Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Sasha Cohen slowly got out of the swimming pool. He was waiting for three guys to meet him at the swimming pool, but only a girl showed up instead.  Sasha smiled as she walked towards him.
Sasha said, "It's great to see you here.  Now that we're finally in the same room together, what should be our next activity together."
Ice Skating Lad said, "We should fight to the death until you die."
Sasha said, "That's hardly the sort of activity that I would engage in."
He punched Sasha and she doubled over in pain.  The nubile sexually seductive teenage girl fell to the ground in a crumpled heap.
Sasha rolled from her stomach to her back.  She looked upwards at Ice Skating Lad as he approached the bikini clad girl.  He waited too long to deliver the final killing blow and that gave the doomed girl the chance to recover.
Sasha changed to her street clothing before approaching her victimizer.  She punched him with a smile on her face.
Sasha said, "Most guys would chose to make out with me when I ask what we should do together.  Only an asshole like you would attempt to kill me."
Ice Skating Lad said, "You and I both know that the only way to punish you for your crimes is to murder you.  Why make it difficult for the two of us?"
He punched Sasha Cohen two more times.  Sasha doubled over in pain much to his delight.
Sasha fell backwards to the ground as he walked towards the girl.
 Sasha picked him before she stood up.  He fell to the ground as she walked away from her victimizer.  He lost track of Sasha as he slowly rose to his feet.  His quest to find and kill Sasha Cohen lead him away from the Public Swimming Pool and towards Kimmie Meissner.  Only he had no idea that Kimmie was in the area.  And she was overflowing with happiness that he was unaware of her presence behind him. 
 Kimmie Meissner followed Ice Skating Lad for quite a bit until he finally noticed that a teenage girl was following him.  And when a teenage girl was following him, it meant only one thing.  It meant that the Dandelion Girls has sent another teenage girl assassin to murder him.  Which means, that he must murder Kimmie before she succeeds in killing him.  And he started looking behind him periodically to make sure that Kimmie was still following him.  And when she realized that he finally noticed her presence, she smiled back in return.  He finally turned around to face the girl.
Ice Skating Lad said, "Hello young lady, I've heard about you.  So I get to be the one to murder you."
Kimmie replied, "You wish you had the chance to kill me."
Ice Skating Lad said, "Actually, the chance to kill you has always been a dream of mine.  So here we are.  You and I facing each other.  What are we going to do about it?"
Kimmie said, "I'll let you throw the first blow against me."
 Kimmie braced herself before he punched her in the stomach.  The cute nubile sexually seductive teenage girl doubled over in pain before she fell to the floor in a crumpled heap.  She tried to stand up only to be kicked in the stomach causing her to crash to the ground yet again.
 He failed to check for a pulse.  And perhaps he should've because Kimmie was only pretending to be dead.  He turned around and started to walk away from Kimmie as she lying down prone and unmoving on the ground form.  She checked to see if the coast was clear.  She stood up as if nothing was wrong when he was safely a few feet away from her.
And so  Kimmie Meissner continued to follow him from a safe distance as he walked towards the ice skating rink.  He entered the ice skating rink.  She entered the ice skating rink. 
Sasha Cohen stood in the way just as he came close to spinning around to attack Kimmie Meissner in a violent knife attack.  Sasha Cohen punched him and he doubled over in pain.
Sasha said, "What has Kimmie done against you that made it necessary for you to attempt to kill her?  Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you?"
 Ice Skating Lad said, "Step aside young lady and I won't be forced to murder you."
Sasha replied, "Then you have no choice but to kill me because I'm not stepping aside."
Ice Skating Lad said, "Fine, then your death will happen sooner rather than later."
 Ice Skating Lad tried to punch Sasha and she blocked the blow.  She punched him and he doubled over in pain.
Ice Skating Lad said, "I'm giving you one last chance to step aside before it's necessary for me to attack and keep attacking until you die.  You've gone too far this time."
Sasha said, "What I'm doing is necessary for stopping jerks like you from killing innocent girls."
 Ice Skating Lad punched Sasha before kicking her.  She fell to the ground.  She slowly got up and punched him.  She punched him two more times.
 He fell the ground and she kicked him.  He tried to stand up only to fall back down.  Sasha smiled as she kicked him two more times before she entered the women's locker room.  Sasha slowly changed into her bra and panties.
Sasha slowly changed into her figure skating attire as Kimmie Meissner entered the women's locker room.  Kimmie unlocked and swung open her locker as Sasha closed, but failed to unlock her locker.
Kimmie said, "Thanks for sticking up for me."
Sasha replied, "Hey, what are friends for.  See you on the ice."
Kimmie said, "I'll bet you that Ice Skating Lad and his Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse friends are holding bets to see if you'll die before me or if I'll die before you."
Sasha said, "Go ahead and let them do such disgraceful behavior.  We'll both show him what the wrath of a teenage girl truly is like."
And with that, Sasha Cohen exited the women's locker room. 
Kimmie slowly stripped from her street clothing to her bra and panties.  The doomed teenage girl slowly dressed into her figure skating outfit.  Now it's possible to kill her permanently. 
Kimmie exited the women's locker room and she continued to follow him.  He turned around to notice that he failed to murder the nubile teenage girl. 
Kimmie said, "Too bad you failed to check for my pulse.  I guess we'll keep running into each other for the rest of eternity.  I'm ready for it if you're ready for it."
He replied, "You simply got lucky last time.  Go ahead and attack me again and I'll show you how permanent your death is going to be."
Kimmie replied, "I thought we both agreed that you should be the one to attack me first and then I'll respond with a counter attack if you fail to kill me."
Ice Skating Lad said, "I have yet to receive your counter attack."
Kimmie replied, "Because you walked away before I could risk my life with an ill advised counter attack that will force you to kill me permanently."
Ice Skating Lad turned around and walked away.
Kimmie continued, "I guess you and I will fight to the death some other day."
Emily Hughes walked alongside her sister Sarah Hughes as the two girls entered the Ice Skating Rink.  The Ice Skating Rink was brand new and about to become the cornerstone of the Dandelion Girl's grand master plan.  Only a catastrophic mass murder of Dandelion Girls inside the Ice Skating Rink would ruin the grand opening once and for all.
Emily looked at her older sister Sarah before asking, "Why don't you test out the ice skating rink if you're so confident that nothing will go wrong?"
Sarah replied, "Because I'm the older sister and I'm giving you a direct order."
 Emily replied, "That's hardly a proper reason for making me skate on the ice skating rink first."
Sarah said, "What are you afraid of?  Are you fearing the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse will send one of their girl murdering thugs to kill you if you skate on the ice skating rink first?"
Emily said, "Of course I'm not afraid of being the first of us two to get murdered."
 Sarah replied, "Then put your fears to rest and lace up your ice skates."
Emily said, "I don't know why I always let you talk me into these goddamn messes."
Sarah replied, "Perhaps I'm always talking you into these goddamn messes, but us two girls always manage to survive by the slimmest of margins."
Emily replied, "That much is true, but the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse never lost a battle to the death against anybody born female.  That mere thought alone scares me.  It may turn out to be an easy task for the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse to kill me once and for all."
Sarah said, "To bad I'll be forced to kill you for insubordination if you don't agree."
Emily said, "I have no choice but to risk my life in a hopeless attempt to kill our victimizers."
Sarah replied, "Don't be so glum.  I can't be the last girl standing if you're still alive.  Your death will do some good in the long run."
And so Emily took a deep breath as she walked away from her sister Sarah and she walked towards a chair to switch from her regular shoes into her ice skates.  She thought she saw Ice Skating Lad walking behind her.  She pun around and didn't see anybody.  And with a frown, Emily walked closer towards a chair to change into her ice skates.
And if today is the day that Emily dies in battle against the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse, Emily vowed to make it as difficult to kill her as possible.  She had a few ideas in the back of her head that might make it impossible for the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse to punish her by killing her.
Sarah stood off to the side as she watched her sister Emily walk towards the women's locker room to fetch her ice skates.  And for a time, Sarah was alone and isolated.  One wrong move, and Ice Skating Lad may be forced to kill Sarah before killing Emily.  Sarah Hughes has no idea how close she is to getting herself punished and killed for her crimes.
Because Sarah Hughes' refusal to let Ice Skating Lad feel her up makes her a criminal.  The only way to punish criminals is to kill them.  Therefore, the only way to punish Sarah is to kill her.  Perhaps she had a chance to be incarcerated through kidnapping as punishment for not letting Ice Skating Lad feel her up, but that chance is gone.  Now all that's left is the need to afflict punishment and murder.
Sarah Hughes walked closer towards Ice Skating Lad's hiding place.  If she walked left one more step, Ice Skating Lad might be forced to kill the girl once and for all.
 Sarah walked right five steps and avoided a near impossible to survive murder attack.  Sarah looked in Ice Skating Lad's direction with a smirk as she walked away without a scratch.
Kimmie Meissner, Emily Hughes and Joannie Rochette emerged from the Women's Locker room side by side in proud solidarity.  The three nubile sexually seductive girls laced up their ice skates and started to skate on the ice skating rink.
Kimmie said, "Jannie and I are glad that you were able to help us out Emily."
Emily said, "Hey, I'm glad that I don't have to attack Ice Skating Lad alone."
Joannie said, "I should be the first of us three girls to attack him."
 Emily said, "It would be better if all three of us girls attacked Ice Skating Lad together as a single unit.  That way, all three of us girls has a better chance for survival."
Joannie said, "I insist on attacking Ice Skating Lad alone without assistance."
Kimmie said, "Don't do it Joannie, it would make it easier for Ice Skating Lad to wipe out Emily and I once and for all if you attack him alone."
Emily said, "Don't tell him how to kill the three of us girls off once and for all."
 Joannie said, "Come on Ice Skating Lad, try to murder me if you dare."
Ice Skating Lad said, "You got yourself a challenge young lady."
Emily said, "It's too late, all three of us girls are doomed."
Kimmie said, "Don't be so glum Emily, there's a chance that Joannie might survive in her battle to the death against Ice Skating Lad."
 Joannie Rochette ice skating towards Ice Skating Lad as Emily Hughes and Kimmie Messner.  Joannie is about to be the first of three nubile sexually seductive teenage girls to die in battle against the Ice Skating Lad. 
Ice Skating Lad did a half loop jump while Joannie ice skating towards him.  She did the upright spin that slowly turned into a sit spin.  Ice Skating Lad ice skated towards Joannie and did the sit spin towards the doomed girl's direction.
Joannie said, "I can pay you money if you switch sides to support the Dandelion Girls."
Ice Skating Lad stabbed Joannie between her breasts and he said, "We both know where our conversation will lead towards.  You need to be brought to justice and I need to bring you to justice.  Anything else beyond that isn't worth talking about."
Joannie lay down on the ice face up as Ice Skating Lad stabbed her between her breasts five more times.  Joannie started to drool blood as she tried to sit up without success.
Ice Skating Lad pinned Joannie face up on the ice as he stabbed the dying teenage girl between her breasts.  Joannie tried to speak, but her throat was filled with too much blood.  She tried to breathe, but all the blood flooding into her throat made it impossible.  Ice Skating Lad stabbed her ten more times when she tried to raise her right arm towards his direction.
Joannie sat up and she launched herself against Ice Skating Lad.  She tried in futility to strangle him, but the dying girl no longer had the strength for a sustained attack.  He stabbed her between her breasts five times before shoving her backwards towards the ice face up. 
Ice Skating Lad stood up and punched Dandelion Girl #1 as she ice skating towards him and she legally died.  Joannie made one last attempt to sit up.  Ice Skating Lad punched Dandelion Girl #2, Dandelion Girl #3 and Dandelion Girl #4 as they ice skating towards him and they legally died.  He turned around to notice Joannie trying to sit up to attack him one last time.  He punched Dandelion Girl #5 as she ice skated towards him and she legally died.
He knelt towards Joannie and he stabbed her between her breasts five more times.  Joannie finally gave up and she lay down face up to die.  Joannie Rochette is no longer alive.  Joannie Rochette is legally dead.  He stood up to face Kimmie Meissner and Emily Hughes.  One of the two doomed nubile sexually seductive teenage girls is about to be murdered.
Emily Hughes faced Kimmie Meissner and said, "I guess it's your turn to attack the creep before it's my turn to attack.  Remember that he can't kill Sarah Hughes until both us girls are legally dead in a murder attack.  It's up to us to prevail against him to prevent more Dandelion Girls from dying."
Kimmie said, "Trust me when the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse will fall apart into ruin when I'm finished with these creeps.  I'd love to start by killing Ice Skating Lad."
 Emily Hughes felt overwhelming doom flood her body as she saw Kimmie Meissner lace on her ice skates.  Emily Hughes and Kimmie Meissner fail to realize that Sarah Hughes can't die until both of them are legally dead and both of them are about to die right now.
Kristi Yamaguchi sat on a chair as she watched Sarah Hughes and her sister Emily Hughes from a distance inside the ice skating rink.  Sarah Hughes and Emily Hughes didn't see Kristi Yamaguchi.  Ice Skating Lad failed to see the doomed teenage girl either.  Right now, Kristi has the advantage of nobody noticing her.  But how long will her good luck hold out before it's necessary to murder the doomed teenage girl in self defense.  Kristi wasn't bothered as she sat on her chair with calm confidence of a girl not expecting to die tonight.
Kristi considered making her presence be known, but she chose to wait a few more minutes.  Far better to wait and see what Sarah Hughes had in store before attacking Ice Skating Lad.  Waiting until Sarah Hughes and Emily Hughes are legally dead before attacking might work for Kristi Yamaguchi or it might be the last mistake she'll ever make before she too must die.
Kristi looked to the right of her to see Katarina lying down sideways on a couch nearby the couch that she was sitting on. 
Kristi faced Katarina before she asked, "Do you suppose that the three of us girls will die before Sarah Hughes and Emily Hughes or do you think the three of us girls will die before the Hughes sisters get themselves murdered?"
Katarina said, "As much as I would love to see Sarah Hughes and her sister Emily get themselves murdered once and for all, I'll have to be honest about this.  It's safe to assume that all three of us will be legally dead and unable to witness such a violent end to the Hughes sisters."
Katarina added, "Of course, there's the chance that all three of us girls will succeed in defeating him, but I have to be honest about that too.  Every single girl who ever tried to kill Ice Skating Lad always ends up getting murdered.  All three of us are born girls.  Therefore, all three of us will end up proving to be easy for him to kill.  Though my foolish hope that I might actually succeed in killing him is the only reason why I'm still foolishly in this ice skating rink.
 Tara Lipinski stood nearby Krsti and Katarina as she felt both calm and confident.  The doomed nubile sexually seductive teenage girl said, "It might be easier to kill Sarah Hughes if her sister Emily died before the three of us gets ourselves murdered.  However, I'm not in a rush to die right now."
Tara added, "Though I'm the only one of the three of us girls who are standing so I may be the first of the three of us who will need to be murdered first."
Tara rested her left hand on her breasts as she looked behind her at her future murderer---Ice Skating Lad with cool confidence as he continued to fail to realize that she's in the Ice Skating Rink and needs to die as soon as possible.
Kimmie Meissner looked at Emily Hughes.  Emily Hughes looked at Kimmie Meissner.
Emily Hughes said, "You know what needs to be done.  You need to kill him or die trying.  Don't let me down.  My sister Sarah and I won't need to ice skate out there as long as you're still alive and breathing.  I'm counting on that in order to stay alive long enough to see morning."
Kimmie replied, "Don't worry, I won't let you down.  That jerk is dead."
Emily Hughes rested her left hand on her breasts as she tripped and almost fell to lie down like a dead body.  Kimmie grabbed Emily in time to save her best friend from getting herself killed.
Kimmie said, "You should try to be more careful.  You almost died."
Emily said, "Thankfully, you were around to save me from dying at the last second."
Kimmie replied, "Sadly, your good luck is running out because it's my turn to fight him to the death."
Kimmie Meissner ice skating onto the rink to face him in battle.  He looked at the victim with a smile.  Kimmie looked at her victimizer with a smile. 
Dandelion Girl #6, Dandelion Girl #7 and Dandelion Girl #8 ice skating towards him.  He punched all three girls causing them to lie down legally dead.
Kimmie said, "Hey buddy, this is the first of several battles to the death that we're going to be fighting against each other from now on."
Ice Skating Lad replied, "I only need to fight against you only once in order for me to permanently kill you.  I'm ready to kill you if you're ready to be murdered." 
 He tried to punch Kimmie and she blocked the blow.  He smiled.  She smiled.  Kimmie released her grip against him and ice skated backwards.  He ice skated towards the girl. 
Kimmie said, "It's time for you to turn around and walk away."
Ice Skating Lad said, "Not a chance.  This time I must kill you."
Dandelion Girl #9 and Dandelion Girl #10 ice skated towards him.  He punched Dandelion Girl #9 and Dandelion Girl #10 causing both girls to lie down legally dead.
 Dandelion Girl #11, Dandelion Girl #12, Dandelion Girl #13, Dandelion Girl #15 and Dandelion Girl #16 ice skated towards him and he punched all five girls causing all five girls to lie down legally dead.  He ice skated towards Kimmie as she ice skated backwards.  He punched her and she nearly staggered backwards.  She punched him back and he blocked her blow.  She wiggled free and ice skated away from.  He ice skated towards her in an effort to murder her.
Alexis Bledel looked at her best friend Liza Weil.  Liza tilted her head to the right with a frown.
Alexis said, "I don't know.  You releasing that that the two of us girls filmed might get us both murdered by the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse."
Liza replied, "Hey, I got news for you.  We're going to get murdered anyway."
Alexis said, "Yeah, I know that, but I was hoping not to get put on the must die rush list on this exact second.  I was kind of hoping to be among the last girls standing."
Liza said, "Yeah, well the film is up and I'm not taking it down.  So the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse might as well kill us two girls off now rather than later."
Alexis paused as she looked at Liza."
Liza asked, "You're not scared about getting attacked by the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse."
Alexis said, "Of course I'm not scared.  I'm just trying to be smart about opposing them."
Liza said, "Trust me when I say that this is the smart thing to do.  Girls everywhere will delight in the predicament that my putting the film we both made online has put us both in."
Alexis said, "Either that or girls everywhere will fear the doom our film has stuck the entire women gender in."
Liza looked at Alexis.  Liza wasn't nearly as timid as Alexis was."
 Liza noticed that Alexis was walking away and stopped her.
Liza said, "Don't you dare walk away from this.  We're in this together."
Alexis said, "You're in this together, but I was kind of thrown in reluctantly."
Liza said, "Nobody told you to make the film with me."
Alexis said, "I made the film with you, but I didn't realize you were going to post it online."
Alexis tried to walk away, but Liza stopped her again.
 Alexis said, "We're done with our conversation."
Liza said, "Sorry, but that's not the way I see it."
Alexis said, "I have things to do."
Liza said, "I'm sorry, but talking to me is going to be on the top of that list."
 Liza prevented Alexis from walking away.
Liza said, "Will you please stop doing that.  We need to talk about this."
Alexis said, "You're stalling.  You realize the longer we're having a conversation, the longer it will take for you to be attacked and killed."
Liz said, "The film also involves you so you will die too."
Alexis said, "But you'll die first because the film was your idea."
 Liza said, "So you're throwing me under the buss to save your own hide."
Alexis said, "Tell me how to remove the film and we won't have to worry about getting killed off sooner rather than later."
Liza said, "Sorry, but that's not going to happen."
 Liza said, "Forget about trying to figure out how to remove the film yourself because it's not going to happen.  You don't have the talent to figure it out."
Alexis said, "Then I'll find somebody who will help me."
 Liza asked, "Who will you ask to assist you."
Alexis said, "I know the perfect girl."
Dandelion Girl #1 slipped on a puddle of water and she crashed to the ground.  Dandelion Girl #1 closed her eyes and she legally died.
Liza said, "Don't tell me that was your only hope of removing the film from the Internet because she's not doing much good for you."
Alexis said, "Damn it, there goes that plan."
Dandelion Girl #2 tried to drag away the dead body of Dandelion Girl #1 only to be punched in the stomach by Ice Skating Lad and she lay down legally dead.  Ice Skating Lad vanished leaving Alexis Bledel and Liza Weil alive with two legally dead Dandelion Girls lying nearby.
Alexis said, "It's too late.  The death curse has been activated.  Ice Skating Lad won't stop until both of us girls are legally dead.  However, I can't die until you are killed first."
Liza said, "Don't be so melodramatic.  None of us girls are going to die tonight so relax."
Lauren Graham was seated nearby.
Lauren Graham said, "Stop being so hard on Alexis.  Alexis isn't like either you and I.  She's not good with coping with a death curse."
Liza said, "Running from the death curse isn't going to work.  Posting that and proving that girls also matter is going to work."
 Lauren said, "You should've asked Alexis for her permission before posting that video."
Liza said, "That's too bad because it's over and done.  I'm not reversing my decision.  It's final."
 Lauren said, "I don't have what it takes to force you to change your mind."
Liza said, "Killing me isn't going to work."
 Lauren asked, "You need to check to see if Ice Skating Lad is still in the area."
Liza said, "I don't need to search for Ice Skating Lad this exact second."
Lauren said, "Alexis can't die until you die so you need to search for Ice Skating Lad right now."
 Lauren said, "You know that your death is coming sooner than expected.  And you've always been a huge fan of meeting your fate head on.  So be the brave girl that you are and find Ice Skating Lad and attack him once you find him."
Liza said, "But I'll die if I do that."
Lauren said, "Then you need to die if that's the outcome.  Your death needs to happen before Alexis gets her chance to die so don't back down now."
 Lauren continued, "Alexis is coming back.  This is your last chance to locate Ice Skating Lad and challenge him to a fight to the death."
Liza said, "Don't force me into this.  Ice Skating Lad will kill me this exact second if I find him and challenge him to a fight to the death.  I don't want to die."
Lauren said, "I'll kill you right now if you don't find and challenge Ice Skating Lad before Alexis returns this exact second."
 Lauren said, "I on the other hand gets to watch both Alexis and yourself die because I'm smarter than both of you girls put together."
Liza said, "Let's hope that your good luck continues to hold up."
 Said Lauren, "Oh I'm sure that my good luck will last longer than your good luck."  Lauren pulled out a knife and pointed it at Liza's voluptuous breasts.  Lauren continued, "Locate Ice Skating Lad and challenge him to a futile battle to the death now or I'll kill you.  Either way, you die before Alexis returns so she can die next."
Liza said, "What happens if you die before my death scene?"
Lauren said, "I already told you, I get to watch Alexis and yourself die so it's not going to happen."
 Liza walked away from Lauren seconds before Lauren succeeded in stabbing her between her voluptuous breasts.  Liza went in search of Ice Skating Lad and challenge him to a futile battle to the death for her chance to die once and for all.  Liza took a deep breath as she walked closer towards Ice Skating Lad without knowing it.
 Liza turned around and she faced Alexis.
Liza said, "Lauren was forcing me to locate Ice Skating Lad and fight him to the death or else she's going to kill me."
Alexis said, "That wasn't nice of her."
Liza said, "You're right.  It wasn't nice of her."
 Liza said, "I could be standing nearby Ice Skating Lad.  You step away this second and I could end up getting killed in a spectacular manner."
Alexis said, "Then I better step away this exact minute so that you can have your chance to die."
 Alexis stepped away and Liza was isolated once again.  Liza walked backwards towards Ice Skating Lad's hiding place without knowing it.  If Liza took one more step backwards, then Ice Skating Lad will be forced to kill Liza once and for all this exact second. 
Alexis walked towards Liza again.
Alexis said, "You stole the keys to my car from my purse."
Liza said, "I'm forcing you to accompany me."
Alexis said, "Stop stalling and let Ice Skating Lad kill you already."
 Liza said, "I told you once and I told you a million times, we're in this together.  We die together if that's necessary."
Alexis said, "I thought Lauren was going to kill you if you don't walk off and challenge Ice Skating Lad alone and unaccompanied."
Liza said, "Lauren isn't around here.  You are and I'm changing the rules."
 Liza said, "I know I'm not allowed to change the rules, but I don't care."
Alexis said, "You should care because you're forcing the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse to kill you sooner rather than later."
Liza said, "Correction, I'm forcing the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse to kill us sooner rather than later.  We're both in this together."
 Liza hugged Alexis.  Ice Skating Lad nearly rammed a spear through the two girls, but Alexis separated before the killing blow could be accomplished.
 Liza said, "Why are you so timid all of a sudden.  Just live a little."
Alexis said, "I'm trying to stay alive and you're forcing me down this road."
Liza said, "The Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse was going to find out sooner or later.  You will have to die sooner or later.  I'm forcing you to be my sidekick."
 Alexis said, "I don't want to be your sidekick."
Liza said, "You don't always get what you want."
 Liza hugged Alexis a second time.  Ice Skating Lad nearly rammed a sharp spear through both girls, but Alexis separated before the killing blow could be accomplished.
Liza asked, "So sidekick, what's our first move against Ice Skating Lad?"
Alexis said, "You do realize that you're going to die the second I'm separated from you or knocked out unconscious."
Liza said, "That hasn't happened yet to relax already."
 Alexis said, "I guess we're going this way."
Liza said, "Or we both can walk backwards."
Alexis said, "We both know that I have to be separated from you or knocked unconscious before we walk backwards because that's where Ice Skating Lad is.  You can't die if I'm still alive, conscious and alert.  Only you are allowed to be."
 Liza said, "Ice Skating Lad has done nothing to lure you away from me.  Ice Skating Lad hasn't knocked you unconscious.  So I guess Ice Skating Lad isn't interested in killing me."
Alexis said, "Let's go left and delay your death scene a bit longer."
Liza said, "We're walking backwards and that's final."
 Ice Skating Lad walked backwards away from the two girls.  Alexis almost tripped and fell unconscious over Ice Skating Lad, but he walked backwards before he could accidently defeat Alexis and make it easier for Liza to die. 
Liza pulled out a knife and pointed it at Alexis' voluptuous breasts.
Liza said, "I'll kill you if you don't walk backwards with me."
Alexis said, "I'm going to be lured away from you or knocked unconscious because I can't die until you die.  Don't force Ice Skating Lad to either lure me away or knock me unconscious."
Liza said, "Time is running out.  Either walk backwards with me or else I'll kill you."
Alexis tripped over Ice Skating Lad and she fell unconscious.  Liza walked backwards towards Ice Skating Lad without knowing it.  Ice Skating Lad will be forced to kill Liza if she kept walking backwards.  He can now do so because Alexis has been knocked unconscious and defeated.
 Liza continued to walk backwards.  She had no idea that she was walking backwards towards Ice Skating Lad and Drama King.  All girls who challenges Ice Skating Lad and Drama King dies.  Liza is about to challenge Ice Skating Lad and Drama King.  Therefore, Liza must die now.
 Alexis woke up and walked towards Liza.  Liza's death was delayed.  Alexis has to be knocked unconscious and defeated a second time.  Hurry up Ice Skating Lad and Drama King.  Knock out Alexis so that Liza can die once and for all.
 Liza said, "I thought you were knocked unconscious and defeated."
Alexis said, "I'm a hard girl to knock unconscious and defeat.  Come on Liza, we must escape before it's too late and you die forever."
Liza said, "We're walking backwards or else I kill you."
Alexis said, "Damn it, your stubbornness is going to get us both killed."
Liza abruptly leaned left towards Alexis and rested her head on Alexis' right shoulder.  Alexis rested her had on Liza's head.
 Liza continued to rest her head on Alexis' shoulder as Ice Skating Lad was about to run a spear through both girls.  Last chance to kill both girls once and for all.
Alexis separated from Liza. 
Alexis said, "We need to walk backwards before I'm knocked unconscious and you're killed."
Liza said, "It's good that you're finally on bard with this."
Alexis said, "You left me with no choice in the matter."
Liza said, "You're right.  I didn't leave you much choice."
 Liza said, "You realize that we're walking backwards towards a wall.  If there was a chance for you to be knocked unconscious and me to be killed, then that opportunity is quickly running out."
Alexis said, "Then we better get started."
 Liza and Alexis took a step backwards.  Ice Skating Lad and Drama King is quickly running out of room to walk backwards away from the two girls with.  Almost time to knock Alexis unconscious and kill Liza once and for all.
Liza said, "I'm close to killing Ice Skating Lad with your help."
Alexis said, "It's a risky gamble.  No girl has succeeded in doing what you're trying to do without getting herself killed in the process."
 Liza said, "I'm braver and more resourceful than most girls."
Alexis said, "Let's hope you're right about this."
 Liza said, "I'm not giving you much choice since I'm threatening to kill you if you don't cooperate."
Alexis said, "Yeah, you keep reminding me that every other second."
Liza said, "Time for us to walk backwards again."
 Liza and Alexis took a step backwards.  Ice Skating Lad and Drama King is quickly running out of room to walk backwards away from the two girls with.  Almost time to knock Alexis unconscious and kill Liza once and for all.  Liza smiled as she kept pushing her luck.  Time to defeat Liza and her smirking by killing her.
Liza said, "That wasn't so bad.  We got more room and space.  Ice Skating Lad and Drama King gets less room and space to hide in.  Us girls gets the upper hand."
Liza said, "Are you ready to walk backwards a bit more."
Alexis said, "Soon there won't be much room for Ice Skating Lad and Drama King to hide without lying on top of each other groin on groin and chest on chest.  They can't do so unless I'm unconscious and you're dead.  Don't force them to defeat us both."
Liza said, "We're walking backwards or else I'm killing you."
 Liza and Alexis took a step backwards.  Ice Skating Lad and Drama King is quickly running out of room to walk backwards away from the two girls with.  Almost time to knock Alexis unconscious and kill Liza once and for all.  Soon Ice Skating Lad and Drama King will be forced to lie on top of each other groin on groin and chest on chest because there's no room to do anything else, but he can't do so until both girls are defeated.  Liza is forcing Ice Skating Lad to knock Alexis unconscious and forcing him to kill her. 
 Liza grabbed Drama King and tied him up before gagging him.  The only way to rescue Drama King is to knock Alexis unconscious and kill Liza so Ice Skating Lad can lie on Drama King groin on groin and chest on chest while having him untied.  Almost time for Liza to die.
 Liza said, "We tied up Drama King and only leaving enough space for Ice Skating Lad without Drama King at all.  We're winning.  At last, girls has the upper hand."
Alexis said, "I hope you know what you're doing."
Alexis said, "Please don't walk backwards.  You're forcing us in a predicament where we both need to be defeated if you keep it up."
Liza said, "Fortune favors the brave young lady."
 Liza and Alexis took a step backwards.  Ice Skating Lad and Drama King is quickly running out of room to walk backwards away from the two girls with.  Almost time to knock Alexis unconscious and kill Liza once and for all.  Soon Ice Skating Lad and Drama King will be forced to lie on top of each other groin on groin and chest on chest because there's no room to do anything else, but he can't do so until both girls are defeated.  Liza is forcing Ice Skating Lad to knock Alexis unconscious and forcing him to kill her.  Drama King is held hostage by Liza and Alexis.  Time to defeat both girls and rescue the hostage.
 Liza said, "We need to post a film celebrating the defeat of Ice Skating Lad and Drama King.  That's going to be our next film project."
Alexis said, "I'm all in favor of your plans as long as both of us girls isn't defeated first."
 Liza said, "You worry too much."
Alexis said, "You don't worry enough."
Liza said, "We're already gone this far.  Don't back out on me now."
  Liza and Alexis took a step backwards.  Ice Skating Lad and Drama King is quickly running out of room to walk backwards away from the two girls with.  Almost time to knock Alexis unconscious and kill Liza once and for all.  Soon Ice Skating Lad and Drama King will be forced to lie on top of each other groin on groin and chest on chest because there's no room to do anything else, but he can't do so until both girls are defeated.  Liza is forcing Ice Skating Lad to knock Alexis unconscious and forcing him to kill her.  Drama King is held hostage by Liza and Alexis.  Time to defeat both girls and rescue the hostage.
 Liza said, "I'm such a smart and resourceful girl.  I amaze myself."
Alexis said, "Let's just leave now.  You're forcing Ice Skating Lad to kill you and knock me unconscious.  The time to do so is getting closer by the second.  The two of us girls will be the first girls to attack the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse without dying if we don't force them to defeat us both right now."
Ice Skating Lad punched Alexis as Liza kicked Ice Skating Lad.  Ice Skating Lad punched Liza and kicked Alexis while Alexis punched Ice Skating Lad.  Ice Skating Lad punched Liza as Alexis punched him.  Ice Skating Lad punched Liza as Alexis and Liza both punched him.
 Ice Skating Lad punched Liza and she fell.  Liza stood up as Ice Skating Lad punched Alexis and she fell.  Alexis stood up as he punched Liza to the floor.  Liza stood up.  Liza tried to punch Ice Skating Lad only to have her punch blocked before Ice Skating Lad kicked Alexis to the floor.
 Ice Skating Lad tried to strangle Liza as Alexis lay on the ground unconscious.  Hurry up and kill Liza while Alexis is still unconscious.
 Too late!  Alexis woke up and she slowly stood up as Liza squirmed free of Ice Skating Lad's death strangulation grip against her.  Ice Skating Lad tried to punch Liza and she blocked the blow.
 Ice Skating Lad punched Alexis before kicking Liza to the floor.  Alexis tried to stand up only to be kicked to the floor again.
 Liza tried to stand up only to be kicked to the floor.  Alexis tried to stand up only to be kicked to the floor.  Ice Skating Lad tried to untie Drama King.  Alexis pressed her breasts on Ice Skating Lad's spine and pressed her vagina on his rear end as she tried to strangle him
 Liza tried to stand up as Ice Skating Lad slammed backwards against the wall.  Alexis slid to the floor.  Ice Skating Lad kicked Alexis as she lay on the floor.
 Alexis fell unconscious.  Liza tripped and fell on top of Alexis and ended up kissing the girl.
 Alexis is unconscious, but alive.  However, the shock of kissing Alexis wrecked Liza's health.  Ice Skating Lad punched Liza twice before kicking her.
 Liza struggled to breath as she was punched five times, kicked once before punched five more times.
 Liza struggled to breathe as she fell against Ice Skating Lad breasts on chest and vagina on groin.  Drama King untied himself and stabbed Liza from behind.
Drama King continued to have Liza stabbed to death from behind as she pressed her vagina on Ice Skating Lad's groin and her voluptuous breasts on Ice Skating Lad's chest.  Drama King stabbed Liza from behind ten more times.
 Liza pressed her breasts on Ice Skating Lad's chest and her vagina on Ice Skating Lad's groin.  Drama King stabbed her from behind ten more times.
 Liza drooled blood as she pressed her vagina on Ice Skating Lad's groin and her voluptuous breasts on his chest.  She looked at Ice Skating Lad with a blank empty gaze as Drama King stabbed her from behind ten more times.
 Liza pressed her breasts on Ice Skating Lad's chest and pressed her vagina on Ice Skating Lad's groin as she drooled blood with a vacant expression on her face.  The dying girl won't back down and had to be stabbed from behind five more times.
 Liza Weil fell to the floor and she closed her eyes as a puddle of blood formed below her.  Ice Skating Lad fell into the arms of Drama King.  Ice Skating Lad fell to the floor and Drama King lay on top of him chest on chest and groin on groin.  Liza looked at it and she closed her eyes a final time.  Liza is dying and nothing will prevent her death.
Liza Weil is no longer alive.  Liza is legally dead.
Lauren Graham looked at Liza Weil's legally dead body and at Alexis Bledel as she lay unconscious.  Lauren walked past Ice Skating Lad and Drama King while sexually provoking them both at the same time.  Ice Skating Lad started to slip into a coma after looking at Lauren Graham.  The only way for Drama King to save Ice Skating Lad is to kill Lauren Graham.  But how will Drama King succeed in killing Lauren Graham before Alexis Bledel wakes up?
Emily Blunt walked into the Men's Only Party at the Convention Center without invitation.  And she walked with calm confidence through the front doors as if she owned the place.  And which among the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse would dare to kill her when she was dressed to kill in her favorite red dress.  And knowing that thought alone made it possible for her confidence to improve as she walked from the front entrance and down a hallway.
 And perhaps somebody was following her.  Perhaps Emily spotted Dwayne Humpty and Dwayne Dumpty out of the corner of her eyes.  Perhaps it was an optical illusion playing games with her mind.  Emily didn't care because she was convinced that she would kill them both with or without assistance from another Dandelion Girl.  She wasn't about to let the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse prevail against her if it could be possibly avoided.
 Somebody engaged in a conversation with Emily.  She was too distracted to truly pay attention to what was being said to her.  She went along with the conversation while looking behind her periodically.  If Dwayne Humpty and Dwayne Dumpty was truly following her, they were no longer doing so.  She excused herself from the conversation and walked on.
 She saw the staircase to the basement.  She was tempted to walk towards an isolated basement, but chose not to do so after all.  Or rather, she didn't want to explore isolated basements without a crew of girls to help her out.  Without that crew of girls, she chose to stay on the first floor where it was filled with lots of people with herself as the only visible female in the entire men's only party. 
 Emily spotted Kiernan Shipka and walked towards her.
Emily said, "Thank Goddess you haven't been killed yet."
Kiernan said, "Were you expecting me to get myself killed?"
Emily said, "So many Dandelion Girls have lost their lives in a long string of murder attacks, that it's hard to know which Dandelion Girl is legally dead and which Dandelion Girl hasn't been killed yet."
Kiernan said, "Well I'm still alive and I'm planning to still be alive when morning returns again.  It's not known why the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse wants to spend this entire evening wiping out the Dandelion Girls one by one all the way down to zero, but I plan on surviving the ordeal."
 Kiernan said, "Hold on, I think I see something."
Emily said, "Don't wander into that isolated part of the first floor without another Dandelion Girl as backup.  You'll get yourself murdered if you do that."
Kiernan said, "I'm sorry, but I need to inspect that isolated part of the first floor alone no matter the consequences.  There's a possible chance that I might cause some damage against the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse as long as I'm not killed before my plan could be completed."
Emily said, "Good luck and don't die on me."
 Kiernan Shipka walked away from Emily Blunt.  Dakota Johnson walked towards Emily Blunt.
Dakota said, "I noticed that Kiernan is still alive and breathing."
Emily said, "I hope she doesn't do anything stupid that would change all that by entering that isolated part of the first floor alone and get herself killed in the process.  You might need to enter that isolated part of the first floor too and help Kiernan with her plan to cause damage to the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse.  Be careful though.  If Kiernan gets herself killed before you could reach her, then you'll be in danger of getting yourself murdered too."
Dakota said, "Is it safe for me to risk my life like that if Kiernan is already legally dead and now I have endangered myself too."
 Emily said, "None of us girls will survive if we keep thinking like that."
Dakota said, "Yeah, I suppose you're right.  We should hug before I attempt to assist Kiernan without getting myself killed before I could reach her or before Kiernan could get herself killed before I could reach her.  A good luck hug might help."
 Emily said, "You look like you need a hug."
Dakota said, "Yeah, I need a hug."
The Secret Commander of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse watched as Emily Blunt hugged Dakota Johnson.  His left foot rested on Dakota's rear end and accidently pushed her against Dakota vagina on vagina and breasts on breasts.  Both girls quickly separated and spun around to face their would be murdering attacker.  The Secret Commander of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse ran and vanished into the crowd.
Dakota asked, "Where did he go?"
Emily said, "He went over there."
Emily Blunt and Dakota Johnson chased after the Secret Commander of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse with intention to either kill him or die in the process.
 Emily Blunt as she located the Secret Commander of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse.  The Secret Commander of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse kicked Emily.  Emily fell backwards to the floor and fell unconscious.  The Secret Commander of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse didn't have time to kill Emily and allowed her to live.  He chased after Dakota Johnson instead to kill her before she reaches and reinforces Kiernan Shipka and help her cause serious damage to the Girl Killing Woman Hating Posse.
 Dakota Johnson kept running until she lost track of the Secret Commander of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse.  However, she was now in the isolated portion of the first floor.  Which means that it's now possible to kill her before she reaches Kiernan Shipka or it's possible to kill Kiernan Shipka before she reaches Dakota Johnson and then kill Dakota second.  Whatever the option, Dakota is in serious danger of getting herself murdered.
 Riley Keough spotted Dakota Johnson in the isolated portion of the first floor and she walked towards the girl. 
Riley said, "There you are.  I thought I was the only girl in this isolated portion of the first floor."
Dakota said, "Kiernan Shipka is in this isolated portion of the first floor too.  Which means that both of us girls needs to reach Kiernan and help her with her plan to cause serious damage to the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse.  The Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse might try to kill us both one by one before we reach Kiernan or they might kill Kiernan before killing us both one by one.  Except both of us girls isn't going to let that happen."
Riley said, "I'll be more than happy to help you out.  Stay close.  I don't want to die before you nor do I want you to die before me.  Us girls needs to stick together."
 Riley lost track of Dakota and she spun around looking for her.  Riley frowned as her left hand rested on her voluptuous breasts as she walked onwards towards where she thought Kiernan has wandered off too.  Riley wasn't sure if she was being followed, but she waked onwards regardless of the danger.
 Leelee Sobieski thought she spotted Riley Keough and she walked towards her.  Leelee spun around to face the Street Vender.
Leelee said, "You're not going to kill Riley Keogh to prevent her from reaching Kiernan nor will you kill Dakota from doing the same.  Nor will you kill Kiernan.  I'm going to stop you no matter what."
The Street Vender said, "Will you stop me in a manner that looks like this?"
The Street Vender punched Leelee twice before kicking her.  Leelee fell face first to the floor unconscious.  The Street Vender didn't have time to kill Emily and allowed her to live.  He chased after Dakota Johnson and Riley Keogh instead to kill both girls before they reache and reinforces Kiernan Shipka and help her cause serious damage to the Girl Killing Woman Hating Posse.
The Street Vender reached the Secret Commander of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse. 
The Street Vender asked, "We should first try to kill Dakota and then we should try to kill Riley before it's necessary for us to kill Riley."
The Secret Commander of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse said, "Come on, I have an idea."
Meanwhile, Kiernan Shipka walked forward not aware that both Dakota Johnson and Riley Keogh.  The question becomes if she'll succeed in getting herself killed before Dakota and Riley reaches her or if Dakota and Riley will be killed one by one before they can reach her before Kiernan herself gets to die.  She didn't know and part of her secretly wanted to be killed and half of her wants to survive long enough to see the morning.  She walked forward regardless of the outcome.
 Kiernan Shipka was relieved when Dakota Johnson walked towards her.  Now Kiernan can launch her plan to cause serious damage to the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse with Dakota's help.
Kiernan said, "Thank Goddess you're here.  We need to hug to celebrate being able to activate our plan together without getting killed in the process."
Dakota said, "I would love a celebratory hug."

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