Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Gentle Reader, there's something that I noticed today.  Yes, it's true.  The world is calm out here.  In the film Back to the Future Part II, there was supposed to be flying cars, hologram movies playing in movie theaters, instant court room cases without lawyers and artificial computer control over the weather.  Well, it's the year 2012 and none of those things has arrived yet.  We're not even vaguely close to the high tech state of the art ovens that were used in the 2015 era kitchens in Back to the Future Part Two.  Where are the flying highways that exist high above us in the sky for the flying cars to travel across?  The prediction of electric cars or part gasoline and part electric cars isn't even vaguely close to cars that run only on trash can garbage.  Yes, it's calm.  The future as predicted in Back to the Future Part Two never happened.  Evil gambling books from the year 2015 which is only three years away from now, won't travel backwards to 1955 to turn 1985 into heck on Earth.  In fact, the year 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 is almost exactly like the year 1985.  Yes, the presence of desk top computers makes the years 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 nowhere near 1955.  And few corporations fire people by fax anymore.  Text messaging and smart phones (Not used in Back to the Future Part Two) is the way to go for multi-trillion dollar corporations.  Still, if anybody wants to do Back to the Future Part IV, I won't mind a visit back to the sideways world version of 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 as briefly glimpsed in Back to the Future Part Two once again.
Even if Michael J. Fox isn't suffering from Parkinsons disease, Back to the Future Part IV would be in big trouble.  Without flying cars, flying highways, shoes that lace up themselves, gambling statistics books with 1985 destroying death curse and flying skateboards, a crucial part of Back to the Future Part II is damaged.  Because the Back to the Future Part Two version of 2015 has now become a sideways world, somebody even bigger and deadlier than 1955 version of Biff Tannen would need to be created.  Gentle Reader, you know that's true.
Gentle Reader, keep in mind that we're only eighteen years away from 2030.  Why should you care?  Because the film Terminator Salvation is set in the year 2030.  All three versions of time traveling (One evil and two super-hero) originated from 2030.  A super-hero time travel human and two evil killer cyborgs (And we're not even talking about both seasons of Terminator:  The Sarah Connor Chronicles yet) also came from the year 2030.  The whole point for the Terminator film and television series is based upont he concept that the killer cyborgs are unreasonably successful in everything they do---Including making sure that their version of the year 2030 came true.  Now what would happen if the year 2030 arrived eighteen years from now and it's exactly the same as the world we're living in right now.  Then all four Terminator films and both seasons of the Terminator television show are now stuck in sideways world.  In order for more Terminator film and television products to be made, a Terminator assasin even deadlier than Arnold Schwarzeneger's 2030 based killer cyborg character would have to be created. 
We're seeing the future unfold before us and it's nothing like it's depicted in the movies. 
While I'm lost in thought between sideways world version of 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 in Back to the Future Part Two and the genuine version of 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, here are some photos of fashion designer, actress and rock star Victoria Beckham.  Victoria Beckham's biggest claim to fame is that she's a member of the rock group the Spice Girls.  Victoria Beckham's Spice Girls rock group nickname is Posh Spice.  If Posh Spice is your favorite Spice Girl, then the following photograph gallary will be enjoyable.

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