Friday, September 7, 2012


Gentle Reader, I know that you've been in this type of situation previously.  A friend of yours keeps bragging about how much he or she enjoys watching this movies.  And you pretend to appreciate that film too through gritted teeth because you secretly hate the film and you're only pretending to like the film for the sake of friendship.  And if there was this remote control unit that would disrupt film sequel negotiations without ever having any links whatsoever to the entertainment industry, you would use such an unrealistic device without hesitation---If you can get away with it without anybody knowing about it.  Would you do such a thing if your involvement in ruining film sequel negotiations through remote control were discovered?
Yes, Gentle Reader, an actual human being can't disrupt a film sequel negotiation deal simply by wishing it away.  There are issues about the quality of the script.  There are issues about if the actors and/or actresses are available.  There are issues about if the actors and/or actresses wants their fictional character to take the path as mandated by the film sequel.  There are issues about who will direct the film.  There are issues about financing.  There are issues about who will distribute the film.  Any one of those factors could end a film sequel no matter what bizarre weird rituals you might use to save your favorite multi-film sequel franchise alive.  In the end, the best way to keep your favorite multi-film series alive is to watch the film and tell your friends how much you enjoy the product.  In the end, the maximum number of profits is what's needed to guarantee another film sequel more than any other perceived and ultimately unrelated factor.
 Here are some  photos of British film actress Emma Watson.


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