Saturday, September 22, 2012


But first, I'm going to get some rest.  And when I wake up, it will be morning.  I'll be eating breakfast in a few hours.  I'll be getting ready for a brand new day in a few hours.  But not yet.  Gentle Reader, we shall enjoy the night while it's still here.  For the night will only be with us for a few hours and then it will be gone in favor of the day.  The day always replaces the night the same way the night always replaces the day.  That's the cycle of life and we're all elements of nature's grand design.  It's not humanity's role to dominate and rule over nature, but it's humanity's role to understand nature's grand design and work within it's system.  Because humanity is only on Earth for a short time and nature is going to be around forever. 
Here are some photos of Demi Moore (Originally born under the name Demi Guynes).

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