Thursday, September 13, 2012


Juliet Landau is the daughter of legendary actor Martin Landau (Not the Tome Cruise edition, but the classic original version of Mission Impossible.  His character was named Rollin Hand.  He also acted in a long string of movies starting in 1959 to current.) and Barbara Bain (Another cast member of the classic original version of Mission Impossible.  She played Cinnamon Carter).  Catching the acting bug herself, Juliet Landau's biggest claim to fame was playing Drusilla, the twenty-two episode challenge du-jour for the second season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and seven episodes of Angel (Technically, her character never actually died at the end of the second season of Buffy, The Vampire Slayer so she was free to show up on the Buffy the Vampire Slayer spin-off series Angel too.  Then Drusilla got set aflame and then only showed up in flashbacks from that point onwards.  Ooops).  Juliet Landau have been working steadily since 1990 and rarely slowed down.  Juliet is probably busy filming her next movie role right now.


1 comment:

  1. Juliet Landau is one of the most perfectly beautiful cover girl model of a lady in every way. She is a great perfectly beautiful very talented actress too
