cause.  Put on a rock show for countries that actually produced some really good rock stars.  Russia (Winter Olympics 2014) only has Mila Jovovich and Tatu.  Brazil (Summer Olympics 2016) only has Pele.  Dim the lights.  Everybody not from the host country goes home.  Now you have a collesium that isn't oval enough for football and too round for baseball.  You got a brand new community swimming pool with a diving board too high up for any ordinary human being to use without breaking every single bone in his/her body.  Plus your brand new community swimming pool is surrounded by enough chairs to fill up the Cleveland Caveliers stadium and then some.  You won't need all those chairs anymore, but you're stuck with them anyway.  Hey, anybody need some exercise?  We built these expensive gymns to be used for only two weeks maximum and now we have no idea what to use them for since the Olympic Games is going somewhere else forever.  Gosh darn the luck.  So that's why the Olympic Village in China is already starting to rot away after only four years of neglect. 
Anyway, here are some photos of Suzanne Vega and Sarah McLachlan.

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