Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Gentle Reader, if your going to catch butterflies in your butterfly net, make sure your in a field that actually has butterflies in it.  Make sure your conscious can handle catching butterflies in your butterfly net.  Make sure the butterflies can't cut through your butterfly net or attack in self defence.  Since most butterflies don't have the capacity to either cut through butterfly nets or fight back in self defence, you have nothing to worry about attacking anger filled butterflies.  Most butterflies are peaceful and non-violent creatures who flies around and allow the butterfly net to be drawn around them.  Most butterflies still isn't aware what a butterfly net actually is and what butterfly nets normally lead to.  you'll never see butterflies fly away in fear from an advancing butterfly net.  Gentle Reader, that doesn't mean that you should hunt down and kill butterflies because they're incapable of defending themselves.  Rather, the fact that butterflies can't identify a butterfly net means that you should work harder to defend the butterflies because they're depending on your wise, gentle and generous leadership to give butterflies the leadership and guidence that they can't give themselves.  Because we have to share the planet with all the butterflies, we must leave in unity and harmony with those peaceful flying creatures of such amazing beauty and grace.
Here are some photos of Tanya Donelly---Member of the rock band Throwing Muses, member of the rock band the Breeders, leader singer of the rock band Belly and rock star of solo albums.


Kristin Hersh and Tanya Donelly

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