Wednesday, September 5, 2012


I watched Former President of the United States Bill Clinton make a powerful and inspirational speech at the Liberal Democratic Party National Convention in support of Current President of the United States Barack Obama.  Everything that Former President Bill Clinton said was 100% true.  Yes, the United States of America is in trouble.  Only the Liberal Democratic Party can save it.  We can keep purchasing brand new wars to fight in the Middle East or we can invest the money to saving the country.  We can't do both.  Yes, I know the Middle East is a non-stop quicksand of non-stop wars.  However, we're talking about a region that's been waging wars non-stop since the Ancient Biblical era.  I don't want to sound cold, I enjoy watching Middle Eastern dictators go down in blood, but the United States needs to take care of it's own citizens too.  The Conservative Republican Party will lead the United States down a darker path where people who can least afford to save the United States will be needing to financially support the Government.  The wealthy needs to pay their fair share of the financial burden.  I'm not saying that the wealthy isn't allowed to be wealthy.  I'm saying that having the Middle Class bare most of the financial burden instead of the wealthy isn't the best way to save the United States.  Anyway, that's my opinion after watching Former President of the United States Bill Clinton in support of Current President of the United States Barack Obama just before midnight (The time on this blog entry is three hours early).
Here are some photos of film actress Hailee Steinfeld.


Keira Knightley (The daughter of film actor Will Knightly and writer and film actress Sharman Macdonald) and Hailee Stienfeld

Taylor Swift and Hailee Steinfeld

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