Thursday, September 13, 2012


I was born on February 15, 1968.  That was almost forty-four years ago.  I've been alive throughout the entire 1970's, the entire 1980's, the entire 1990's, the entire 2000's and beyond.  I've been living in the state of Ohio since 1990.  Originally, a resident of Columbus, Ohio, I've been a resident of Cleveland, Ohio since April 2009.  And as I'm typing this blog entry, we are getting ready towards the countdown before  Christmas Day return and later New Years Day.  Gentle Reader, I'm not sure if I'm ready for snow to return, but we both know that we're getting closer and closer to Winter anyway.  If this is what Indian Summer is like, then I'm really enjoying it.  And so since I was born on February 15, 1968, I'll turn 100 years old on 2068.  That's exactly sixty-six years from now.  I don't mind taking the slow route to 2068.  I'm optimistic enought to believe that my life will improve more and more with each progressive year.
Here are some photos of rock star Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson aka Katy Hudson aka Katy Perry.







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