Saturday, September 22, 2012


Gentle Reader, daytime is no longer with us.  Night has arrived.  And as I type these words, the hours, minutes and seconds tick closer towards midnight.  Nothing happens at midnight except the arrival of a new day.  And thus is the cycle of life.  The end of one day always leads towards the start of a new day.  And the rain hasn't fallen for the rest of the evening.  What little rain has been seen was only for a few hours.  Yes, nature has offered food to all the fish, ducks and the plants.  And we are all lucky to have the chance to enjoy rain.  And so it's night.  I'm not sure if it's possible to see the stars tonight.  For starters, it's still cold outside.  Second, there might still be rain clouds.  Though I'm confident that there are stars above the rain clouds (If such items are above the Earth).  And the stars, the moon and all the planets in the heavens above will always shine brightly no matter the weather. 
Here are some photos of film actress Angelina Jolie.




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