Friday, September 14, 2012


Coffee taste better than alcohol.  Well, actually it's a comparison between a beverage that taste slightly bitter (Coffee) and a beverage that taste sour (Alcohol).  In my opinion, the bitter taste of coffee is much better than the sour taste of alcohol.  And with regards to the sour taste of alcohol, wine always tasted better than beer.  Though I try to avoid alcohol whenever possible.  What's the point in drinking alcohol if it...
1.  Dehydrates the body of much needed water and thus doesn't work as a third quenching beverage.
2.  You can't drink too much of it without getting drunk.
3.  Anything that causes memory loss simply doesn't work.
Anyway, I prefer the bitter taste of coffee over the sour taste of alcohol.  It's nothing against the alcohol production industry.  I simply want to stay sober as long as possible.
Here are some photos of film actress and rock star Joanna "JoJo" Levesque.









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