Friday, September 7, 2012


There are clouds above the sky.  It might rain again.  I don't have a rain coat nor do i have an umbrella.  And yet it might rain despite my state of being unprepared.  And if it should rain, then I shall run quickly through the raindrops.  I'm not afraid of the rain.  However, I would rather keep my clothes dry if it's possible.  Is this still part of the soon to be departed Hurricane Isaac still banging around the Gulf of Mexico region of the United States?  Is the possiblity of rain related to something else?  I'm not sure.  I'm not an expert in weather and there's no way for me to figure out except to inquire through yahoo.  At any rate, it might rain and it might not rain.  However, rain is needed to keep the planet alive.  Rain is as much a part of life as dry weather.  And there are drought afflicted of the globe that wishes they had a tiny portion of the hurricane rain---Not all of it, just a small portion of it. 
Here are some photos of Letters to Cleo lead singer Kathleen Marie Hanley aka Kay Hanley.





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