Wednesday, September 12, 2012


She was born Josephine Miranda Cordelia Susan Wiggs, but she is mostly known only as Josephine Wiggs because it takes less time to address her as.  She plays bass guitar, guitar, drums, cello and she sings really good too.  She started off as a multi-instrument player who assisted, but never led on the rock band The Perfect Disaster lead by Phil Parfitt.  Josephone Wiggs wasn't part of the Perfect Disaster when it was first known as Orange Disaster and The Architects of Disaster and she left before the band started to fall apart forever.  She was only there for the middle portion of Phill Parfitt's career.  Without any hope of continuing her career as Phil Parfitt's mostly mute sidekick, Josphine Wiggs briefly joined the Kim and Kelly Deal for the Breeders on only two albums which brought her in contact with Tanya Donnely for Tanya Donelly for only one album entitled Safari.  She also collaborated with A Perfect Disaster drummer Jon Mattock for a duet style band with Josephine Wiggs singing lead.  The duet was first known as Honey Tongue before changing it's name to the Josphine Wiggs Experience.  Josephine Wiggs playing on both the Breeders and Honey Tongue/the Josephine Wiggs Experience simultaneously had it's toll and she left both projects to explore something new and different.  Josephine Wiggs collaborated with former Beastie Boys Drummer and Luscious Jackson's drummer Kate Schellenbach on two albums.  The first of two albums, the Kim's We Love is an homage to both Kim Deal and Kim Gordon.  Josephine Wiggs joined forces with Luscious Jackson again with three out of four members of the group, Kate Schellenbach,  Jill Cunniff and Vivian Trimble on what amounts to a Luscious Jackson album without Gabby Glaser.  The collaboration of Josephine Wiggs along with Kate Schellenbach, Jill Cunniff and Vivian Trimble resulted in a band called Dusty Trails.  When Dusty Trails broke up after one album, Josphine Wiggs is busy planning her next entertainment industry project.


(Clockwise) Identical twins Kim Deal, Kelley Deal, Josphine Wiggs and Jim Macpherson

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