Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Gentle Reader, can you catch people in a butterfly net?  Do they make butterfly nets that are large enough to catch a person.  And if a person was caught in a butterfly net, what do you do with them next.  You can't pin a person's wings to a piece of Styrofoam.  You can't set that person free because they would tell the authorities what you did.  Well, if you were smart, you won't attempt to catch a person in a butterfly net.  You certainly won't do a happy dance after catching a person in a butterfly net.  You won't attempt to catch as many people in your butterfly net as possible.  Rather, you would aspire never to catch a single person in your butterfly net.  Be nice to other people.  Be friendly to other people.  Treat other people as you would like to see yourself treated.  And never provoke a fight with anybody else.  If your honor is threatened, turn the other way and never offer a cross word in response.  If you say a cross word, then your attacker will try to best you in the game of one upmanship.  Then you will try to best your attacker in the game of one upmanship.  And then the war escalates until the community is ruined and anarchy rules supreme.  It's best to put away your butterfly net and treat everybody with decency and humanity. 
Here is photos of Kristin Hersh---Rock star of solo albums, lead singer of Throwing Muses and lead singer of 50 Foot Wave.




Kristin Hersh with Tanya Donelly

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