Thursday, September 27, 2012


It's safe to assume that it's too cold outside to swim outdoors in Cleveland, Ohio.  It's possible to swim outdoors around this time in California.  It's possible to swim indoors around this time in Cleveland, Ohio.  However, it's too cold to swim outdoors around this time here in Cleveland.  It's not Winter type of cold.  It's more of a needing to wear a light jacket type of cold.  It probably was closer to Summer in California when Lucy Liu did these photographs though.  However, even if Lucy Liu were to shoot these photographs right now, she's probably wealthy enough to voluntarily choose where to live without apology or guilt.  She could pack up and move to Paris, France on the drop of a dime if she wanted to.  However, since she's now playing the sidekick role (She plays Dr. Joan Watson) in the New Sherlock Holmes series entitled Elementary (Based on novels by Sir Arthur Connon Doyle), it probably won't be a good idea for Lucy Liu to head off to Paris, France because she now has a television show commitment that she's legally responsible for.

Does anybody remember the Lipstick Jungle carbon copy clone replica show Cashmere Mafia?  No?  That's ok, nobody else remembers that show either.  That sad hapless television show got canceled after only seven episodes (But still got released on digital video disk anyway).  It's sad when promising television shows got canceled way too early.  Gentle Reader, we can spend hours debating what lead to Cashmere Mafia getting canceled after only seven episodes (Rumor has it that a McDonalds Restaurant employee in Trenton, New Jersey got Cashmere Mafia canceled after only seven episodes because he was impotent and didn't know how to masturbate.  There is no proof of that rumor and it's only a world's most popular urban legend).  Though it's safe to assume that the producers, cast and crew for the Sir Arthur Connon Doyle written police procedure cop show Elementary is doing a happy dance since Lucy Liu is now available to work for them instead of Cashmere Mafia.

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