Saturday, September 8, 2012


Gentle Reader, I woke up to rain.  It was still raining up until a few seconds ago.  And as I type out this sentence, I live with the fact that more rain could easily fall without warning today.  From Thursday this week to today, there was always the chance for rain.  I'm not sure if rain is predicted to fall tomorow since I didn't read the weather report yet.  Yes, I know I that I don't need the newspaper (Which isn't delivered often) to check the weather since I could always look it up on the Internet.  Still, I've grown so accustomed to getting the weather from the newspaper, that I forget that I could get such information from the Internet as well.  Oh how I wish there was a thing as the Internet when I was attending high school.  Laptop computers was still a brand new novelty as evidence by the prevelence of the no longer in circulation Apple IIe (Which I made frequent use of back when I attended high school in the 1980's).  Times has changed and technoogy changed with the times.  Yet, I'm not sure if it will rain again today.  It's better to be safe and bring an umbrella just in case.
Here are some photos of film and television actress Hayden Panettiere.

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