Sunday, September 23, 2012


Jessica Stroup was a film and television actress who's used to getting her own way with everything.  Nothing was ever denied to her---Until now.
JESSICA STROUP:  What do you mean that you're going to shut off my electricity?  I paid my electricity bill nine years in advance.  There's no way you could justify shutting off my electricity.
ELECTRICITY COMPANY TECHNICIAN:  I can shut off your electricity and I will.  All you need to get your electrcity restored is to have sex with me.  Just be as sexy as possible and you can get all the electricity you want.
JESSICA STROUP:  You can't get away with it.
ELECTRICITY COMPANY TECHNICIAN:  I can get away with it and I will because I work for an unspecified Evil Country that's seconds away from overthrowing the United States Government.  And you know I can get away with this because I wear a weird circle shaped symbol on my work uniform.  Now strip to your underwear and be sexy.  Your electricity is at stake.
And just when Jessica Stroup was about to obey, somebody ran past and screamed.
JESSICA STROUP (Opening a window and yelling out at the guy below her:  What do you want.
GUY BELOW JESSICA STROUP'S APARTMENT:  Come with me if you want to live.
JESSICA STROUP:  Sorry, but I guess I'm going to exist without electricty.  Sorry.
Jessica Stroup races for her life out of her apartment to join the guy below.  Jessica Stroup and her guy buddy have been living as homeless vagrants ever since.

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