Thursday, September 6, 2012


We live in a world without any miracles, accurate future predicting prophesies or even any Prophets of GOD to make such Future Predicting Prophesies.  We don't even have any Temporary Decoy Prophets of GOD.  Though what's the point in having a Temporary Decoy Prophet of GOD if the whole point for having a Prophet of GOD is to make an accurate Future Predicting Prophesy.  And it's safe to assume that nobody in the Ancient Biblical Era actually could make an actual Future Predicting Prophesy.  Any notions of miracles or Future Predicting Prophesies are the result of traveling storytellers trying to outdo themselves with fictional embellishments to some rather routine biographies.  And without any reliable biographical resources, the half fictional biographies is all that we got to go on.  Though I doubt that anybody could actually hit a rock with a large wooden stick and cause water to come out of it.  There would be no drought in the Middle East anymore if such a lake pouring out of solid waterless rock was actually possible (Read about it in the Five Books of Moses).   Look at it this way.  The Ancient Biblical Era had to survive without science.  So if there was a sudden flood, hire a Prophet of GOD to demand lots of prayer to end the troubles because science isn't the reason.  If there was a draught, hire a Prophet of GOD to cast a prediction of the future and pray for rain because science isn't the reason.  When we discovered science, prehistoric rain dances performed by Prophets of GOD (As a variation of the Medicine Man) was no longer needed because humanity outgrew such needs.  So I guess we'll have to survive another day without either a Prophet of GOD or even a Temporary Decoy Prophet of GOD (If such a thing ever existed).  Gentle Reader, I guess you have to rely and think for yourself instead.
Here are some photos of film actress, television actress and rock star Miley Cyrus.

Miley Cyrus and Kathy Griffin

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