Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Charlie Cheerleader had no idea that Michelle Ryan had been following him for most of the early evening.  Had he known that Michelle Ryan had been following him for most of the early evening, he would've killed her by now.  But because he had no idea that Michelle Ryan had been following him for most of the early evening, she got to survive a bit longer than she was expecting.  And knowing that made Michelle Ryan much more arrogant than she normally was because she got to closely follow the man who never lost a fight to the death against a girl and she got to live to see another hour and perhaps see the return of the sunrise. 
Charlie Cheerleader never looked behind him.  He never made the effort.  It was obvious that Charlie Cheerleader needs to kill Michelle Ryan before she attacks him from behind.  But how can Charlie Cheerleader successfully kill Michelle Ryan if he had no idea that she was following him.  And so Michelle Ryan continued to follow him as the sexually seductive girl was still no closer to her death scene than she was in the previous hour of the night.
It was another ordinary normal day for Vanessa Minnillo Lachey as the Italian, Irish and Filipina born teenage girl walked across the college campus unaware that the Party Animal was drinking beer, smoking marijuana while following her close behind with a perverted smile on his face.
 It wouldn't have mattered where Vanessa walked towards or how fast she ran because the Party Animal always managed to find her.  And she never knew that she was being followed at all in the first place because the Party Animal was very good at following from a safe distance.
 The Party Animal was so captivated by Vanessa's beauty that he wanted to stab the sexually seductive teenage girl now rather than later.  But he had to wait because the time to kill her just wasn't right.  Everything had it's proper time and moment.
 And yes, it's easy to become impatient when a sexy beautiful nubile girl such as Vanessa was just begging to be stabbed to death in a violent knifing attack.
 Perhaps the Party Animal could find an excuse to strike up a conversation with her and then stab her to death if he found the right moment.  It would be easier to have the girl knifed to death if she was standing next to him.
 Or perhaps it would be easier to have Vanessa knifed to death if she wasn't aware that she was being followed at all.  It was hard for the Party Animal to make up his mind.
 So the Party Animal flipped a coin.  Heads.  He'll strike up a conversation with Vanessa Minnillo Lachey and see where the conversation leads him.
 The Party Animal approached Vanessa and he asked, "Hey lady, I have good news for you.  You get the chance to party down with me.  Isn't that wonderful?"
Vanessa replied, "Get the fuck away from me you damn creep."
 The Party Animal said, "Don't be in a rush to brush me aside.  I have a long line of women waiting for the chance to make out with me.  I'm giving you the chance to be the first instead of the last to make out with me."
Vanessa said, "I'm going to telephone the police and get you tossed in jail if you don't get the fuck away from me.  I'm serious about this."
 Vanessa breathed a sigh of relief as the Party Animal walked away with her.  Vanessa rested her right hand on her voluptuous breasts without knowing how close she came to getting herself killed by the Party Animal as punishment for sexually tempting her with her provocative sexual ways.
 Jaime Lynn Spears approached Vanessa. 
Jaime Lynn asked, "So how did it go?"
Vanessa asked, "How did what go?"
Jaime Lynn said, "You were flirting with a member of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse.  The Party Animal wanted to make out with you instead of trying to kill you."
 Jaime Lynn continued, "I had no idea you had what it took to convince Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse Serial Killers to respect women lives instead of trying to end women lives."
Vanessa said, "I had no idea I had that capacity either."
Jaime Lynn said, "I guess we all have our hidden talents."
Vanessa replied, "Yeah, I guess so."
 Jaime Lynn said, "Hold on, the Party Animal is standing right there.  We both should try to kill the creep while we're still able to."
Vanessa said, "I agree.  You attack from the left and I'll attack from the right."
 Vanessa Minnillo Lachey lost track of Jaime Lynn Spears as she ran forward.  Instead, the Party Animal attacked her with a punch to the face and she was out cold.  Lindsay Lohan was lying next to her when Vanessa regained consciousness.  Instead of being on a college campus, Lindsay Lohan and Vanessa Minnillo Lachey were locked in an unknown room inside an unknown building.
Lindsay said, "I woke up with this thing attached to my left leg.  You seem to have the same thing attached you your left leg to.  It appears to be a bomb.  The only way to defuse the bomb is for one of us two girls to stab the other girl to death in a knife attack."
Vanessa said, "I need to read the note."
 Vanessa read the note.
Lindsay said, "I should attack you first with a knife and you can attack me next with a knife.  We'll keep attacking each other with knives until one of us two girls are legally dead."
Vanessa said, "It's so unfair.  Jaime Lynn and I were so close to killing the Party Animal."
Lindsay said, "I guess the Party Animal realized that the only way to kill you is to force another girl to murder you instead."
 Vanessa tried to strangle Lindsay as Lindsay pulled out a really sharp knife.
 Lindsay placed a really sharp knife to Vanessa's throat.  Vanessa held her breath as Lindsay's knife got closer towards her throat.
 Lindsay sliced open Vanessa's throat and the nubile Italian, Irish and Filipina born girl fell face up to the ground.  A puddle of blood was formed from the knife wound gash to her throat and it got harder for the dying teenage girl to breathe.  She begged for her life, but Lindsay didn't want to blow up so she stabbed Vanessa in the stomach when her left arm moved.  Vanessa felt shame and humiliation for the crime of being born female.  She realized that it was her fault that the Party Animal wanted her dead and now it's too late because she's dying.
 Vanessa Minnillo Lachey closed her eyes and she died.  Vanessa Minnillo Lachey is legally dead.
The bomb attached to Lindsay's left leg fell off and became inactive.  The locked room became unlocked.  Lindsay Lohan stood up.  The nubile teenage girl stood over the legally dead body of Vanessa Minnillo Lachey with sadness before turning to exit the room.
Lindsay Lohan smiled with arrogant pride as she successfully escaped justice.  Lindsay Lohan escaped justice yet again as she exited the room and eventually the building alive and well.  Efforts to kill the sexually seductive nubile easy to murder teenage girl continues to be elusive.
It was the party event of the year.  Or rather, it was supposed to be the party event of the year.  A movie with an all male cast geared for an all male audience was poised to make it's debut.  That was before the all girl army known as Dandelion made an appearance.  Or rather, the women members of the all girl army known as Dandelion crashed the party without being invited.  And to add insult to injury, the all girl army known as Dandelion was much more popular than the all male move with an all male cast for a male only audience.
And crashing the party with grand flamboyance was Dandelion members such as Ashley Greene.

Also crashing the party was Dandelion members such as Dakota Fanning.

Also crashing the party was Dandelion members such as Maggie Grace.

Also crashing the party was Dandelion members such as Kristen Stewart.  She brought along Rob Pattinson and Taylor Lautner.

Also crashing the party was Dandelion members such as Ariana Grande.

Also crashing the party was Dandelion members such as Alexa Vega.

Also crashing the party was Dandelion members such as Ashley Tisdale.

A guy who was outraged by Dandelion's party crashing called the Men's Only Girl Killing Crew, but the Dendelion Women were already gone before they could get there.  And one of the Girl Killing Woman Hating Murderers spotted a way to ambush the Dandelion Women before they could complete their escape, their efforts was haulted by 33.3% Cacuasian, 33.3% Cree and 33.3% Ojibwa Native American Indian girl Shania Twain.  Shania Twain was a Native American Indian cowgirl mounted on horseback as she proudly chased back the Girl Killing Woman Hating Murderers successfully and with a proud smile on her face.

And the Girl Killing Woman Killing Murderers wasn't able to kill Shania Twain either.  She and her pet horse vanished as quickly as they arrived.  By then it was too late, the film premere has been a complete and utter failure.  The movie itself flopped in the box office.  Causing a movie to flop in the box office so that it never gets around to releasing a sequel was the intent of the Women Warriors of Dandelion.
And there was a party used to launch the Galaxy Note II smart phone. And it was a men's only party. But try telling that to Vanessa Hudgens and Christina Aguilera who showed up anyway. And the bouncers who was trying to stop and kill the two women ended up dead under mysterious circomstances. Vanessa Hudgens and Christina Aguilera just walked in without concern.
Vanessa said, "So I'll sabatoge the computers and you spike the punch."
Christina replied, "That sounds good to me."
 And with the punch spiked and with the display Galaxy Note II smart phones starting to malfunction, worried Samsung Executives working for the men's only company was facing nothing but bankruptcy. And with the Galaxy Note II Smart phone role out party a complete disaster, the two women were able to make a clean getaway.  
Britney Spears and her sister Jamie-Lynn Spears were walking across the parking lot from the Target Store to Britney Spears' car. The two women were walking with elementry school age Sean and Jayden towards the car. All four were drinking beverages from Starbucks. An ice cream shop was on the way back to Britney's penthouse suite.
Britney said, "We need to go to a party once we find a babysitter for the kids."
Jamie-Lynn said, "There should be plenty of Dandilion Girls who would be willing to babysit the kids. That part shouldn't be a problem."
Britney said, "I certainly hope not. Today has been a good day and I don't want anything bad to happen to an otherwise fantastic lucky streak for us both."
Britney Spears and her sister Jamie-Lynn Spears were walking across the parking lot from the Target Store to Britney Spears' car. The two women were walking with elementary school age Sean and Jayden towards the car. All four were drinking beverages from Starbucks. An ice cream shop was on the way back to Britney's penthouse suite.
Jamie Lynn said, "And while we wait for the Dandilion Girl babysitter, we can play lots of board games with the kids.  We can even play a game of hide and seek with the two kids.  Oh yes, this will be the best evening ever."
Britney said, "We can take turn pretending to be murdered corpses.  That would be an even better game, though I never want to be an actual corpse."
Jamie Lynn said, "We shouldn't play the game in which we pretend to be murdered corpses in front of the children.  We don't want them to learn the death of women has no consequences."

The two women reached Britney's car. Parking Lot Guy #1 and Parking Lot Guy #2 approached the two women. Britney was fumbling for the car keys in her purse.
Parking Lot Guy #1 said, "Can I help you with the car door."
Britney said, "That's ok, I got it."
Parking Lot Guy #1, "I insist on helping you out."
Jamie-Lynn said, "They're on to us. Just run damn it."
Parking Lot Guy #2 said, "The women are getting away. Kill them."
Parking Lot Guy #2 stabbed Jamie-Lynn in the back and kept stabbing her until she fell to the ground in a puddle of blood.  Jamie-Lynn Spears sobbed a bit before she was declared legally dead.  Parking Lot Guy #1 grabbed Sean and Jayden and lead them to safety as Britney escaped Parking Lot Guy #1 and Parking Lot Guy #2 in her car.
The Party Animal was having the best party ever.  However, his enjoyment of the all male party was slightly ruined when he caught a glimpse of Britney Spears.  He followed Britney Spears from a safe distance just to see what she was up to (And to kill her if she was up to no good).  He had his knife ready in case he needed to fight Britney Spears to the death before she could reach the women's bathroom.  However, Britney was walking much too fast for him to follow. 

The Party Animal followed Britney Spears to the women's bathroom where Taylor Lautner was drugged to catatonia by mind control drugs. 
The Party Animal cried out, "What the Hell are you doing?"
Britney replied, "Just making sure the gentlemen folk remains obedient.  Ooops, sorry, I must dash.  Sorry I can't stay and chat."
With her hostage rescued from her grasp, Britney made an escape attempt out of the women's bathroom and across the party.  The Party Animal chased after Britney with the intent to murder her.  She dashed into his car and proceeded to steal it.  Britney Spears stolen car raced out of the parking lot and down the street.  The Party Animal's effort to murder Britney Spears may have to wait another day.  Frustrated, the Party Animal returned to the party.


Daniel Moder watched as his wife Julia Roberts emerge from the ocean in slow motion.  He loved the bathing suit that she wore.  And she loved the way he admired her while she wore the bathing suit.  And on that moment, he remembered the day when he tought swimming class to little boys.  And the little boys would also emerge from the ocean in quite the same way.  And he remembered that little boys, little girls and grown women all talk with high pitched voices.  And memories flooded in.  But his trail of thought was interrupted---Almost as if there was some biologic capacity to anticipate such thoughts.

Julia said, "Daniel.  Hello.  Earth calling Daniel.  What the fuck?  You're not going to get my towel for me."
Daniel said, "Sorry, I was lost in thought."
Julia said, "Well.  Get with it.  Get me my towel."
Daniel said, "Sorry darling."
And Daniel rushed to get Julia her towel.
Julia grabbed her towel from Daniel's hands in a rude and abrupt manner.
Julia said, "You should've went swimming with me.  It was really nice.  You seem to enjoy teaching swimming class to those little boys more than you enjoy swimming with me.  What the fuck?  Why are you so out of it today."
Daniel said, "Sorry dear, I got breakfast."
Julia said, "Fine.  It's great.  I can live with scrambled eggs again."
Daniel said, "I thought you love scrambled eggs."
Julia rolled her eyes and she said, "I said that I enjoy scrambled eggs every other day.  Not every single day.  Fine.  Whatever.  I'll eat it only because I don't want to starve."
Daniel sat down in front of her and she looked at him.  
Julia said, "Coffee."
Daniel asked, "Pardon?"
Julia said, "Give me my damn coffee you damn freak."
Daniel got up and he got her some coffee.  
Julia said, "Cream and sugar.  Give me my damn cream and sugar.  And eat in the other room.  Just looking at you depresses me.  And I don't want to be depressed.  So get the cream and sugar for my damn coffee and get the fuck out of here.  Eat somewhere else.  Go make somebody else depressed you damn freak."
Daniel took Julia's coffee away just as she was about to drink it.
Julia said, "I was drinking that.  Wait until I'm finished drinking then you can put the cream and the sugar in."
Daniel put Julia's coffee back.  She looked at him.  
Daniel said, "I thought you were going to drink the coffee."
Julia said, "Not without the damn cream and the damn sugar.  What the Hell?  Can't you do anything right.  Just get out of here.  I'll do it myself."
Julia got up with her coffee as she said, "Damn useless freak."
She pushed him out of the way and she said, "Get out of the fucking way.  Just get out of here.  Move it.  Scram."
Daniel said, "I didn't make myself breakfast yet."
Julia said, "Not my problem.  Go away."
Daniel said, "I need to eat breakfast."
Julia said, "Just go away.  Ok.  You're making me angry.  Just go away.  Scram."
Daniel was leaving the kitchen when Julia screamed, "Bacon you damn freak.  Bacon.  I eat bacon with my scrambled eggs, not sausage.  What the fuck is wrong with you."
Daniel walked to the stove to cook bacon.
Julia said, "What the fuck are you doing?  I told you to get out of here."
Daniel said, "I'm cooking bacon."
Julia said, "Damn it, I said I'll eat the sausage.  But next time cook bacon with the scrambled eggs you asshole.  And the toast goes with strawberry jam on odd number days and blueberry jam on even number days.  Oh forget about it.  Just scram.  You make me depressed."
Daniel left the kitchen when Julia screamed, "Bacon."
Daniel reentered the kitchen.
Julia said, "Cook my bacon damn it.  What the fuck?"
Daniel cooked the bacon.  He cooked some for him.  Julia took it all.
Julia said, "Thanks for the apology for not doing anything right you asshole.  You may leave."

Daniel Moder ordered out for a pizza.  And he paid for the pizza.  And he at the pizza in a secret space in the basement.  Then he cried in secret.  He never had this much grief when he tought swimming class to little boys.  But he got lots of grief from Julia.  But he loved her.  She loved him.  And she was pretty.  And that alone was more than enough. 
Julia walked downstairs to the secret space in the basement below the garage.  He slept in a sleeping bag on the floor while she slept in a big giant bed.  She was fully dressed in fashion designer clothing while he wore his sweat pants and a sweat shirt purchased from K-Mart during their going out of business sale.  She sat on a massive chair while he sat on a tiny fold up chair from K-Mart before it went out of business.
Julia said, "I'm letting Emma Roberts drive the car."
Daniel said, "I need the car for something..."
Julia said, "Don't interrupt me.  I told you that my niece is driving the car.  Now shut up."
Daniel said, "Fine.  Your niece Emma can drive the car.  But you need to tell her to be nice to me.  She's so fucking rude."
Julia said, "Then stop acting like a loser and my niece Emma won't treat you like shit.  What the fuck?  Are you some lame freak or something.  Whatever.  You're making me sick."
Julia got up to exit the secret space in the basement below the garage.
Daniel watched masturbation porn on his DVD while masturbating on his sleeping bag while Julia was duing business calls.  She walked down stairs and she turned the DVD off.
Julia said, "Turn that shit off.  I'm doing business."
Daniel said, "I'm busy masturbating."
Julia said, "Tough luck.  I'm doing business.  So turn that shit off."
Daniel said, "I won't need to masturbate to porn if we had sex or made out or something."
Julia said, "Oh gross.  Just fucking shut your damn mouth.  I can't stand you sometimes."
Julia walked upstairs and she slammed the door shut.
He tried to walk upstairs, but the door was locked.  And the door was locked for the next three hours.  Julia finally unlocked the door to let her husband out of the basement.  Her business was done and now she was out for Metalshop related activities against the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse. 
Julia said, "My niece Emma is coming over so stop being such a damn loser.  Ok?  Can you try to give me that much?"
Daniel said, "I won't act like a loser in front of your niece Emma."
Julia said, "Wipe your damn nose.  You got nose snot running down.  Gross.  What the fuck is wrong with you.  Emma will look at you and then she'll puke.  Why the fuck did I marry such a damn loser.  Fuck you asshole."
Daniel blew his nose.
Julia screamed, "In the bathroom.  Blow your damn nose in the bathroom you stupid piece of shit.  Goddamn you."

The doorbell ran.  Emma Roberts entered the house to hug her Aunt Julia Roberts.  Julia hugged her niece Emma back.
Emma said, "Oh no, you're still married to that useless idiot."
Julia said, "I'm waiting for the prenuptuals to kick in.  Then I'll kick him out."
Emma said, "The prenuptuals is the only thing he's good for."
Julia said, "Damn right.

Emma Roberts looked at Daniel Moder and she said, "Stop looking at me you damn pervert.  Take a damn photograph.  It will last longer."
Daniel Moder switched on the photograph camera portion of his cell phone which caused Emma to shriek.
Emma said, "Turn that damn thing off.  Don't take photos of me?  What the fuck?  Just get out of here you useless piece of shit.  I'm taking the car so there's no other reason for you to be here.  Just scram.  You're making me sick."
Daniel Moder walked downstairs into the basement to cry.  Emma looked at Julia with a baffled expression.  Julia shrugged her shoulders in reply.

Jennifer Love Hewitt woke up in the morning.  She took a shower and groomed herself.  And has she stood in the bedroom, she stood with her tight blue jeans on and her shirt unbuttoned while looking out of the window.  She was in her multi-room penthouse suite and she was lost in thought.  yes, she slept late again, but she wasn't worried.  there was nothing to indicate that today would be any different from any other day of the week.


And once Jennifer Love Hewitt was finished dressing, she was ready to face a brand new day.
She walked out of her luxurous penthouse suite, down the elevator to the street.  And she casually walked in a flirty past a group of gentlemen reading and purchasing newspapers and magazine in the nearby newspaper stand.  Jennifer Love Hewitt loved to use her sexuality on the opposite gender and thought nothing of the consquences of her action.  After all, it was clean harmless fun.

 The police didn't see that way.  She was arrested for improper use of her sexuality, but she talked herself out of the death penalty.  She had a good lawyer as provided by the Dandelion Girls and she was in and out of the police station within seconds with a wide smile on her face.
 She went back to her penthouse suite to make some bakery goods to be wrapped in tin foil.  And when she was done baking, she exited her penthouse suite a second time.
She encountered the African-American police officer who arrested her for improper use of her sexuality.  The African-American Police Officer knew it wasn't right to engage in a conversation with Jennifer Love Hewitt, but she was very beautiful and her sexuality was very intoxicating.

 She gave the African-American Police Officer the bakery goods that she cooked in the kitchen.  And she watched as he ate.  And they talked for roughly an hour before the African-American Police Officer started to feel tired.  The African-American Police Officer started to wonder if  he misjudged Jennifer Love Hewitt.  She appears to be a very nice lady.

Jennifer Love Hewitt smiled as she walked away while the African-American Police Officer started to suffer from cynide poisoning inside his police car.
Rose McGowan approached Jennifer Love Hewitt. 
Rose Mcgowan asked, "Did you get rid of that interferring woman hating jerk."
Jennifer Love Hewitt replied, "That horrible woman hating jerk has been taken care of."

Rose McGowan said, "That's fantastic.  We'll hang out with each other later tonight.  There's a few things that I need to take care of first."
Jennifer Love Hewitt replied, "Then I guess we'll see each other again."
Rose McGowan replied, "Oh yes, I guarantee it."

And with that, Rose McGowan got inside her car and she drove off.
Julia Roberts happens to be Emma Roberts aunt.  And when Julia Roberts allowed her niece Emma Roberts to borrow her car, Emma Roberts couldn't believe her luck.  It was the coolest car ever.
Emma asked, "Are you sure?  You love this car.  I can't possibly borrow it."
Julia said, "If you're going to help out your girlfriends, you might as well drive down there in style.  It will make a lasting impression that will stay in the minds of those guys---All three minutes worth."

Emma Roberts hugged Julia Roberts. 
Emma said, "I'll take good care of the car.  I won't allow the car to get ruined or messed up."
Julia said, "Good luck and go down fighting if it's necessary."
Emma said, "Don't worry, it will be easy.  No problems are expected."
Emma Roberts got into Julia Roberts car and she drove off.  Julia Roberts smiled with pride as the car turned a corner and vanished from view.

Daniel Moder approached Julia Roberts.
Daniel Moder said, "I was supposed to borrow the car."
Julia Roberts said, "Number one, it's a girls car.  Number two, I promised my niece Emma Roberts that she can drive the car instead."
Daniel Moder said, "I can't let you get away with it.  The insult you have brought before me can only be punished with an act of murder against the female who insulted me."
Daniel Moder stabbed Julia Roberts in the stomach with a knife.  Julia Roberts looked at Daniel Moder with shock before she lay down on the sidewalk in a puddle of blood.

Emma Roberts parked her car in front of a cappuccino cafe and she walked inside.  She ordered a cappuccino.  Upon walking towards her table, she sidebumped Thug #1 and spilled coffee all over him.  Thug #1 wasn't pleased.
Thug #1 said, "You spilled coffee all over me.  What are you going to do about it?"
Emma Roberts offered a sweet girlish smile as she said, "What do you want me to do for you?"
Thug #1 said, "I want you to die as punishment for side bumping me and spilling coffee all over me."
Emma Roberts continued with her sweet girlish smile and she said, "I seriously doubt it."
Emma Roberts sprayed mace into  Thug #1's face and she reentered her car.  The Thug #1 was able to reach his arms into the open window of the car, grabbed her mace and destroyed the weapon.  Her coffee spilled all over the floor mats of the front passenger seat side of the car.  Thug #1 tried to murder Emma Roberts inside her car.  She turned on the ignition and started to drive off.  Thug #1 was forced to release his death grip over her throat as Emma Roberts drove off to safety.
Mandy Moore and Minka Kelly are best friends.  The two women have known each other for a long time.  The two women are close enough to finish each other's sentences.  And they talked deeply about a great variety of subjects as they walked side by side down the sidewalk towards their destination.  Yes, it was another party.  What else will a girl do with her life beyond jump from party to party as a way of enertainment and leisure.

Sarah Michelle Gellar and Piper Perabo was already waiting for Mandy Moore and Minka Kelly when they arrived.  The four women moved their way through the party.  Mandy was lost in thought.  Minka asked, "What's going on?"
Mandy said, "Clearly these people are not expecting the women's bathroom to be used much."
Sarah Michelle replied, "That's easy to understand since we're the only four women in the party."
Mandy replied, "The ventilation shaft's primary operation unit is in the women's bathroom."
Piper said, "That makes our life much easier.  We can work with greater secrecy."

Minka said, "I need to hook up with Taylor Swift and then we'll meet up in our swimsuits at the beach.  Does that sound like a good plan."
Mandy Moore replied, "This should be an easy operation.  I'll be in and out in seconds without any fatalities.  And then we'll meet at the beach in our swimsuits.  Sounds like a great plan."
Minka Kelly left the building as Mandy Moore, Sarah Michelle Gellar and Piper Perabo entered the women's bathroom.  Mandy Moore looked at the ventilation unit in the women's bathroom.  She pulled out a poison gas bomb from her purse and she hooked it up to the ventilation shaft.
Mandy Moore faced Sarah Michelle Gellar and Piper Perabo.
Mandy Morre said, "Why don't you two girls distract the guys in the men's only party while I hook this poison gas bomb to the ventilation shaft."
Piper said, "Sounds like a good plan."
Sarah Michelle said, "Be quick.  I don't want to linger here longer than is necessary."
Mandy Moore said, "I never got to instal a poison gas bomb in the ventilation shaft inside the safety of the never used women's bathroom in a men's only party.  This is going to be quick and easy.  All three of us won't even need to fight for our lives."
And so Sarah Michelle Gellar exited the women's bathroom and they moved around the men's only party.  They drank some wine and they flirted with most of the guys in the men's only party. 

 Sarah Michelle Gellar spotted the Bomb Difuser.  Realizing that the carefully laid out plan to murder all the guys in the men's only party with a poison gas bomb in the ventilation shaft will be ruined  if the Bomb Defuser murders Mandy Moore.  Sarah Michelle Gellar lost track of Piper Perabo as she walked towards the Bomb Defuser.  The Bomb Defuser walked towards a deserted part of the building.  Party noises was heard through the walls as Sarah Michelle Gellar opened the doors and carefully entered the deserted portion of the building.

Sarah Michelle Gellar asked, "What are you doing here?"
The Bomb Defuser replied, "I'm preventing you girls from murdering all the guys in the men's only part with a poison gas bomb in the ventelation shaft."
Sarah Michelle Gellar asked, "How are you going to do that?  Scold us gently?"
The Bomb Defuser replied, "Actually, I might have to kill you in self defense."
Sarah Michelle Gellar pulled out a knife from her purse.  She said, "You're the one who's going to die.  I'm the girl who will end your life forever."
The Bomb Defuser attacked Sarah Michelle Gellar with a lead pipe.  He kept going until he heard the sound of broken bone and he pounded even further.  The Bomb Defuser kept attacking Sarah Michelle Gellar with a lead pipe until the girl stopped moving in a puddle of her own blood.
Piper Perabo entered the room and look at Sarah Michelle Gellar's dead body. 
Piper said, "Would it make it easier if I surrendered?"
The Bomb Defuser said, "You saw me holding the murder weapon next to the girl that I just murdered.  You'll report the murder and get me arrested.  I must kill you to cover my tracks.  Plus, planning to detonate a gas bomb in the ventilation shafts is a felony that's punishable by getting murdered.  I can't allow you to escape justice without getting murdered instead."
Piper said, "Hold that thought as I run for my life."

Piper Perabo raced out of the building with the Bomb Defuser racing after her.  The Bomb Defuser tackled Piper Perabo.  She fell face first and he fell on top of her face first.  The Bomb Defuser lay face down on Piper Perabo as she lay face down and he stabbed her.  He kept attacking Piper with a knife until she stopped moving.  He cleaned his knife on her dress.
Emma Roberts exited her car and she walked towards the building.  She was fashionably late, but she would rather have arrived on time.

Upon arriving in the building, Emma Roberts was quickly greeted by her best friends forever Jessica Szohr and Michelle Trachtenberg.  Yeah, they were the only women in the room and they didn't mind.  They trived in the all male atmosphere.  It was a fun party and the three women had fun.  And after making a few speaches, they made early exits as poisoned gas flooded into the building. 

Emma Roberts stopped the car when she saw the men who managed to escape the building reenter the structure.  Mandy Moore raced towards the car.  Emma rolled down the window.  Jessica Szohr was sitting in the passenger side of the front seat.  Michelle Trachtenberg was sitting in the back seat.
Emma asked, "What happened?  I thought you activated the poisoned gas bomb."
Mandy replied, "The poisoned gas bomb was defused.  But there is a secondary activation trigger.  All four of us will need to reenter the building to activate the secondary activation trigger for the poisoned gas bomb."
Michelle said, "We might be pushing our luck, but all the men attending the mens only party must die.  So I guess we must reenter."
Jessica said, "Emma, Michelle and I will serve as a distraction.  You activate the secondary acitivation trigger for the poisoned gas bomb.  Don't screw up."
Mandy replied, "Killing me off is the only way to stop my activation of the trigger for the poisoned gas bomb and I'm a tough girl to murder."
Mandy Moore reentered the building as Emma Roberts reparked the car.  Emma Roberts, Jessica Szohr and Michelle Trachtenberg exited the car and followed Mandy Moore back into the building.

Emma Roberts followed Mandy Moore into the women's bathroom.  The poisoned gas bomb was attached to the ventalation shaft unit in the women's bathroom.  Mandy frowned.
Mandy said, "The special transister needed for the the secondary activation trigger to work properly has been removed and destroyed.  The secondary activation trigger will be broken and our plot to poison the men's only party will be ruined."
Emma said, "I have the needed transister in my car."
Mandy said, "Please hurry.  Those men will murder us all if they learn what we're up to."
Emma Roberts exited the women's bathroom.  Rose McGowan entered the women's bathroom.
Mandy said, "Emma is getting a special transister from her car that will activate the secondary activation trigger for the poisoned gas bomb.  Can you help her get it."
Rose replied, "Sure, Emma and I will get the transister right away."
Rose left the women's bathroom.  Emma already left the building and Rose didn't reach the doors yet.  She hurried without being too obvious.  However, Emma was already too far ahead of her.

Emma reached her car and she sat in the drivers seat.  She found the transister in the glove compartment.  Emma smiled with happiness.
Emma said, "Now it's time to kill all the guys attending the party with the poisoned gas bomb.  The secondary trigger will work and it won't turn off once it's activated."
The Bomb Defuser cried out, "I can't allow this to happen."
Emma said, "I'll fight you to the death if necessary."
The Bomb Defuser attacked Emma Roberts with a knife until seventy percent of her blood was splashed across the car.  Emma Roberts dropped the transister as her eyes closed.  The Bomb Defuser grabbed the transister before he ran and hid as Rose reached the car.  Rose looked at Emma and realized that escaping in the car is now impossible.  Rose saw the Bomb Defuser race back to the building with the necessary transister.  Rose raced back to the building.  Rose McGowan reentered the women's bathroom.  Mandy Moore was standing next to Julianne Hough and Michelle Trachtenberg.  Mandy noticed that Rose arrived alone and empty handed.
Mandy Moore asked, "Where is the transsiter?"
Rose replied, "The Bomb Defuser killed Emma Roberts and stole the transister.
Julianne Hough said, "Michelle and I will help you find the creep, avenge Emma by killing him and pry the transister from his dead fingers."
Michelle asked, "Isn't there a spare?"
Mandy replied, "The Bomb Defuser killed Emma Roberts and stole the only spare we had."
Rose said, "Let's go ladies."
Julianne said, "I'm with you all the way."
Michelle said, "Either the Bomb Defuser dies or I'll die."

 Rose McGowan, Julianne Hough and Michelle Trachtenberg left the women's bathroom.  Mandy Moore continued to work on the poisoned gas bomb that was attached to the ventelation unit in the women's bathroom.  A woman entered the woman's bathroom.  She gave a bunch of micro chips and wires to Mandy Moore.
The Woman asked, "Is this what you wanted?"
Mandy Moore replied, "It's perfect.  Go help Rose, Julianne and Michelle find the Bomb Defuser, kill him and get the transister back.  Our plan to poison all the guys attending the guys only party will fail with all of us girls dead if we don't get that transister back."
The Woman said, "I'll hurry right away."
The Woman exited the woman's bathroom and walked right into a knife.  She gasped in pain before she lay down in a crumpled heap.  The Bomb Defuser entered the Woman's Bathroom.

The Bomb Defuser said, "I thought I saved all the men in the men's all party."
Mandy replied, "Thank you for coming personally.   Now I'll kill you and take the transister personally.  You saved me a lot of trouble."
The Bomb Defuser said, "Disarm the bomb right now and I'll give you a running head start."
Mandy said, "The only way you'll stop me from activing the bomb is to murder me."
The Bomb Defuser strangled Mandy as he stabbed her multiple times.  Mandy continued to fight against him so he created a crude noose from a rope from her equipment and he hung her from the ceiling with it.  Mandy Moore struggled to survive being hung on a noose, but she lost the battle.  Mandy closed her eyes as she continued to hang from the ceiling from the noose.  He destroyed the poisoned gas bomb forever.
Michelle Trachtenberg and Julianne Hough lost track of Rose McGowan.  Both Michelle and Julianne found the Bomb Defuser as he ran into a deserted portion of the building.  Michelle and Julianne raced after him with intent to murder him.
The Bomb Defuser raced out of the building.  Without checking on Julianne, Michelle Trachtenberg raced out of the building too.  The Bomb Defuser kept running with Michelle quickly catching up to him.  The Bomb Defuser knew that he'll be forced to murder Michelle Trachtenberg in self defense soon.  He was still hoping to escape her first.

Michelle grabbed the Bomb Defuser and she proceeded to strangle him.  The Bomb Defuser struggled to breath, but Michelle Trachtenberg's strangulation grip was too strong.
Michelle said, "First I'll kill you and then I'll grab the transister.  I'm not going to let you ruin a perfectly good plan.  I will succeed or I'll die trying to succeed."
Archery Guy stood behind Michelle as he fired an arrow into her.  The arrow entered her back near her spine, went right through all her vital orgains before emerged between her breasts.  Michelle looked at the Bomb Defuser with a blank expression, relaxed her strangulation grip before she fell to the ground in a crumpled heap.  The Bomb Defuser and Archery Guy gave each other a high five.
The Bomb Defuser said, "Julianne Hough, Rose McGowan and Jessica Szohr might still try to activate the poisoned gas bomb and kill all the men attending the men's only party."
Archery Guy said, "Then we'll need to kill Julianne Hough, Rose McGowan and Jessica Szohr before they make the effort."
The Bomb Defuser said, "Julianne Hough is closest so she needs to die first."
 Julianne Hough was too late to save Michelle Trachtenberg from getting herself killed.  But she got the next best thing.  She cornered the Bomb Defuser alone as he reentered the building.  She cornered him in an isolated portion of the building as noises from the men's only party can be heard through the walls.  Julianne smiled when she realized that she's finally winning.  She grabbed the transister from the Bomb Defuser's hand.


Julianne said, "Thank you for giving back the stolen property.  Now I'll install it into the poison gas bomb and kill all the men in the men's only party.  You won't be able to kill me before I succeed in my plan because you're at my mercy right now."
The Bomb Defuser said, "Look behind you."
Julianne said, "Oh please, I won't fall for that old trick."
The Archer fired an arrow.  The arrow entered near her spine, went through her vital organs and emerged between her breasts.  When that failed to do the job, the Bomb Defuser stabbed Julianne.  Julianne Hough groaned before she fell to the floor in a puddle of blood.
The Archer said, "Now it's time to kill Rose McGowan and Jessica Szohr."
Party Animal approached the two men.  He said, "Rose McGowan and Jessica Szohr just escaped from the bulding.  But hey, we defeated their evil scheme to poison all the guys in the men only party.  So that's a plus in our favor." 
Avril Lavigne thought she located Archery Guy.  She chased him in the mostly empty alleys of the city.  She kept chasing after him with intent to murder him, but Archery Guy was much too good at running faster than she could chase him. 
Archery Guy was about to fire an arrow into her with his archery weapon, but she turned and walked the opposite direction.
Archery Guy said, "I guess we'll fight against each other on another time.
Taylor Swift met Minka Kelly at the People's Choice Awards.  It was weird that they were the only women present, but they didn't allow that to get to them.  The two women talked and had a really good time with each other.  And though Taylor Swift swept the awards of all the crucial prizes, Minka Kelly kept getting nominated, but she never won.  Frustrated, Minka Kelly dialed a number into her cell phone, but she got a busy signal while Taylor Swift finished her glass of wine.
Minka said, "Are you ready Taylor?"
Taylor replied, "I'm ready Minka."
Minka replied, "Then let's get out of here."
Poisoned tear gas flowed into the auditorium as Taylor swift and Minka Kelly exited the building and into an expensive sports car.  Taylor Swift and Minka Kelly were the only people to exit the auditorium alive and not feet first in a body bag.

Kristen Stewart, Leighton Meester and Dianna Agron went to a really cool and intense party.  They were the only women in the party and they proceded to seduce seventy percent of the gentlemen in the party.  They were drunk and the three women were having lots of fun.
Leighton Meester had to leave the party early when she saw an Unknown Third Person.  Leighton Meester felt an urge to follow an Unknown Third Person out of the party towards an alley behind the building that the party was being thrown in.  Kristen Stewart also had to leave the party early to join up with some girlfriends.  Diana Agron was offered to join along, but she chose to stay at the party.  And so Diana Agron continued to get drunk and fool around with seventy percent of the gentlemen in the party.  Jessica Szohr joined the party and soon she too was drunk.
One of the Gentlemen said, "You two ladies should better leave while it's still safe for you to do so."
Diana Agron said, "I don't want to leave the party early.  I'm having fun.
Jessica Szohr said, "Diana Agron and I won't leave until we had sexual intercourse will all the guys in the room while getting drunk on most of your liquor."

The Gentleman punched Diana Agron in the face.  She fell down in a crumpled heap.  The Gentleman was about to stab Diana Agron in the middle of the crowded party and Jessica Szohr jumped on him to save her friend.  Nobody in the party moved to help the two women.  One of the Gentleman pulled Jessica Szohr off the Gentleman as he started to stab Diana Agron several times.  Jessica Szohr too was stabbed several times.  After both women fell to the floor in defeat, the party continued as if the two women were never there at all.
Leighton Meester punched An Unknown Third Person in the face.  He fell down in a crumpled heap.  He looked at Leighton Meester with horror.
The Unknown Third Person cried out, "I don't know how you found out my secrets, but you can't get away with it.  None of your girlfriends in the women's only posse you hang out with must learn about it.  Everything I worked hard to accomplish will be ruined forever."
Leighton Meester replied, "It's too late.  I'm going to tell Gwyneth Paltrow and Cameron Diaz tonight over dinner with a few of their friends.  And oh yes will the friends of Gwyneth Paltrow and Cameron Diaz be shocked.  It will be a dinner they will never forget.  And the only way you can stop me is to kill me, but you don't have the courage to do that.  And just in case, I'm leaving something behind to occupy your time with."
After Leighton Meester bound and gagged the Unknown Third Person, She broke a pipe so that deadly carbon monoxide fumes started to flood into the room. 
Leighton Meester continued, "You'll be the one who's going to die instead of Gwyneth, Cameron and myself.  It's such a shame that I can't watch you die, but I have a dinner to arrange at a gourmet restaurant and I'm the hostess of honor."
Leighton Meester smiled before she escaped and locked the door behind her.  The Unknown Third Person looked around him.  The garage was empty.  There was nothing to cut the ropes with.  There was a switch blade in his pants pocket that Leighton Meester never discovered.  If only he can reach it with both hands bound and carbon monoxide fumes spilling into the room.  If only.  If only.  If only.  Maybe the car will run out of gas before it spills too much carbon monoxide fumes into the room, but he doubts it.  The Unknown Third Person finally reached for his switchblade and started work on the ropes that bound him.  It's too late for him to attack and kill Leighton Meester.  She's already too far ahead. 

Reese Witherspoon went shopping at the nearby shopping mall.  She didn't purchase anything,but it was fun to look around.  After checking up her makeup in the bathroom, she drove back home.  While her car drove away from the parking lot, the shopping mall exploded into a fireball of flame.  Reese Witherspoon frowned.  That's the last time she'll get thrown out of that &*%$#@&#& shopping mall for disorderly conduct.  She returned home to wait for Cameron Diaz to drop by. 
Cameron Diaz started out the day by hanging out with Reese Witherspoon.  The two women chatted at great length over coffee.  Reese Witherspoon's children, Ava Elizabeth Phillippe, Deacon Reese Phillippe (Both from her failed first marriage to Ryan Phillippe and Tennessee James Toth (From her currant marriage to Jim Toth) are in Outdoor Camping Cheerleaders Daycare Center.  Ryan Phillippe and James Toth was entering Reese's house just as Cameron Diaz was leaving upon receiving a telephone call from Gwyneth Paltrow.   
Gwyneth Paltrow and Cameron Diaz first went to the Arts Club in London, England.  There was a huge important party that both women were invited to.  It was an annual party that both women were invited to and they always enjoyed the people in attendence.  Founded in 1863, it was a private club that few were able to get in.  Some of the most important legends iin the fine arts got accepted into the club such as Charles Dickens and Anthony Trollope.  Of course, it was a breeze for Gwyneth Paltrow and Cameron Diaz to get accepted because they are of comparable talent.  Gwyneth Paltrow and Cameron Diaz talked to a lot of important people and had an enjoyable time. 

Gwyneth Paltrow is really good friends with Cameron Diaz.  Both women often hangs out with each other.  On one evening, Cameron Diaz tagged along with Gwyneth Paltrow and her spouse Coldplay lead singer Chris Martin.  Another evening it was just Gwyneth Paltrow and Cameron Diaz without Chris Martin.  Both women wore grey clothing on the first occasion.  Gwyneth Paltrow wore grey while Cameron was half grey and half white clothing on the second occasion.  Both women were cute and sexually adorable.  It was hard to avoid a sexual encounter with both Gwyneth Paltrow and Cameron Diaz since both women were sexually desirable.

Gwyneth Paltrow looked at Cameron Diaz with a wide smile.  Cameron Diaz looked at Gwyneth Paltrow with a wide smile.  Chris Martin had no idea what the two girls were up to and his ignorance may turn out to be the best weapon for Gwyneth and Cameron.
Gwyneth Paltrow separated from Cameron Diaz for a few minutes when she spotted Taylor Swift. 
Gwyneth said, "So we meet again.  How are you doing?"
Taylor replied, "I'm not having a good evening."
Gwyneth replied, "I feel your pain.  We need to hug about it."
 Gwyneth hugged Taylor lightly until the Male Attacker kicked Taylor in her rear end causing her to collide against Gwyneth.  That caused Gwyneth to tightly hug Taylor until the two girls were tightly pressed against each other---Breasts on breasts and vagina on vagina.  Taylor's lips were close to Gwyneth's lips.  However, the Micro Sized Sexual Orgasm Enhancement Sonic Wave Machine wasn't malfunctioning so the two girls (Or one of the two girls) didn't die from the close call.
 Gwyneth said, "We got ourselves a problem.  Selena Gomez is dating Justin Bieber and we need to shut that down right away."
Taylor replied, "Not to worry, I'll send the Dandelion Girls' best assassins to fix the problem."
Gwyneth replied, "That a girl.  I knew I can depend on you."
Taylor said, "I shall risk my life and do it myself if necessary."
Gwyneth Paltrow returned to Cameron Diaz and Chris Martin without being noticed nor spotted.  Taylor Swift walked past Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber with a polite and dignified expression towards something that she didn't approve of too much.
 Gigi Hadid and Kendall Jenner were dressed only in their bras and panties as they got ready for a night on the town.  They got a telephone call from Taylor Swift which disrupted those plans.
Taylor said over the telephone, "We need to shut down Selena Gomez and her romance to Justine Bieber.  I want you two girls to kill Justin Bieber before this gets too far."
Gigi said, "Kendall and Kylie are ready right now.  I'll need some preparation."
Kendall said, "It won't take too long."
Taylor said, "I should certainly hope not.  Don't take too long ladies.  I want Justin dead now!"
Gigi Hadid was half Caucasian and half Palestinian-Middle Eastern and she didn't think that her life was starting to crumble.  Still believing that she had a chance to survive. the uber popular girl looked out of the window of the living room while dressed in her bra and panties.
Gigi then stripped naked with her bra and panties lying on the floor.  Gigi never told Goldfish Man that she wanted to be strangled to death.  Her body language barely addressed a desire to be strangled to death either.  However, Gigi must've secretly wanted to be attacked and killed because why else would the criminal uber popular girl be assigned to keep attacking Goldfish Man until he kills her as punishment sadomasochism serial killer sexual assault and battery style.

Gigi wasn't the only girl who secretly wanted to be killed serial killer sexual assault and battery style.  Another girl will keep attacking until she is killed in self defense.  Kendall is that girl.  It's easy to get distracted.  Kendall quickly dressed in casual slacks and a blouse as she checked her hair and makeup in the mirror.  She wanted to look her best no matter the situation.
 Kendall wasn't satisfied with her blouse so she took it off.  She frowned as she looked at herself in the mirror for a few more minutes.
 Kendall put a new blouse on and she felt the need to lie down on the couch.  She pressed her breasts and vagina on the couch as Captain Parakeet and Goldfish Man walked towards the sexually seductive, but also doomed teenage girl as she lay face down while pressing her breasts and vagina on the couch even harder than before.
 Taylor Swift entered the Dandelion Hotel room that Kendall and Gigi shared disrupting Kendall and forcing her to stand up.  Kendall exited her bedroom to the living room with Taylor and Gigi.
Taylor said, "I thought Kendall at least was ready to kill Justin Bieber."
Kendall said, "I was only wearing my lingerie at the time you called."
Gigi said, "Kendall is ready right now."
Taylor said, "Justin Bieber is just a few blocks outside so you girls better get moving now."
 Kendall said, "Kylie and I will go to the right and Gigi will go to the left.  It will be an ambush."
Gigi said, "Oh yes, that's a perfect plan."
Taylor said, "I'll walk with Kendall outside while Gigi gets herself ready."
Taylor Swift and Kendall Jenner exited the Dandelion Hotel room.
 Gigi put her blouse and slacks on as she checked her reflection in the mirror.  Goldfish Man walked behind the girl.  He must kill her before she exits the Dandelion Hotel Room to ruin her ambush plans with Kendall Jenner.  But how will he kill the girl.
 Goldfish Man wrapped a rope around Gigi's neck and pulled tightly.  Captain Parakeet entered the room.  Gigi was standing between Goldfish Man and Captain Parakeet.  Captain Parakeet will be forced to kiss Gigi instead of Goldfish Man if the strangulation fails.
 Not to worry because the strangulation with the rope was working.  Gigi's fingers tried to pry the rope free from her neck.  The rope strangulation was much too powerful for her fingers to break her neck free from.  Gigi's gasped for air as her body slowly became numb from the strangulation attack against the sexually seductive teenage girl.
 Captain Parakeet felt the urge to kiss Gigi instead of Goldfish Man.  Goldfish Man strangled Gigi from behind the girl while feeling the urge to kiss the back of her neck.  Gigi must die so that Goldfish Man can kiss Captain Parakeet without the girl standing between them.  Gigi nearly found a way to free her neck from the rope strangulation attack against her.
 Gigi's fingers went numb seconds before she would've successfully liberated her neck from a rope based strangulation attack against her.  She felt the urge to close her eyes, but she forced herself not to close her eyes.  Gigi knew that if she closed her eyes that she would never open her eyes again.
 Gigi closed her eyes and she fell face first to the ground as her life slowly came to an end.  Captain Parakeet stepped over Gigi's dying body as he kissed Goldfish Man without the doomed girl standing between the two of them anymore.
 Gigi closed her eyes while pressing her vagina and her breasts to the floor before she died.  Gigi Hadid is no longer alive.  Gigi Hadid is legally dead.
Kylie Jenner and Kendall Jenner failed to see Justin Bieber.  The two girls spotted Shit For Brains Lad instead.  Shit For Brains Lad got himself locked in a storage shed with both girls walking towards the storage shed.  Kylie and Kendall must die before they reach the storage shed to kill Shit For Brains Lad.  But how can Shit For Brains Lad kill both girls when he's inside the storage shed and the two girls are outside the storage shed?
Jeanine Heller aka Mouse Lass approached Kylie Jenner and Kendall Jenner.
Kylie said, "Walk away from this Jeanine.  You know that you're unable to kill either of us two girls and you know it."
Kendall said, "I guess it's ok for Mouse Lass to watch Kylie and I first kill Shit For Brains Lad before us two girls kills Justin Bieber."
Mouse Lass said, "I know that I can't kill you, but there is a way to deal with you two girls."
Kylie said, "Oh come on, how can you deal with Kendall and I if you're unable to kill either of us?  The only way to deal with either of us two girls is to kill both of us one by one until both of us are legally dead forever."
Kendall said, "Mouse Lass fails to realize how screwed she is right now.  She better walk away while she still can.  Kylie and I won't warn Mouse Lass again."
Mouse Lass said, "Don't force me to deal with you two girls."
Kylie said, "Oh my Goddess, Mouse Lass is still delusional that she can stop both of us."
Kendall said, "She can't kill either of us two girls so it's pointless for her to even be here.  And since there is no other Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse members, it's already a futile lost cause."
Mouse Lass said, "Somebody needs to defeat Kylie and Kendall for me because I can't do it myself."
Kylie said, "Oh my Goddess, Mouse Lass is actually helpless right now.  I never thought I'd live to see the day when that ever happened."
Kendall said, "It's a moment that the two of us girls needs to remember forever."
Kylie said, "Oh you better believe that I'm going to remember and gloat about this."
Mouse Lass cried out, "How can you betray and defy my like this?"
Kendall said, "Kylie and I were planning to betray and defeat you the whole entire time.  We only waited for the perfect time to spring the perfect trap."
Kylie said, "Please step aside since you're unable to do anything except watch all your friends die."
Mouse Lass said, "Damn it, I have to step aside and allow Shit For Brains Lad to die forever."
Drama King looked at Kendall's rear end before he looked at Kylie's rear end.  He tried to run towards the two girls to kill them before they opened the storage shed to kill Shit For Brains Lad.  Mouse Lass can't kill Kendall Jenner nor can she kill Kylie Jenner.  Drama King has to kill both girls instead before it's too late.
Kendall said, "Oh my Goddess, I don't believe it.  Us two girls will be the first Dandelion Girls to kill a Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse Serial Killer forever without getting permanently killed in the process.  This is a priceless occasion that you and I shall celebrate with happiness."
Kylie said, "We better open the storage shed and kill Shit For Brains Lad now before somebody who is able to kill us both gets around to killing us both starting with me."
Kendall said, "Will you please relax, nothing wrong will cause the two of us girls to be defeated and killed.  Us girls will survive to see the morning while the rest of the Dandelion Girls are wiped out during the course of this evening one by one."
Hurry up Drama King and first kill Kylie Jenner and then kill Kendall Jenner before both girls open the Storage Shed to kill Shit For Brains Lad.  Kylie Jenner and Kendall Jenner is standing between Shit For Brains Lad and Drama King.  Both girls must be legally dead Kylie first and Kendall second before Drama King is able to rescue and kiss Shit For Brains Lad. 
Kylie Jenner was about to unlock the door until Drama King approached the two girls.
Drama King said, "Attack and kill me first before you open the Storage Shed."
Kendall said, "You got yourself a challenge.  Kylie will attack you first."
Kylie said, "Don't force me to attack Drama King first.  I'm going to be murdered if that happens.  We need to open the Storage Shed and kill Shit For Brains Lad before it's too late and both of us girls are killed."
Kendall said, "I shall kill you for disobedience if you don't do as I say."
Kylie said, "I guess I have no choice."
Mouse Lass said, "Don't force Drama King to wipe you two girls out.  Make me your official serial killer and you get to live to see the morning."
Kylie said, "It's too late.  Kendall is forcing me to attack Drama King first or else she'll kill me for disobedience.  Mouse Lass is about to see Kendall and I get killed one by one all the way down to zero once and for all."
Mouse Lass cried out, "Not both of you girls too.  This is terrible."
Kendall said, "Attack Drama King now or else I shall kill you for disobedience."
Kylie said, "You win Kendall.  I have no choice but to do what you request."
Kylie Jenner ran towards Drama King.  Drama King punched Kylie Jenner in the stomach.  Kylie winced in pain before she fell face first to the ground and stopped breathing.  Kylie closed her eyes before she died.  Kylie Jenner is no longer alive.  Kylie Jenner is legally dead.
 Drama King said, "It's your turn to die Kendall."
Kendall said, "You're going to wish that you never killed my sister Kylie once and for all."
Drama King kicked Kendall Jenner and she doubled over in pain.  Kendall looked at Drama King with a lifeless empty expression before she stopped breathing and died.  Kendall lifelessly fell face first to the ground in a submissive defeated pose before Drama King's feet.  Drama King opened the Storage Shed and kissed Shit For Brains Lad now that Kendall Jenner and Kylie Jenner are legally dead and no longer standing between both men.  Mouse Lass masturbated on top of Kylie Jenner before Mouse Lass masturbated on Kendall Jenner to make sure both girls are never resurrected anymore.
Reese Witherspoon's children, Ava Elizabeth Phillippe, Deacon Reese Phillippe (Both from her failed first marriage to Ryan Phillippe and Tennessee James Toth (From her currant marriage to Jim Toth) are in Outdoor Camping Cheerleaders Daycare Center.  Reese arrived to pick up Ava Phillippe, Deacon Phillippe and Tennessee Toth at the Outdoor Camping Cheerleaders Daycare Center. 
 Potato Pal followed Reese Witherspoon and her children Ava Phillippe, Tennessee Toth and Deacon Phillippe from a safe distance.  Reese had no idea that she was being followed by Potato Pal.
 Reese, Ava and Deacon crossed the street, Tennessee was left behind. 
Reese faced Ava and said, "Go back to the other side of the street and grab Tennessee for me."
Ava said, "I shall do as you request."
Deacon said, "Don't do it Ava.  Don't force me to punish you by killing you."
Ava said, "Screw you Deacon.  I'm not going to leave Tennessee behind on the other side of the road goddamn it."
 Deacon raced after Ava as she picked up Tennessee.
Deacon said, "Put down Tennessee and let me pick him up."
Ava said, "I shall do no such thing."
 Deacon said, "This is your last chance."
Reese said, "Just put him down.  I'll carry him instead."
Ava said, "I've done nothing wrong, but I shall do as you request."
 Ava took a deep breath out of frustration as she put Tennessee back to the ground.
 Ava reached into her purse for her hairbrush, but the way she reached into her purse either looked like she was reaching for a gun or reaching to pick up Tennessee.  Not wishing to ask question, Deacon stabbed Ava from behind ten times.  Ava started to drool blood as she fell to the ground into a puddle of blood.
Potato Pal claimed parenting responsibility over Deacon Phillippe and Tennessee Toth as Ava Phillippe slowly died in a puddle of blood on the ground.  Reese Witherspoon was forced to escape as the latest attempt to kill her failed.
 Taylor Swift finally succeeded in tying Calvin Harris to the railroad tracks.  Taylor laughed with joy as Calvin cried out for help.
Taylor replied with an evil smirk, "The Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse isn't going to rescue you and kill me as punishment.  So you might as well forget it.  It's over.  I defeated you.  I only dated you to ruin you.  Finally, my plan to ruin you by dating you is reaching it's conclusion."
Calvin cried out, "You won't get away with it your evil horrible woman."
Taylor replied, "You fool, I'm already getting away with it."
Taylor walked away as the train got closer to running over Calvin Harris.  Potato Pal rescued Calvin Harris, but the train ran over both of Calvin's legs and both of his arms, forcing both legs and both arms to be amputated with a chainsaw.  Potato Pal and Extreme Universe Edition Potato Pal accidently tripped and caused Calvin Harris to fall into a vat of corrosive acid causing Calvin Harris to suffer severe third degree acid burns all over his body.  The corrosive acid burns also left Calvin Harris blind, death and mute.  The still living and breathing Calvin Harris was transported to the wrong end of the hospital where Ebola was being treated.  This caused Calvin Harris to be infected with both the Zika Virus and the Ebola Virus both at the same time.  Taylor failed to kill Calvin Harris, but she succeeded in ruining him beyond repair as punishment for attacking her for her evil wicked crimes of the evil act of donating a song and inability to decide if she wants public credit for it and the evil act of inability to give permission to a song lyric in a coherent manner which only an evil psycho could manage to do.  Taylor Swift laughed in the wickedness manner possible at the misfortune that Calvin Harris was forced to endure.
Taylor Swift approached Reese Witherspoon.
Taylor said, "You were supposed to deliver Deacon Phillippe and Tennessee Toth to me."
Reese said, "There were complications.  Ava failed and died and I was nearly killed.  Deacon Phillippe and Tennessee Toth are being trained by the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse instead of being delivered to you for the final conflict."
Taylor said, "That's a disappointment.  Come on, we have much to do.  Let's hope more of your plans isn't unraveled and defeated through murder and death."
Taylor Swift and Reese Witherspoon escaped justice.  Efforts to kill both women failed.
Kristen Stewart and Nikki Reed are best friends forever.  They do everything together.  And when Nikki Reed wanted to get drunk and party, Kristen Stewart wasted no time to say yes.  Kristen Stewart side bumped Thug #1 while walking past the mail box next to the building that the party was going to be thrown inside.
Thug #1 said, "You side bumped me.  That's rude and inconsiderate."
Kristen Stewart said with a sweet femenine smile, "Oh please forgive me.  I didn't mean to hurt you."
Thug #1 said, "You're the only person who will feel hurt."
Thug #1 tried to strangle Kristen Stewart, but Nikki Reed got in the way.
Nikki Reed said, "If you're going to murder Kristen Stewart, you have to go through me first."
Kristen Stewart said, "That's two of us girls and one of you.  I have the advantage."
Thug #1 said, "This isn't over."
Thug #1 stomped off.
Kristen Stewart faced Nikki Reed and said, "Thanks for saving me."
Nikki Reed faced Kristen Stewart and replied, "Hey, what are friends for."

Avril Lavigne was excited when she met up with Nikki Reed, Nina Dobrev and Kristen Stewart.  The four women started to talk in yet another alcoholic party.  All four women were getting drunk (Kristen Stewart was already beyond drunk and didn't need more encouragement, but she did so anyway).  And they seduced and talked up all the gentlemen in the party.  The four women didn't have to worry about competition from other women since they were the only females in the party.  Nikki Reed, Nina Dobrev and Avril Lavigne saw Forrest Path Guy and chose to follow him out of the party and towards the forrest preserve behind the building the party was being held in  Kristen Stewart chose to stay behind.  And so she continued to get drunk and seduce all the guys in the guy only party, only this time she was doing so without assistance from Avril Lavigne, Nina Dobrev and Nikki Reed.  And she had a buzz from all the liquore she was drinking and she simply didn't care.

 Kristen Stewart accidently spilled her alcoholic beverage on Male Thug #1
Male Thug #1 said, "You spilled your drink on me.  What are you going to do about it."
Kristen Stewart did her prettiest and most feminine smile and said, "Look, I'm sorry about it.  If there's anything I can do for you?"
Male Thug #2 said, "She said that she'll do anything for you.  I think she should let you strangle her to death."
Male Thug #3 said, Yeah, getting strangled is a good thing she can do for you."
Kristen Stewart said with the prettiest and most feminine smile, "Oh come on, there has to be something other than getting strangled to death that I can do."
Male Thug #1 said, "Actually, getting strangled is the only thing you can do for me."
And so Male Thug #1 started to strangle Kristen Stewart in the middle of the party.  Nobody in the party rushed to save Kristen Stewart from being strangled to death by Male Thug #1.  Kristen is legally dead.
Avril Lavigne, Nina Dobrev and Nikki Reed walked side by side through the forest preserve.  Nikki and Nina saw the guy that Avril Lavigne, Kristen Stewart and themselves was supposed to attack and kill.  As Nikki Reed and Nina Dobrev ran forward, Avril Lavigne dropped her bracelet.  Avril Lavigne stopped to pick up her bracelet.  Then she lost track of Nina Dobrev and Nikki Reed.  Avril Lavigne frowned as she continued to walk forward without knowing where the Forrest Path Guy was hiding from her.
Avril Lavigne and Billie Eilish hugged each other tightly when the two doomed sexually seductive teenage girls encountered each other in the forest.  Avril could smell the sweet perfume of Billie's girlish shampoo that she washed her hair with only a few hours ago.  Perhaps it was a terrible waste of shampoo since both girls are going to die a few minutes from now.  And since the entire Female Gender was discovered to be an evil parasite and as a result outlawed which requires that all girls needs to die.  Such a terrible waste of such a sweet smelling perfume.  But Avril loved the smell of Billie's hair as both girls tightly embraced each other---Breasts pressed on breasts and vagina pressed on vagina.  Both girls parted to look at each other.
Billie asked, "Hey, what's up?"
Avril replied, "The Forest Path Guy is in the area.  Some of the girls and I are going to find the creep and kill him."
Billie said, "Can you believe the nerve of those dipshits?  Insisting that the entire Female Gender is a fake gender and is a parasite that is born evil.  And now the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse is finding the Who's Who of Unconvicted Child Molesters to drive the entire Female Gender to extinction."
Avril said with a wide and enthusiastic smile, "That isn't going to happen!  I'm going to murder the Forest Path Guy and end his Child Molesting Career forever!  You're going to help me kill the Forest Path Guy!"
Billie said with a wide and enthusiastic smile, "I'll be more than happy to help you kill the Forest Path Guy."
Avril said, "Hold on, I see him.  The Forest Path Guy isn't going to survive.  Time for the Forest Path Guy to die once and for all."
Billie said, "And everybody claims that every single Teenage Girl who ever challenges the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse always ends up getting herself murdered.  You and I are going to be the girls who will prove those people wrong."
Avril ran on ahead and Billie got lost in the forest.  Billie lost track of Avril and she located the Forest Path Guy.  Billie smiled with enthusiasm as she chased after the Forest Path Guy with intent to kill him violently.  Forest Path Guy has no choice but to murder Billie Eilish in self defense before she succeeds in killing him.  Time for Billie Eilish to die.  The cute sexually adorable teenage girl must die before it's too late and she succeeds in killing every Unconvicted Child Molester working for the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse.  Her efforts to prevent the extinction of the entire Female Gender (Which is wicked and evil to the core) must be defeated and the teenage girl killed by a Child Molester before it's too late!
The Forest Path Guy wanted to have sexual intercourse with fellow Unconvicted Child Molester Archery Guy.  The Forest Path Guy also wanted to have sexual intercourse with Billie Eilish.  Having sexual intercourse with a cute sexually attractive teenage girl like Billie Eilish means that efforts to drive the entire Female Gender to extinction will fail.  Archery Guy will die while Forest Path Guy marries and has sex Billie Eilish.  Having sexual intercourse with Archery Guy means that Billie Eilish will violently die once and for all and efforts to drive the entire Female Gender to extinction will succeed.  It will be a world without women everywhere!  Billie Eilish gets the chance to die while Forest Path Guy marries and has sex with Archery Guy.  Forest Path Guy must kill Billie Eilish now so that the second option becomes a reality.  The entire Female Gender must be driven to extinction because the entire Female Gender are evil parasites!  

Forest Path Guy lovingly kissed Billie ten times and she kissed him twenty times with equal level of romantic passion.  Who cares if women are an evil parasite who must be driven to extinction before it's too late?  He loves her and she loves him in return!  That alone is enough!  And Archery Guy is unable to defeat Billie by killing her before she completes her seduction.  Billie kissed Forest Path Guy and he kissed her as he fondled her vagina, moved up her stomach and fondled her voluptuous breasts.  Hurry up and kill Billie before Forest Path Guy starts to masturbate!  Forest Path Guy must have a masturbation orgasm while wiggling on Archery Guy with Billie dying nearby!  Billie's death must coincide with Forest Path Guy's masturbation orgasm!  Time for Archery Guy to kill Billie before it's too late!
Forest Path Guy realized that something is wrong and he walked backwards.  Billie smiled and she walked forward.  He found himself fondling her voluptuous breasts and he looked at her lips which was wet and shiny with lipstick.  He lovingly kissed her lips lovingly ten times.  He wants to lovingly have sex with Billie, but he's going to lovingly masturbate on Archery Guy with Billie dying nearby.  And her death will coincide with his masturbation orgasm.  And he's about to have an orgasm as his left arm embraced the teenage girl as his right arm fondled her breasts while he lovingly kissed her.
Billie said, "You need to show me a surprise a few seconds from now.  I need to have a surprise happen to me right this second."
Forest Path Guy said, "A surprise will happen seconds from now."
Forest Path Guy's right hand ran through Billie's long blonde hair and she looked at him with a cute girlish smile.  He looked at her with a smile.  His left arm lovingly hugged her as his right arm ran down her hair and down her shoulder blades before fondling her breasts.  His right arm rested on her spine and then caressed her spine.  They lovingly kissed.
Billie said, "You promised me a surprise that I both need and deserve to have happen to me.  Where is that surprise?  I'm impatient for it."
Forest Path Guy said, "Don't worry young lady, the surprise that you both need and deserve to have happen to you will be delivered to you sooner than you expect."
Forest Path Guy felt a masturbation orgasm starting to happen and Archery Guy isn't around to kill Billie while he's having his masturbation orgasm simultaniously.  The girl will succeed in seducing him to sexually enjoy girls forever if she isn't killed now!  Both of his hands rested on and also caressed her spine as she snuggled closer to his body.  Billie lovingly kissed the Forest Path Guy eight times and he lovingly kissed her six times in return.  The way that Billie lovingly kissed Forest Path Guy and then turned her head to look knowingly at Archery Guy filled Archery Guy with homicidal anger.  Archery Guy knew that he needs to murder Billie before it's too late and he doesn't have the courage to do so.  Billie knew that and that's why she smiled knowingly while looking at Archery Guy before turning her attention to the Forest Path Guy.  Billie lovingly kissed the Forest Path Guy with Archery Guy watching and needing to kill her right now.
Billie Eilish kept forgetting that ever since the entire Female Gender has been outlawed, killing a female no longer had any negative consequences.  In fact,  the murder of a teenage girl produced a Girl Killing Point to the lucky murderer of a teenage girl producing all sorts of perks and priviledges.  Archery Guy had it with Billie Eilish and chose that he needs to kill the teenage girl right now before it's too late.  Forest Path Guy was seconds away from getting turned to heterosexuality.  Billie needs to die before she succeeds in doing so.
Billie said, "I'm tired of waiting for the surprise that I both need and deserve and I won't wait for it any longer.  Also, are you going to take me on a date to something nice or will it be dull and boring?  Give me some jewelry.  I need to have some really nice jewelry."
Archery Guy fired an arrow into Billie's spine.  The arrow went through and destroyed most of her vital organs before emerging between her voluptuous breasts.  Forest Path Guy released his grip on the dying teenage girl and she dropped to her knees in shock.
Billie said, "Holy fuck, what the Hell happened?"
Forest Path Guy said, "Sorry young lady, but you're out of time."
Archery Guy shoved Billie aside and she lay down sideways to the ground.  Forest Path Guy lovingly hugged each other as Billie struggled and failed to rise to her knees.  The dying teenage girl struggled to breath as Forest Path Guy wiggled fully clothed on Archery Guy and is about to have a masturbation orgasm while watching the teenage girl lie down on the ground dying from impossible to survive injuries.
Billie tried to stand up and failed.  She only managed to role on her stomach while she pressed her breasts and her vagina to the ground.  A growing puddle of blood emerged from under her while Forest Path Guy felt a masturbation orgasm while wiggling while fully clothed and standing up on Archery Guy.  Both guys hugged each other with Billie dying on the ground nearby.  The entire Female Gender is being driven to extinction as punishment for being a fake gender and an evil parasite.  Billie's death will make it easier for the entire Female Gender to be driven to extinction.  Billie tried to speak and she only drooled blood as the dying girl felt the urge to close her eyes and die in a puddle of her own blood.  She failed to turn Forest Path Guy into a heterosexual and now the sexually seductive teenage girl is dying nearby both of her murderers.
Billie closed her eyes and she stopped breathing.  There are no new girl infant births since girl babies are outlawed.  With girls dying by the hundreds with no new girl baby births, the entire Female Gender is pushed closer to extinction each and everyday.  But that's ok because pregnancy and child birth was part of the Fake Female Gender Parasite infestation.  Boy babies restore boys who were ruined and killed by the Fake Female Gender Parasite Infestation.  Girl babies only causes the Fake Female Gender Parasite Infestation to grow even bigger.  And with girls dying by the hundreds and girl babies outlawed, Billie's death helps to bring about the World Without Women when the Fake Female Gender Parasite Infestation is finally ended when the entire Female Gender is driven to extinction.  Forest Path Guy felt a massive masturbation orgasism while wiggling fully clothed on Archery Guy while standing up next to Billie Eilish's legally dead corpse.
Billie Eilish is no longer alive.  The sexually seductive teenage girl is legally dead.
Avril Lavigne was aware that Billie Eilish is legally dead.  She watched with anger as Forest Path Guy made out with Archery Guy.  She wanted revenge against Forest Path Guy for making and then breaking romantic promises.  The girl realized that the best way of getting revenge is to kill both boys starting with Forest Path Guy.  Avril no longer cared that she was forcing both boys to kill her in self defense.
Then the two boys separated because there were three more teenage girls to murder.  Avril Lavigne was one of those teenage girls who needs to be murdered.  Avril followed Forest Path Guy as she lost track of Archery Guy.  Forest Path Guy had no idea that Avril was following him.  Forest Path Guy was unable to murder Avril in self defense because he has no idea that Avril was following him.  Archery Guy needs to kill Avril before she succeeds in killing Forest Path Guy.  Avril smiled as she walked closer towards Forest Path Guy and her goal of attacking him from behind.  Avril was confident that she will succeed in killing Forest Path Guy without getting killed in the process.  Avril failed to realize that I have seen the future.  I have seen the World Without Women.  The entire Female Gender will be driven to extinction without any females surviving.  Avril is a female.  Therefore, Avril must be murdered right now so that the extinction of the entire Female Gender will succeed.
Avril rested her right hand on her voluptuous breasts as she got closer towards her goal to kill Forest Path Guy in a sneak attack from behind.  Once again, Archery Guy must rescue Forest Path Guy from Evil Acting Females belonging to the Fake Female Gender Parasite Infestation by killing the evil acting girl before it's too late.  Avril continued to rest her right hand on her voluptuous breasts while her left hand held the knife that she's planning to attack Forest Path Guy in a sneak attack with.  Hurry up and kill Avril before it's too late!  Avril must be murdered now before it's too late and only Archery Guy and murder the evil acting girl.

Archery Guy kicked Avril and punched her five times.  Avril looked at Archery Guy blankly before she fell face first to the ground and stopped moving.  She lay still without any movement nor any attempt to breathe oxygen.
Forest Path Guy asked, "Is it over?  Did we murder her?"
Archery Guy replied, "I'll be feeling relieved if that girl truly is legally dead.  One less girl in the world brings us closer to the World Without Women that we keep fighting for."
And with that, the two boys made out with each other knowing that Avril's death will bring the world closer to the extinction of the entire Female Gender and the creation of the World Without Women  Avril continued to lie down motionless on the ground.

Forest Path Guy and Archery Guy lovingly hugged each other next to Avril as she lay face down on the ground without any movement nor any effort to breathe.  Avril stood up and she kicked Archery Guy to the ground.  Avril looked at Forest Path Guy with a smile on her face.
Avril asked, "Hello darling, did you miss me?"
Avril punched the Forest Path Guy and he kicked her twice before he ran deeper into the forest.  Avril ran after him with intent to kill.  It will be necessary for the Forest Path Guy to kill Avril in self defense before she succeeds in killing him.  But how will he succeed in killing Avril when she's chasing him through the forest?  Hurry up and kill Avril before it's too late!
Avril thought she located her missing bracelet that fell off her wrist and fell into the foliage of the forest.  Avril put aside her pursuit of Forest Path Guy to bend over to pick up her missing bracelet.  

Archery Guy fired an arrow directly into her stomach.  Avril Lavigne looked at Archery Guy as he came out of hiding.  And with a blank expression on her face, Avril Lavigne fell to the ground.  Avril is legally dead.
Nikki Reed lost track of Nina Dobrev.  However, she was closer to killing the target than Nina Dobrev.  

Nina Dobrev ended up going one direction and Nikki Reed ended up going the opposite direction  Kristen Stewart, Billie Eilish and Avril Lavigne are legally dead.  However, both Forest Path Guy and Archery Guy are never truly safe until both Nikki Reed and Nina Dobrev are murdered.  Which girl gets to die first and which girl gets to die second?  It will be interesting to know the answer to that question.
Anyway, Nikki Reed chased Forrest Path Guy out of the forest and into the street in front of the alcohol tavern that Forrest Path Guy was originally spotted inside.  Forrest Path Guy stopped running and faced Nikki Reed as she stood in front of a mail box.

Nikki Reed said, "You can't run from me anymore.  It's time for you to die.  I never thought that I'd be the girl who actually succeeds in killing you."
Forrest Path Guy said, "Never make a promise that you can't keep."
Archery Guy fired an arrow into Nikki Reed's stomach.  Nikki Reed released a groan as she fell down on the street in front of the mail box.  Nikki is legally dead.  Archery Guy and Forrest Path Guy gave each other a high five. 
 Nina Dobrev was alone when she finally caught up to Forrest Path Guy.  She was sexy and seductive.  She kissed him.  He kissed her back.  And for the moment, he wanted her very badly.

Forrest Path Guy noticed that Nina Dobrev was holding an arrow. 
Forrest Path Guy asked, "What are you doing with Archery Guy's arrow?"
Nina Dobrev said, "That arrow was supposed to go into my stomach, but I tied up and gagged Archery Guy instead.  You have three seconds to save his life.  Or you can make love to me instead.  It's your choice and you have a limited time to decide."

Nina Dobrev turned to run away and escape. 

Forrest Path guy grabbed Nina Dobrev and pulled her to the ground.  She landed face down and he landed face down directly on top of her.  She had the upper hand and spun him around while still lying down face up.  She sat on top of him and started to strangle the Forrest Path Guy.

 An arrow was fired and struck Nina Dobrev from behind.  The arrow entered near her spine, went through most of her vital orgains and exited between her breasts.  Nina Dobrev drooled blood before she lay down on the ground.  Nina is legally dead.  Archery Guy helped up Forrest Path Guy.
Forrest Path Guy said, "I thought you were being held hostage in a death trap?"
Archery Guy said, "Girls tie lousy knots.  She should never have dropped that arrow because it went right through her anyway."
Minka Kelly chose to go swimming.  She found a sexy one shoulder one piece swimming suit and she paired it off with skimpy blue jean shorts.  And so she swam and she gossiped with her friends.  The hot California sun was shining down on her and she was having fun.

Then she saw a guy drowning to death in the Pacific Ocean.  Feeling empathy and concern, she raced towards the ocean to stage a rescue of the drowning guy.

She didn't know how she did it, but she dragged the Guy Who Nearly Drowned to shore.  She ignored a strange man behind her attacking both of her friends with driftwood until they both started to bleed all over the sand.  She performed mouth to mouth recessitation on the Guy Who Nearly Drowned in the Pacific Ocean.  She came very close to saving him.

 Three seconds away and the Guy Who Nearly Drowned would've been saved by her.  The Driftwood Attacker grabbed Minka Kelly and pulled her backwards into the Pacific Ocean and held her down underwater.  The Driftwood Attacker thought Minka Kelly tried to drown the Guy Who Nearly Drowned and then only saved him to save face.  The Driftwood Attacker didn't realize that Minka Kelly's rescue was genuine.  It's ironic that the only time Minka Kelly did something truly honest and she's being punished for it.  All the amoral things she's done and she never got punished for it.  Irony was never Minka Kelly's strongest point.  Another guy saved the Guy Who Nearly Drowned while nobody tried to save Minka Kelly.  Not even the Guy Who Nearly Drowned bothered to save Minka Kelly as the world got dark as air was pushed from her lungs.  She tried to rise to the surface of the Pacific Ocean to no avail.  She picked up a rock.  One last chance to save herself by killing the Driftwood Attacker.  The Guy Who Nearly Drowned has a chance to save Minka Kelly from drowning by letting Minka Kelly kill the Driftwood Attacker with a rock or he could help the Driftwood Attacker drown Minka Kelly to death.  The Guy Who Nearly Drowned hit Minka Kelly against the head with a rock.  The Driftwood Attacker had no problems drowning Minka Kelly until the girl stopped moving. 
Meanwhile, back in Reese Witherspoon's house, both Ryan Phillippe and James Toth were starting to realize that Reese Witherspoon was acting stranger than usual.  Suspecting that his ex-wife was poisoning James Toth's mind by using her sexual desirability as a weapon, he reached for a kitchen knife to murder Reese Witherspoon.  Taylor Swift hit Ryan Phillippe in the head with a frying pan and he fell down in a crumpled heap.
James Toth cried out, "Oh My GOD, Ryan was right.  You are evil."
Reese replied with a smile, "Too bad you'll never get the chance to warn anybody else about the truth."
Reese kissed James.  Taylor Swift attacked and James kicked her to the ground in a crumpled heap.  Taylor rose to her feet.  Reese attacked James.  James responded by trying to strangle Reese.  Taylor attacked James Toth from behind with the same frying pan that she attacked Ryan Phillippe with.  James Toth fell to the ground too.  Reese Witherspoon gave a high five to Taylor Swift.
Reese said, "Thank GODDESS you came here to save me from those two horrible people."
Taylor said, "We better escape justice before anybody else finds us both."
Reese placed a time bomb between Ryan Phillippe and James Toth and she left her house with Taylor Swift in tow.  They were later spotted at the 46th Annual Academy Of Country Music Awards in Las Vegas with Rob Pattinson.

Taylor Swift excused herself and entered the ladies restroom to refresh her makeup.  Some guy she never met attacked her from behind.
The Male Attacker hissed, "Tell me how to defuse the timebomb and I'll let you live.  Be difficult and I'll be forced to kill you."
Taylor Swift spun around and delived a roundhouse kick that caught her attacker by surprise.  The Male Attacker dropped his knife and Taylor Swift kicked the knife away across the room and away from his grasp.  The Male Attacker tried to crawl towards his knife, but Taylor grabbed him and pulled him backwards.  He tried to punch her, but she dodged the blow.  The Male Attacker knew the only way to prevent the bomb from blowing up Reese Witherspoon's house was to kill Taylor Swift and grabe the remote control bomb defuser from her purse---But he didn't know how to pull it off.  Plus, Reese Witherspoon was on the side of the doorway outside the ladies restroom.  He might even need to attack and kill Reese Witherspoon too.  The Male Attacker didn't know how he was going to deal with Reese Witherspoon without harming the rest of the 46th Annual Academy Of Country Music Awards in Las Vegas attendents.  But first, Taylor Swift needs to be dealt with. 

The Male Attacker raced across the women's bathroom and grabbed the knife.  Taylor Swift rushed forward and into the Male Attacker's knife.  The Male Attacker stabbed Taylor Swift between her voluptuous breasts five more times before she dropped to her knees with a lifeless expression on her face.  Taylor Swift started to drool blood as the dying girl lost the will to continue living.  Taylor Swift released a groan as she fell to the ground with a thud.  Taylor Swift is no longer alive.  Taylor Swift is legally dead. 
Time to murder Reese Witherspoon before she escapes justice.
The remote control bomb defuser was activated.  Ryan Phillippe and James Toth was safe from getting blown up inside Reese Witherspoon's house.  However, Reese Witherspoon might make a second attempt to kill them both if she herself isn't killed soon.  And she's on the other side of the women's bathroom door.  The Male Attacker opened the door to find Reese Witherspoon racing out of the door and outside.  Rose McGowan was racing towards Reese Witherspoon from the opposite direction.  The Male Attacker raced after Reese Witherspoon in hopes of killing her before she can reach Rose McGowan.  It will be impossible to kill Rose McGowan with Reese Witherspoon still alive and standing nearby.
The Male Attacker grabbed Reese Witherspoon from behind.  The girl put up a struggle.
Reese Witherspoon said, "Get your hands off me.  I've done nothing wrong worth killing me over."
The Male Attacker said, "You tried to blow up Ryan Phillippe and James Toth with a bomb.  I must kill you to prevent you from making another murder attempt against the two of them."
The Male Attacker sliced open Reese Witherspoon's throat.  The girl gargled blood as she crumpled to the ground.  She stopped moving and lay very still.  The Male Attacker looked at Rose McGowan.  Rose McGowan realized that Reese Witherspoon was dead and she ran in the opposite direction.  The Bomb Defuser approached the Male Attacker.
The Male Attacker said, "I found Rose McGowan for you."
The Bomb Defuser said, "What are you waiting for.  We need to kill her before she finds a new transmitter to activate a poison gas bomb against a men's only party."
The Male Attacker said, "Let's go and kill Rose McGowan."
The Male Attacker and the Bomb Defuser tried to chase Rose McGowan, but she gave them the slip.

And so it goes like this.  Dakota Fanning and Elle Fanning are sisters.  Dakota Fanning is the oldest.  Elle Fanning is the youngest.  Both women were shoplifting makeup from their favorite store.  And when Dakota Fanning and Elle Fanning was finished shoplifting makeup, they slipped through the stock room and jumped from the loading dock and onto the street behind the store.  And none of the customers or employees noticed Dakota Fanning's and Elle Fanning's shoplifting crime except for the Football Guy who followed the two women from a distance.  Dakota Fanning and Elle Fanning didn't see the Football Guy, but he sure saw them.

The two women walked side by side towards the party.  They stopped near the entrance to the building that the menn's only party was going to be thrown in.
Elle Fanning asked, "Are you sure you don't want to show up and help me celebrate.  Katie Holmes will be disappointed that you never appeared."
Dakota said, 'I would love to hang out with Katie Holmes, but I'm really tired.  I need to get some sleep.  I've been awake for the past forty-eight hours and I can barely keep my eyes open because I'm so tired and exhausted."
Elle said, "Oh please, you can't let Katie Holmes down."
Dakota replied, "Ok, I'll hang around for a few minutes, but then I really need to get going."

And so Dakota Fanning followed Elle Fanning into the party.  However, Dakota Fanning quickly lost track of Elle Fanning and had trouble relocating Elle again.  And so Dakota decided to leave the party now instead of later.  And so she walked out of the same door that she walked into and into the semi-crowded parking lot in a futile attempt to find a taxi cab that will take her back to her penthouse suite across the hallway from Denise Richard's penthouse suite.




Football Guy approached Dakota and he asked, "Can I have your autograph?  You're my favorite Dandelion Girl I ever met."
Dakota smiled as she said, "Yeah, sure.  I'll be happy to give you an autograph."

And he stabbed Dakota Fanning in the stomach as she signed her autograph.  And she never finished signing the autograph because she finally got some much needed sleep as she fell to the ground dead in a puddle of blood.  The Football Guy walked over Dakota Fanning's dead body towards the party.



Elle Fanning and Katie Holmes warmly greeted each other in the men's only party. 

And after a warm embrace, Katie asked, "Where's your sister Dakota?"
Elle replied, "Dakota is returning home to get some much needed sleep."
Football Guy slipped fast acting poison into Katie Holmes champaign.  He never got to do the same for Elle Fanning's champaign.
Katie said, "I hope you're going to get some champaign?"
Elle said, "I'm trying to lay off the alcohol, but I'll take a tiny sip of yours."
Katie replied, "Go right ahead."
Elle Fanning took a sip of Katie Holmes' champaign glass.  Elle Fanning started to gag.  She crashed to the floor dead in a crumpled heap.  The champaign glass she was holding fell to the floor and shattered into a thousand little pieces.  Katie Holmes looked in vain for the Football Guy as he asked from Katie and vanished into the night.  Katie's efforts to get Elle Fanning's corpse moved from the spot where the corpse fell was ignored as it was preferred that the corpse lay there forever.  Katie Holmes left the party with frustration and not wanting to die along with Dakota Fanning and Elle Fanning.

Yeah, it's true that Katie Holmes was more than a bit rattled by the tragic deaths of Dakota Fanning and her sister Elle Fanning.  However, she still needed to appear on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon that evening.  It was a live broadcast.  And she was perfectly poised and perfectly ladylike in every sense of the word.  And she deeply impressed everybody.  And as far as promotion for the Dandelion Girls are concerned, it was good for the organization that Katie Holmes appeared on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon.  Perhaps, it was possible for the Dandelion Girls to gain a few more recruits before the night is through---Assuming that the unexplained series of murder attacks against the Dandelion Girls is ended without anymore Dandelion Girl fatalities.

Coldplay lead singer Chris Martin kept being steared into the restuarant by both his wife Gwyneth Paltrow and a by part Cuban, part German, part English and part Cherokee actress named Cameron Diaz.  However, Chris Martin kept finding new and exciting ways to delay going into the restaurant.  He wasn't sure how long he can keep delaying until both Gwyneth Paltrow and Cameron Diaz discovers his deception and becomes both agitated and possibly even violent.  Chris Martin kept waiting for Guy Berryman, Jonny Buckland and Will Champion to back him up against both his wife Gwyneth Paltrow and Cameron Diaz.  Why won't the three men show up to help him out with both troublmaking women (one of whom he married).  Well, it turned out that Guy Berryman, Jonny Buckland and Will Champion were at the restaurant being seduced by Leighton Meester.  Or rather, Leighton Meester was seducing all three of them, but they kept finding new and exciting ways to delay actually making love to Leighton Meester.  Guy Berryman, Jonny Buckland and Will Champion kept waiting for Chris Martin to show up and reinforce them against Leighton Meester's constant seduction efforts towards them, but Chris Martin won't show up.  Why won't Chris Martin show up to help them out with the troublemaking woman (Who none of them never proposed marriage to (Thank the Lord)).

And so with Chris Martin waiting for Guy Berryman, Jonny Buckland and Will Champion to rescue him from being steared towards the restaurant by Gwyneth Paltrow and Cameron Diaz.  And with Guy Berryman, Jonny Buckland and Will Champion waiting for Chris Martin to rescue them from being in the restaurant with Leighton Meester, something has to give.  An Unknown Third Person either has to attack Gwyneth Paltrow and Cameron Diaz to rescue Chris Martin.  Or an Unknown Third Person has the attack Leighton Meester to rescue Guy Berryman, Jonny Buckland and Will Champion.  But the Unknown Third Person can't do both.  Which battle will the Unknown Third Person engage in?  Will the Unknown Third Person engage in any battle against a female at all? 
Coldplay lead singer Chris Martin ran out of excuses.  And as he slowly walked backwards, he could see his wife Gwyneth Paltrow growing even more murderously hate filled towards him.  Cameron Diaz stood next to Gwyneth Paltrow in a proud show of force.
Gwyneth asked, "What's wrong?  You don't want to eat dinner with me?  It's been a while since we hung out with Leighton Meester.  She's concerned about you."
Cameron added, "All of us women has been concerned about you."
Chris Martin said, "Get away from me.  I don't know how Leighton Meester found about the Unknown Third Person's secrets, but she isn't allowed to tell either of you.  And those secrets won't be told in front of me."
Gwyneth said, "Oh, I already know all of the Unknown Third Person's secrets.  Those secrets are your secrets too.  I was going to drug you and force you to admit those secrets by skype all across the Internet."
Chris backed away and said, "I can't let you get away with it.  I must stop you."
Gwyneth said, "The only way you can stop me is to kill me and you don't have the courage to kill me.  So let me drug you so you can be forced to confess all of your secrets on Skype to everybody on the Internet."
Cameron said, "It's obvious that he won't go willingly.  We might need to either drug him or kill him now."

Chris Martin ran for his life.  Gwyneth Paltrow and Cameron Diaz chased after him.  Chris ran down the street and hid behind some trash cans.  He wasn't sure how he was going to murder Cameron Diaz and Gwyneth Paltrow, but he needed to make the effort or die trying.  His secrets are so important that he was even willing to kill Cameron and Gwyneth to keep all of his secrets hidden.  Cameron Diaz spotted him.  Chris Martin ran as fast as possible with Cameron Diaz close behind.  She approached a building.  And in the parking lot of that building was a car that she thought belonged to Julia Roberts.  Cameron Diaz frowned as she approached the car slowly and cautiously. 
To be honest, Chris Martin always admired the German, English, Irish Scottish, Cherokee Native American and Cuban descended girl.  However, that was before Cameron Diaz was assigned to kill Chris Martin.  Now it's needed to put admiration aside.  Now it's necessary to kill Cameron Diaz before the Part Hispanic, part Native American uber-popular girl murders Chris Martin first.  Chris Martin and Cameron Diaz must now keep fighting against each other until one of them dies forever! 

Cameron Diaz opened the drivers side of the car and examined Emma Robert's dead body.  Cameron looked at the drivers side of the front windshield and it was still possible to drive without her view being obstructed.  Perhaps it would be easier for Cameron Diaz to find Chris Martin if she was driving a car and used it to run him over.  The car keys wasn't in the ignition.  Cameron Diaz dragged Emma Roberts dead body from the car, laid the corpse on the parking lot gravel and checked her purse and pockets for the car keys.  Emma Roberts' dead body lay face up. 
Cameron said, "Come on Emma, where did you hide the car keys?"
Daniel Moder stabbed Cameron Diaz from behind.  He kept stabbing Cameron Diaz from behind until she fell face down on top of Emma Roberts dead body which lay face up.  Cameron Diaz lay dead on top of Emma Robert' dead body breasts on breasts and vagina on vagina.  Daniel Moder couldn't find the car keys either.  So he wrecked the car with a baseball bat instead.
Chris Martin was convinced that he escaped from Gwyneth Paltrow.  He turned around to discover that she's gaining on him.  So he ran into a deserted alley hoping to escape from her.  He spotted her and ran faster.  He turned a corner and approached a building.  He could either enter the building or he could fight and murder Gwyneth Paltrow.

Gwyneth Paltrow said, "There's no use fighting against the inevitable.  We both know that I'm going to win in the end.  So stop fighting so that we can do this the easy way."
Chris said, "I'd rather murder you instead."
Gwyneth said, "Fine by me.  I always wanted to kill you anyway."
Chris ran and Gwyneth ran after him.  He raced towards the door into the building and flung it open.  Gwyneth tripped over a brick and she fell on top of Michelle Trachtenberg's dead body.  Michelle Trachtenberg lay face up and Gwyneth Paltrow fell on top of Michelle Trachtenberg face down.  The arrow that impailed and killed Michelle Trachtenberg also impailed and killed Gwyneth Paltrow.  And so Gwyneth Paltrow lay legally dead on top of Michelle Trachtenberg's dead body, breasts on breasts and vagina on vagina.  Chris Martin closed the door into the building since he won't need to use it anymore.  He kicked Gwyneth Paltrow's dead body before walking off.
The Unknown Third Person approached Chris Martin and said, "Guy Berryman, Jonny Buckland and Will Champion is stuck in the restaurant with Leighton Meester.  Leighton Meester is going to drug them and force them to confess our secrets on Skype if we don't kill her."
Chris Martin said, "Then what are we waiting for.  We have a girl to murder and guys to rescue."
Chris Martin and the Unknown Third Person ran down the street towards the direction of the restaurant that Leighton Meester is holding three guys at her mercy.  The Unknown Third Person wasn't sure if he will be able to murder Leighton Meester before she starts the drugging process.
The Male Attacker and the Bomb Defuser tried to chase Rose McGowan, but she gave them the slip.  It took thirty minutes before they located the girl.  Rose McGowan was in a radio shack store.  The all male staff were killed.  Rose McGowan was searching the radio shack supplies for a transister that could operate the poison gas bomb.  Her back was turned.  It was a perfect time for the Male Attacker and the Bomb Defuser to bring Rose McGowan to justice by killing her.
 There was a shark knife poking the Bomb Defuser's spine.  He turned around to face Ginnifer Goodwin.  Ginnifer Goodwin smiled sweetly as she motioned the Bomb Defuser and the Male Attacker to drop their weapons. 
Ginnifer Goodwin said, "You may have thought that this was the perfect chance to murder Rose McGowan, but this is the way it's going to go.  You're going to let us grab a new transister from the Radio Shack inventory and then you will let us escape without any fatalities.  Are you starting to understand our new arrangement?"
The Male Attacker said, "You won't get away with it lady."
Ginnifer Goodwin said, "I'm already getting away with it.  I've triumphed against you."
The Bomb Defuser said, "We have no choice except killing you if you get in the way of our need to murder Rose McGowan.  We need to kill Rose to prevent her from activing the poison gas bomb in the ventelation shaft located in the women's bathroom to wipe out a male only party."
Rose said, "There is nothing you can do to stop Ginnifer and I from accomplishing that goal."
Ginnifer said, "You can try to defeat our scheme by killing us, but Rose and I are difficult girls to kill.  You might as well give up and let us succeed."

Rose McGowan said, "I found it.  Let's get out of here."
Rose McGowan gave the transister to Ginnifer.  The Male Attacker grabbed all the transisters from the shelf plus the transister from Ginnifer Goodwin's hands.  The Male Attacker and the Bomb Defuser raced out of the Radio Shack store.  Rose McGowan and Ginnifer Goodwin followed close behind.  Rose faced Ginnifer.  Both girls were baffled.
Rose said, "I'll search this ally and you search this ally.
Ginnifer Goodwin ran down an alley and she turned a sharp corner.  Ginnifer spotted the Male Attacker and she chased him down the ally.  He turned another corner followed closely by Ginnifer Goodwin.  The Male Attacker reached a dead end.  He spun around to face Ginnifer Goodwin.  The only way he could walk past Ginnifer Goodwin is by killing and walking over her dead body.

Ginnifer Goodwin said, "Ok, we both had our fun.  Now give me the transisters now or I'll be forced to kill you.  Don't make this harder than it needs to be."
The Male Attacker stabbed Ginnifer Goodwin with his knife until she fell to the ground in a puddle of blood.  He sliced her throat open when her left leg moved.  The Male Attacker walked over Ginnifer Goodwin's dead body and turned a corner in the ally.
The Male Attacker said, "Now it's time for me to murder Rose McGowan."
Rose McGowan raced towards Sophia Bush, Katrina Bowden and Jennifer Love Hewitt in an ally.  Sophia Bush was concerned when she saw that Rose McGowan was alone.
Sophia asked, "Don't tell me, let me guess.  Ginnifer Goodwin is dead."
Rose McGowan said, "Ginnifer isn't answering my cell phone calls so I assume that something horrible must've happened."
Katrina said, "And we're not any closer to getting the transisters from the Bomb Defuser."
Rose McGowan said, "The jerk even has all the Radio Shack transisters too."
Jennifer Love Hewitt said, "That's not a good thing.  We need a breakthrough that will end our bad luck streak.  If we manage to kill the Bomb Defuser, then our fortunes will improve for the better."

Jennifer Love Hewitt saw the Bomb Defuser and she chased after him.  She didn't bother to look back to see if the other women were following her.  She had the advantage.  She had the chance to kill the Bomb Defuser while the other girls failed and died trying.  And she ran as fast as possible until she cornered him in a warehouse.  The Bomb Defuser raced into the Women's Bathroom in the empty abandoned warehouse.  Jennifer Love Hewitt was smug when she had the Bomb Defuser cornered with no way out.
Jennifer Love Hewitt said with a smile, "Would you like to surrender the transisters and die?  Should I kiss you first?  I'll let you decide."
The Bomb Defuser asked, "What makes you think you can dictate anything young lady?"
Jennifer Love Hewitt said, "Oh Hell, I'll give you a small sample of what you're going to miss after I'm finished killing you."
Jennifer Love Hewitt started to kiss him.  The Bomb Defuser tried to resist, but she's much too strong and much too sexy for him to resist.

The Male Attacker cried out, "No, I can't let you get away with it!"
And with that, he activated the poison gas bomb in a small measured dose.  The Bomb Defuser raced out of the Women's Bathroom as Jennifer Love Hewitt choked on the poison gas fumes.  She crashed to the floor with a thud and her eyes started to close.  It only took a few more minutes for the girl to stop breathing alltogether.
 Sophia Bush looked at Katrina Bowden and Rose McGowan.  The girl was nervous as she frantically looked around her.
Rose asked, "What's wrong?  Why are you so nervous all of a sudden.  You were very confident a few seconds ago."
Sophia replied, "Jennifer Love Hewitt was standing next to us a few seconds ago."
Katrina replied, "I wouldn't worry about it.  She got an angle to defeat and kill the Bomb Defuser.  She probably got the transisters by now."
Sophia replied, "Either that or she's dead."
Sophia Bush saw the Bomb Defuser walked towards Rose, Katrina and herself.  Only Sophia saw the guy and she chased after him down the ally.  She ran so fast that she lost all sence of direction.  She followed the Bomb Defuser into an Abandoned Warehouse.  She followed the Bomb Defuser across the Abandoned Warehouse and into the women's bathroom.  The poisoned gas has already cleared.  Sophia looked down to see the dead body of Jennifer Love Hewitt.
Sophia said, "You really are a sick excuse of a human being."
The Bomb Defuser said, "You probably hate my guts.  What are you going to do about it.  Jennifer Love Hewitt wanted to first kiss me and then kill me.  Will you offer the same."
Sophia said, "I'm not resistant to the idea.  I was actually thinking along those lines."
Sophia Bush smiled as she started to kiss him.  The Bomb Defuser tried to tear himself away, but Sophia was so cute and sexy that he had a hard time doing so.

The Male Attacker cried out, "Don't think you can get away with it young lady.  I killed Jennifer Love Hewitt to prevent her from doing the same exact thing and I'll kill you too if necessary."
He activated the poison gas bomb in a small measured dose. The Bomb Defuser raced out of the Women's Bathroom as Sophia Bush choked on the poison gas fumes. She crashed to the floor with a thud and her eyes started to close. Her arms moved forward in a failed attempt to crawl away.  She tried to crawl away a second time before she gave up and lay down and closed her eyes a second and permenent final time.  It only took a few more minutes for the girl to stop breathing alltogether.  Sophia Bush's dead body lifelessly lay on top of Hilarie Burton's dead body---Breasts on breasts and vagina on vagina.  Sophia Bush's attempt to escape her demise failed.
Katrina Bowden and Rose McGowan was starting to get concerned.  Now both Jennifer Love Hewitt and Sophia Bush was missing.  Katrina and Rose McGowan walked side by side aimlessly through the ally and turning into another ally. 
Katrina said, "We need a better plan to find the Bomb Defuser and force the transisters out of his hand.  This plan that you hatched isn't working."
Rose replied, "Be patient.  My efforts will succeed for women who are patient."
Katrina said, "I'm trying to be patient, but this has gone too far."
Katrina saw the Bomb Defuser.  She didn't bother to check to see if Rose saw the Bomb Defuser too.  Katrina simply chased after the Bomb Defuser down the ally and into the Abandoned Warehouse.  She ran across the Abandoned Warehouse and into the women's bathroom.  The poisoned gas has worn off and now there's the dead bodies of Jennifer Love Hewitt and Sophia Bush lying on the floor.  Katrina looked at the Bomb Defuser with shock and anger.
Katrina said, "The least you can do is apologize for all the innocent girls you have murdered."
The Bomb Defuser said, "I don't need to do anything of the sort."
    Katrina pulled out a knife from her purse and she aimed it at the Bomb Defuser. 
Katrina said, "Well if you won't apologize for all the innocent girls you have killed, then I'll force you to apologize my own special way."

The Male Attacker cried out, "Don't worry, I'll save you from being killed by that girl."
He activated the poison gas bomb in a small measured dose. The Bomb Defuser raced out of the Women's Bathroom as Katrina Bowden choked on the poison gas fumes. She crashed to the floor face down with a thud and her eyes started to close.  She rolled on her back as she struggled to breath, but the poison gas was much too strong.  Katrina Bowden closed her eyes a second and final time.
Rose McGowan found the Abandoned Warehouse by accident.  She raced inside and across the inside of the building.  She saw the Male Attacker and the Bomb Defuser standing outside the women's bathroom.  Rose McGowan was so filled with rage that she didn't care that she was forcing them to kill her in self defence.

Rose McGowan grabbed The Bomb Defuser and she dragged him back into the women's bathroom.  She tried to hold him down.  The Male Attacker grabbed Rose McGowan and tossed her against the wall.  The Male Attacker grabbed the Bomb Defuser and dragged him to safety outside the women's bathroom.  The rest of the poison gas bomb emptied itself out against Rose Mcgowan.  Rose McGowan had no choice but to close her eyes and she stopped breathing.
Alexa Ray Joel was standing guard outside the restaurant that Leighton Meester was planning to drug Guy Berryman, Jonny Buckland and Will Champion into confessing their secrets on Skype.  The only way that Chris Martin and the Unknown Third Person can rescue  Guy Berryman, Jonny Buckland and Will Champion and murder Leighton Meester is to first attack and murder Alexa Ray Joel.  Chris Martin and the Unknown Third Person looked at each other and then at Alexa Ray Joel.  Fighting Alexa Ray Joel to the death doesn't look like an easy task to accomplish. 

Chris Martin and the Unknown Third Person approached Alexa Ray Joel.  Chris pulled out two Marlboro cigarettes from his pocket.  He faced Alexa with a smile.
Chris asked, "Do you have a light."
Alexa replied, "Oh sure, that's no problem."  She pulled a cigarette lighter from her purse.  She added, "Heck of an evening."
Alexa lit both cigarettes.  She grabbed one of the cigarettes.
The Unknown Third Person said, "You stole my cigarette."
Alexa said, "I thought one of the cigarettes was for me?"
Chris stabbed Alexa Ray Joel in the stomach.  Alexa Ray Joel started to groan with pain.  Chris took the cigarette from Alexa's left hand as she fell to the ground.
Chris said, "Did you see three cigarettes that needed lighting?  No.  The reason was simple.  None of the cigarettes was for you.  I simply needed you to light it."
Alexa closed her eyes and died.  Chris Martin and the Unknown Third Person walked over her dead body.  They entered the restaurant to encounter Leighton Meester.  She was already starting to brainwash and drug Guy Berryman, Jonny Buckland and Will Champion.  Leighton forced Chris to drink some hot tea and he fell on the floor in a drugged state.  The Unknown Third Person only had a few seconds left to kill Leighton Meester and rescue Chris Martin, Guy Berryman, Jonny Buckland and Will Champion from confessing all their secrets on Skype. 
Leighton Meester said, "You may have prevented Cameron Diaz and Gwyneth Paltrow from helping me by killing them, but you're still too late.  I'll have everything I want in only a few minutes."
The Unknown Third Person said, "Then I need to work faster to defeat you."
Leighton said, "Go ahead and try to kill me.  You never managed to kill me before and you'll never get the chance to kill me in the future."

The Unknown Third Person pulled out all the electric cords from Leighton Meester's laptop computer and he wrapped those electric cords around Leighton Meester's throat.  The Unknown Third Person continued to strangle Leighton Meester with electric cords around her throat until she fell to the ground in a crumpled heap.  And when the Unknown Third Person was finished murdering Leighton Meester, then came to task of waking up Chris Martin, Guy Berryman, Jonny Buckland and Will Champion from their drugged state.
Katie Holmes was enjoying lunch at a restaurant when the Liason approached the girl. 
Katie looked at him harshly and said in an irritated tone of voice, "What do you want?"
The Liason said, "I want Ryan Phillippe and James Toth released from captivity."
Katie replied, "I want a lot of things too. I don't want anymore innocent girls murdered by serial killers. I want the men who murder girls for enjoyment to be prosecuted. You give me both of those things and I'll release the hostages."
The Liason said, "You know that us guys can't stop until all the women that oppose us are legally dead. The fact that you're still breathing is proof that we still have a long way to go."
Katie said, "Then I'll kill the hostages before the week is through if you don't agree to my demands."
The Liason said, "You realize that you're going to get murdered even if your demands are met."
Katie said, "I seriously doubt it. I'm a tough girl to murder."

And with that, Katie Holmes stood up and she left the restaurant in a self-confident manner.  She left the Liason to pay the restaurant bill.

Katie Holmes left the restaurant and walked down the street towards the house that she was staying at.  The rest of the girls were waiting for her.

Katie Holmes encountered Greg Kinnear and she proceeded to take off her blouse and her bra with a wide smile on her face.  Greg couldn't decide if he wanted to make out with her or if he wanted to slap the shit out of her.  So he pretty much did both at the same time.  He lovingly kissed her, slapped her in the face before lovingly kissing her again.  Some of the slaps he afflicted against the girl nearly killed her, but he always lost his nerve at the last second refusing to slap her hard enough to kill her.  Thus continuing the indecision between wanting to kiss her and wanting to slap her in the face hard enough to murder the girl.

The Driveway Guy approached Greg Kinnear and Katie Holmes. 
The Driveway Guy nearly punched Katie Holmes to death causing her to run away into the darkness of the night and vanished.  Greg Kinnear collapsed into the Driveway Guy's arms and needed to be comforted after what Katie Holmes did against him.
Miley Cyrus and Ashley Greene walked side by side down the sidewalk. 
Ashley Greene asked, "When does the kidnapping take place?"
Miley replied, "The kidnapping should take place a few seconds from now.  All the best girl killing murderers can't stop the kidnapping from taking place.  Soon the hostage will be brainwashed and he'll stay brainwashed for good this time."
Ashley Greene said, "I hope Denise Richard's scheme works.  All of us girls will die if the scheme turns out to be a failure."
Miley said, "Denise Richards is convinced that she has the best girls on the job.  You and I working for Denise Richards is proof of that optimistic belief."
Ashley Greene said, "I certainly hope you're right."
Miley asked, "How can you be so pessimistic?  Trust me.  I have a good feeling about tonight.  One thing is certain.  There will be a final battle.  Either the guys die or both of us girls will die."
Rob Pattinson walked out of the building and he bumped into a woman.  He looked up to see Denise Richards.  Denise Richards smiled.  Rob smiled.
Denise said, "I heard you were flirting with two women.  But now I see that you're not flirting with any women anymore.  Whatever happened to those female in question."
Rob replied, "I don't know.  They must've walked off to do something else."
Denise said, "I thought you cared.  I thought you told me that you'll never sleep with another woman.  And now you're sleeping with two chicks behind my back.  Did you think I would never notice?  You think I would never notice and care?  I have noticed and it hurts me deeply."
Rob said, "Hey babe, I can explain everything."
Denise said, "You can explain inside my apartment.  It's only down the block and to the right."

Rob drove his car towards Denise's apartment building.  Denise sat in the front seat in the passenger side.  After parking the car, Denise lead up up to the fortieth floor of her luxurious penthouse in the apartment building that she lived in.  She poured two cups of tea before she casually sat on the couch.  She gestured Rob to drink some tea.  He crashed to the floor when the tea turned out to be laced with mind control drugs.
Denise said with a smile, "I guess I'll have to work a bit harder to make you fall in love with me."
Casino Killer #1 snuck into Denise Richard's apartment.  He hid from sight,  but he wasn't sure how long he can remain hidden.  It may be necessary for Casino Killer #1 to murder Denise Richards before he'll be able to rescue the hostage before Denise's mind control against him is completed.
Kate Bosworth, Lake Bell and Katie Aselton stood in the lobby of Denise Richard's apartment building.  Both girls were feeling relaxed and calm.  The three women talked on their way to Denise Richard's penthouse apartment.
Lake said, "There may have been a few bumps in the road, but I'm not expecting any more problems with any further plans."
Kate asked, "When you say that you're not expecting any further complications, you're telling me that you're not expecting any more women to die."
Lake said, "Actually, that's what I'm suggesting."
Kate said, "I certainly hope you're right."
Katie said, "How can she be wrong.  This time we might be on to something."
Lake said, "Well it's my nick on the noose if this fails."
Kate said, "All of our necks will be in nooses.  Those creeps have made frequent death threats against all of us girls, not some of us girls."
Katie said, "I wonder what Denise has to say about all of this unnecessary murders of women."
Lake said, "We're about to find out."

Kate Bosworth, Lake Bell and Katie Aselton entered Denise Richard's apartment.  Denise greeted the three women.
Denise said, "Ok, this is what's going on.  I have a hostage over here.  There's another hostage situation that us women are planning at the house Reese Witherspoon owned before she died.  Lake, I want you to help out with that.  I have some arrends for Katie to run before she joins Lake in the house that Reese owned before she died.  I want Kate here to help me with the kidnapping in this apartment.  I need Kate here to sacrafice her life to prevent girl hating murderers from rescuing the hostage before I can rewrite his brain and memories."
Lake said, "I'll guard the hostages with my life."
Lake exited the apartment.
Denise handed a list to Katie.
Denise said, "This is the list of chores that I need to see done."
Katie said, "I'll gather some girls and get right on it."
Katie exited the apartment.  Kate faced Rob as he lay on the floor in a drugged state.
Kate said, "Not so tough now."
Denise said, "I love it when a good plan falls into place."
Miranda Cosgrove, Victoria Justice and Jennette McCurdy have been best friends for their entire lives.  And when they had the chance to gamble at the casino, they wasted no time to enter the building.  The three women didn't care that they were the only women in the male only casino.  And they were better at gambling than all the guys in the mens only casino.  Ok, so maybe they were cheating more often than not.  However, even if they were cheating in a game of cards at the casino, who cares.  Miranda, Victoria and Jennette needed the money than any of the guys at the casino.
Victoria looked at Miranda and Jennette as the three women were gathered around the crowded card gambling table.  The three women were the only females gathered at the table.
Victoria said, "I'm going to get some champaign and nachos.  Do you ladies want something."
Miranda said, "Get some champaign and nachos for all three of us."
Jennette said, "Please hurry back.  You're our good luck charm."
Victoria said, "I'm only going to the restaurant portion of the casino.  I'll be back at the gambling table in seconds without a scratch on me.  I promise.  What could possibly go wrong."

 Casino Killer #2 noticed that Miranda Cosgrove, Victoira Justice and Jennette McCurdy had been cheating in the card games in the Casino.  The only way Casino Killer #2 can recover the money the three women gained by cheating on casino gambling games is to kill all three women.  He patiently waited for the chance to kill the three women one by one.  Casino Killer #2 followed Victoria Justice with the intention of violently ending her life and recovering 33.3% of the money won by cheating in the gambling card games.  33.3% of the money won by cheating can only be reclaimed by killing her in a secluded part of the casino.  However, lurting Victoria from the restaurant portion of the Casino to a secluded portion of the Casiono will be a lot harder than it looks.  But still, he followed Victoria in hopes that he could still manage to end her life before she has the chance to rejoin Miranda and Jennette.  Casino Killer #2 hid from sight when Victoria spun around.  She frowned before walking towards the restaurant to grab three glasses of champaign and nachos.  Casino Killer still needs to find a way to lure Victoria to a secluded spot and kill her before she can place the order.  He had an idea, but he wasn't sure if his plan to kill Victoria will succeed.
To be honest, Casino Killer always admired the German, English, Irish and Puerto Rican descended girl.  However, that was before Victoria Justice was assigned to kill Casino Killer.  Now it's needed to put admiration aside.  Now it's necessary to kill Victoria Justice before the half Hispanic uber-popular girl murders Casino Killer first.  Casino Killer and Victoria Justice must now keep fighting against each other until one of them dies forever! 

Casino Killer #2 approached Victoria Justice.  He said, "Denise Richards sent me a message to give to you.  She changed the apartment location of the Rob Pattinson kidnapping.  She wants me to show you the new location of the Rob Pattinson kidnapping location.  It's ok.  I'm working for you girls."
Victoria said, "Ok, show me where Denise Richards is hanging out at."
Casino Killer #2 lead Victoria Justice to his apartment in the fortieth floor of the hotel next to the Casino.  He looked around.  So did she.
Victoria said, "I don't see Denise Richards nor do I see Rob Pattinson."
Casino Killer #2 said, "I guess we're early.  We can talk while we wait.  Can you walk backwards a bit.  I just got the carpet cleaned."
Victoria said, "Yeah sure, I don't want to mess up your carpet with my shoe prints."
Victoria walked backwards.
Victoria asked, "So how did you end up working for us girls?"
Casino Killer #2 said, "Denise Richards is secetly dating me and my brother on the side.  Can ou please walk backwards a bit.  That part of the carpet has been cleaned too."
Victoria asked, "Yeah sure, I don't want to insult a neat freak."
Victoria walked backwards until her rear end bumped against the glass door to the balcony.
Victoria asked, "How long have your brother and yourself have been dating Denise Richards on the side.  I'm wondering becaus she never mentioned any of this to me."
Casino Killer #2 said, "I'm afraid that's my fault.  I made her keep it a secret from all of you girls.  I've been dating her for the past month or so.  Can you please walk backwards.  That part of the carpet has been cleaned."
Victoria walked backwards into the balcony.

Victoria asked, "How did your brother and you meet Denise Richards?"
Casino Killer #2 said, "I met Denise Richards at the Casino.  My brother met Denise at her apartment.  Can you please walk backwards.  That part of the balcony has just been cleaned."
Victoria said, "There's no where else for me to sit except the balcony railing."

Casino Killer #2, "Then sit on the balcony railing."
Victoria Justice sat on the balcony railing.
Victoria said, "It's nice to know that Denise Richards found somebody else who isn't a girl hating womanizing creep like that asshole Rob was."
Casino Killer #2 said, "Can you walk backwards?  I just got that balcony railing cleaned and I don't want to get it dirty."
Victoria said, "There's nowhere else for me to go except to fall forty stories into a trash dumpster filled with broken glass."
Casino Killer #2 pushed Victoria Justice off of the balcony railing.  Victoria Justice fell forty stories into a trash dumpster filled with broken glass.  Victoria Justice is no longer alive.  Victoria Justice is legally dead forever.
Casino Killer #2 said, "Thanks for not getting my apartment dirty with girl germs."
Miley Cyrus and Ashley Greene walked down the sidewalk and alongside a fountain. 
Ashley said, "Relax, Denise Richards will call us if we're needed.  However, I doubt that we'll be needed to kill anybody.  We can relax and enjoy ourselves."
Miley said, "Oh please don't say that.  Something always goes wrong anytime you say that."
Fountain Fiend grabbed Miley's purse and ran towards the fountain.
Miley said, "You see what I mean."
Ashley said, "What are we waiting for.  Let's kill the creep."

Miley Cyrus and Ashley Greene chased the Fountain Fiend towards and through the fountain.  Miley grabbed the fountain fiend and grabbed her purse back.  The Fountain Fiend kicked Miley in the stomach and she fell to the ground.  Ashley kicked the Fountain fiend and he fell.  Miley rose to her feet.  The Fountain Fiend kicked Miley and she fell backwards into Ashley.  Both women fell face up on top of each other.  The Fountain Fiend vanished from sight.
Ashley said, "Get off me.  You know how uncomfortable this feels."
Miley stood up and she helped Ashley to her feet too.
Miley said, "Don't look at me.  It's that creep's fault.  Trust me when I say that I'll kill him.  And the only way the Fountain Fiend can stop me from seeking his death is to kill me first.  Though I doubt he'll get that far.  Come on, let's grab ourselves some coffee at Starbucks."
Cobie Smulders walked over the dead bodies of several women as they entered the building through the side entrance.  It was too late to activate the poison gas bomb because it was already used up against four women.  Yet, they wanted to see how extensive the defeat truly was.  Cobie Smulders entered the building followed by Alyson Annigan and Kaley Cuoco.  They walked across the deserted portion of the building, through the mens only party and into the women's bathroom.  The women's bathroom was trashed beyond use or repair.  There was a dead woman in front of the entrance and another dead woman hanging on a noose from the ceiling inside the women's bathroom.
Cobie Smulders said, "I guess that's it then.  Two perfectly good plans are ruined.  All the women participating in those plans are dead.  We're back to square one."
Kaley said, "Ryan Phillippe and James Toth were never rescued.  We still got them held hostage.  We can threaten to kill them if the murderers of those women isn't brought to justice in some manner."
Alyson said, "That's a plan that I can agree with."

Thug #3 said, "You can't take anybody hostage if you don't have your purse."
Thug #3 grabbed Kaley Cuoco's purse and he ran out of the women's bathroom after evedropping on the conversation.  Kaley Cuoco lost track of Cobie Smulders and Alyson Hannifgan as she chased Thug #3 into a deserted portion of the building.  Party sounds could be heard through the walls as Kaley Cuoco walked over dead women bodies that were just left there.  She finally spotted Thug #3.

Kaley said, "Alright asshole, the fun's over.  Give me back my purse."
Thug #3 said, "You'll have to kill me first and then you'll get your purse back."
Kaley said, "Fine, if that's the way you want it.
Kaley picked up a sharp piece of metal from the floor and she attacked Thug #3.  Thug #3 strangled Kaley until she dropped the sharp piece of metal.  Thug #3 pushed Kaley against the piano as he continued to strangle the life from her.
Thug #3 got to keep the purse when Kaley Cuoco fell to the floor and stopped moving.
Realizing that Kaley Cuoco is dead, Cobie Smulders and Alyson Hannigan wasted no time to flee the building.  The two women kept running until they were certain that whoever killed Kaley isn't going after them.  Upon which, both women started to walk slowly.
Cobie said, "We need to return to the house.  We don't want too many dead girls ruining our kidnapping hostage taking in return for the deaths of the men who keep killing off women scheme."
Alyson said, "I'm getting something at the cappuccino cafe first."
Cobie said, "There's a coffee brewer in the house."
Alyson said, "I'll drink something from the coffee brewer later.  I'm going to the cappuccino cafe first.  Then I'll return to the house to help out with the kidnapping hostage taking in return for the deaths of the men who keep killing off women scheme."
Alyson walked one way and Cobie walked the opposite direction.  Alyson entered the cappuccino cafe and she ordered a fruit smoothie.

Alyson Hannigan side bumped Thug #3 before she spilled her fruit smoothe all over him.
Thug #3 said, "Look at what you done.  What are you going to do about it."
Thug #1 said, "I think you'll need to murder her in self defence for being side bumped and getting a drink spilled all over you."
Thug #2 said, "I agree, the woman needs to be killed and punished for what she did."
Alyson said in a sweet girly voice, "You don't need to kill me.  I'm sure we can reach a settlement that doesn't require the three of you to kill me off."
Thug #1 sprayed mace into Alyson's eyes as Thug #3 started to strangle her.  Thug #3 continued to strangle Alyson Hannigan until she fell to the floor in a crumpled defeated heap. 
And it was up to the Party Animal to rescue  Ryan Phillippe and James Toth from being tied and gagged inside Reese Witherspoon's house.  And while Reese Witherspoon was dead, her house was still being used by women.  To be more exact, Katie Holmes, Lake Bell, Hilary Swank, Lindsay Lohan, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, Julie Benz, Danica McKellar, Jamie Chung and Cobie Smulders were talking to each other.  The Party Animal wasn't sure what the nine women were saying to each other.  However, the Party Animal needs to murder all nine women in order to rescue both of the hostages. 
Katie Holmes appeared to be in charge.  She was ordering the other women around.  It will be necessary to kill her last.

 Lake Bell stood next to Katie Holmes.  Perhaps she could be the first to be attacked and killed, but she's standing too close to Katie Holmes for a murder attack against her to be possible without making a murder attack against Katie Holmes too.  And it's too early to attack Katie Holmes.

Hilary Swank stood on the other side of Katie Holmes.  Again, it's impossible to attack to kill Hilary Swank without attacking Katie Holmes in a murder attack.

Lindsay Lohan might be a difficult girl to murder, but he may not be able to kill Hilary Swank, Lake Bell and Katie Holmes without murdering Lindsay Lohan first.

Perhaps it will be easy to attack and kill Rosie Huntington-Whiteley in a murder attack.  But he'll have to find a way to lure her out of the safety of the other women.
Julie Benz only wishes she was strong enough to defeat him in a murder attack.  She'll need to be lured away from the safety of the other women too before she can be killed.

The Party Animal always had a crush on Danica McKellar, but he'll have to murder her in order to rescue both of the hostages instead.

Jamie Chung stood next to Danica McKellar.  Jamie too could be attacked and killed easily if only he had a plan to lure her away from the safety of the other women.

Cobie Smulders stood in front of the front door to the house.  He can't enter the house without killing Cobie in a murder attack.  It may be necessary to make her the first fatality.

Cobie spotted him and he hid from sight.  Did she see him.  Is she going to exit the house and be the first girl in the group of eight women to attack him and die trying?  The Party Animal knew that Cobie Smulders was too beautiful to kill, but he needs to murder her anyway if the hostages is going to have a future beyond the evening.
Cobie Smulders looked out of the window and she saw that the morning paper was still in the driveway.  It was evening and dead woman who once owned the house never picked up the morning newspaper.  Cobie faced the other women in the group.
Cobie said, "I'm going to get the newspaper from the driveway.  People will think there are dead women lying around an empty abandoned house if the newspaper isn't picked up from the driveway.
Katie said, "Ok, but be careful.  Don't get yourself killed."
Cobie said, "I'm one of the most cautious women around."
Hilary asked, "Who's going to guard the prisoners if Cobie is getting the newspaper?"
Rosie said, "There are eight other women in this house still alive and breathing.  Yes, it would've been nice if Reese Witherspoon didn't die, but that's something we can't reverse."
Danica said, "The guys can rise from the dead anytime they want.  All that's needed was for the women who killed them to die."
Jamie said, "That's both unfair and sexist."
Julie said, "Sadly, sexism is still a problem in this town."
Lindsay said, "Sexism doesn't have to be a problem with this town.  We can fight back one male dead body at a time."
Julie replied, "Easier said than done."
Lake faced Cobie and asked, "Do you need any help?"
Cobie said, "I'm only getting the morning newspaper.  How could a walk to the end of the driveway to get the newspaper turn into something worse?"
Katie said, "I still don't want you to take any chances."
Cobie said, "Don't worry, I'll be carefull.  Nobody is going to kill me off."
Cobie Smulders opend the door and she exited the house.  She wasn't aware that the Party Animal was secretly following her as she walked to the end of the driveway.  She was about to reach for the newspaper, but she caught a brief glimpse of the Party Animal.  And if she spotted him, then the Party Animal needs to kill her so that she can't report his presence to the other seven women in the house.  He tried to hide behind the bushes, but Cobie spotted him again.  Damn, his cover may have been blown.  It may be necessary to kill Cobie in order to restore his hiding spot.

Cobie Smulders chose to get the newspaper from the driveway after killing the Party Animal.  The Party Animal ran towards a secluded part of the backyard that can't be seen from the house.  Cobie Smulders chased after him with intent to kill.  Cobie grabbed him.
Cobie asked, "What are you doing here?"
The Party Animal replied, "I'm going to rescue Ryan Phillippe and James Toth from being held hostage by you and your gang of girls."
Cobie replied, "You'll have to murder me first and then you can rescue the hostages."
The Party Animal stabbed Cobie in the stomach.  Cobie winced in pain before she lay down on the grass.  The Party Animal walked over Cobie's dead body as he returned to his hiding spot.
Miley Cyrus looked at Ashley Greene.  Both women were ten blocks away from the Casino.  Miley Cyrus just finished talking on her cell phone. 
Miley said, "That was Denise Richards.  She said that there might be people trying to kill Miranda Cosgrove and Jennette McCurdy.  Victoria Justice has disappeared.  We're supposed to head to the Casino and help regain the Casino card game winnings that Victoria Justice won by cheating and then lost after she disappeared."
Ashley said, "The Casino is ten blocks away.  Can we make there in time without getting murdered one by one before we can reach the Casino?"
Miley said, "We must make the effort.  Denise Richards scheme to win all the money in the Casino by using card game cheating will be ruined if Miranda Cosgrove and Jennette McCurdy also vanishes from sight too.  The two of us must stop that from happening."
Ashley said, "Then we better get moving.  We have a Casino gambling cheating scheme to rescue from girl hating murderers."

Ashley Greene dropped her bracelette.  She lost track of Miley as she struggled to find it.  She bumped into Sidewalk Man.
Sidewalk Man said, "What are you doing young lady?"
Ashley Greene said, "Oh hi, I dropped my bracelette.  Can you help me find it?"
Sidewalk Man said, "I'll be more than happy to help a pretty girl like you."

Ashley said, "Oh there it is.  I found my bracelette."
Ashley bent over to pick up her bracelette from the sidewalk. 

The Sidewalk Man stabbed Ashley from behind.  The girl released a groan before she fell face first on the sidewalk directly on top of her bracelette.  The Sidewalk Man stabbed Ashley nine more times when her left arm moved.
The Sidewalk Man said, "Now it's time for me to murder Miley Cyrus."
The Sidewalk Man walked down the sidewalk until he spotted Miley Cyrus.  The Fountain Fiend grabbed Miley's purse and ran down the opposite direction of the Casino.
Miley said, "Oh blast, not again."
Miley Cyrus chased after the Fountain Fiend.  She chased him into a deserted building and she cornered him.  Miley looked at him with happiness and pride.

Miley said, "I have a bone to pick with you.  First, I want my purse back.  Second, I'm going to kill you.  That much is obvious."
The Fountain Fiend said, "Please don't force me to kill you in self defence."
Miley said, "Hey buddy, you're the one who's going to be doing the dying around here."
Miley picked up a piece of metal from the floor and she attacked the Fountain Fiend.
The Sidewalk Man said, "Don't worry, I'll save you."
The Sidewalk Man stabbed Miley from behind.  He kept stabbing Miley Cyrus until she gargled blood and fell legally dead face first to the floor in a crumpled heap. 
The Sidewalk Man said, "Are you alright?"
The Fountain Fiend said, "Thanks for saving me."
Jamie Chung noticed that the newspaper hasn't been picked up from the driveway.  She also noticed that Cobie Smulders hasn't returned to the house and is no longer in the front lawn.  Jamie Chung wondered if she should pickup the newspaper and locate Cobie Smulders---Even if it will endanger and possibly lead to her death.  If Cobie Smulders is dead, then her death needs to be avenged.
Jamie Chung said, "The newspaper still hasn't been collected from the driveway."
Lindsay Lohan said, "Forget the newspaper.  We still have two hostages to keep watch over."
Jamie Chung said, "I won't let that jerk take away my ability to read the newspaper."
Lindsay Lohan said, "We're assuming that Cobie is actually dead."
Hilary Swank said, "If Cobie is dead, then we can't allow Jamie to walk out of the house alone."
Lake Bell said, "I'm going out there to help Jamie pick up the newspaper from the driveway."
Jamie Chung said, "I can do it myself, but thanks for offering to help." 
Rosie Huntington-Whiteley said, "There will be seven other women guarding the hostages in case Jamie does end up dead."
Katie Holmes said, "I'd feel better if there were nine women guarding the hostages."
Dancia McKellar said, "Be careful.  Don't forget to bring along a weapon."
Jamie Chung said, "I'm not going outside the house to fight a war.  I'm only going to pick up the newspaper.  There's a huge difference between the two."
Julie Benz said, "It might be better to bring along a weapon just in case."
Jamie Chung said, "I'll be fine, but thanks for the concern."
Jamie Chung exited the house and she bent to pickup the newspaper.  She spotted the Party Animal.  Jamie Chung left the paper still on the driveway uncollected as she walked towards the Party Animal.  There's no doubt about it.  Jamie Chung knows he's hiding.  She'll tell the other seven women inside the house if she isn't murdered now. 
Jamie asked, "Is there a problem?"
The Party Animal said, "Oh no, my plan to kill all the women in the house has been defeated.  Time for me to escape."
Jamie said, "Oh no you don't.  I'd rather kill you instead of allowing you to escape."

The Party Animal ran to a portion of the backyard that can't be spotted from inside the house.  Jamie chased after him.  She tripped over the dead body of Cobie Smulders.  She fell straight into the Party Animal's knife.  The Party Animal stabbed Jamie in the stomach seven more times.  Jamie winced in pain before she lay down on the ground nearby Cobie Smulder's dead body in a crumpled heap.
Miranda Cosgrove was concerned when Victoria Justice never returned.  She looked at Jennette McCurdy when both women's efforts in cheating at poker won them more money.
Miranda said, "Victoria never returned with the champaign and the nachos.  I'll need to grab the snacks myself if Victoria doesn't arrive soon."
Jennette said, "Please don't go wandering off too.  We're only starting to regail all the money we lost when Victoria Justice vanished.  I can't afford to lose all the money you won too."
Miranda said, "Don't worry, it will be brief.  I'll be back without a scratch in a few minutes."
Jenette said, "Victoria said the same thing and she never returned."
Miranda said, "Hold me seat.  This will be very brief.  I promise."
Miranda Cosgrove walked off towards the restaurant portion of the Casino.  Jennette groaned with frustration.  She rested her left hand on her thigh while trying to keep calm in a frustrating situation that only seemed to get worse.
A Friendly Person approached Jennette and said, "Hey, do you want to be a guest assistant on a magic show?  Stage Magician wants a temporary one use assistant for his magic act."
Jennette said, "Can't you see that I'm trying to gamble here?  Plus, I'm waiting for my friend."
Miranda Cosgrove pulled Caterina Baraja aside and said, ""Do you see that Friendly Person chatting up Jennette McCurdy?  I'm afraid that she's going to get lured away from that gambling table and murdered if that Friendly Person isn't taken care of."
Caterina asked, "And you believe that I can take care of that Friendly Person better than Jennette?"
Miranda said, "Well, you'll need to retouch your lipstick and the rest of your makeup first."
Caterina replied, "I'll see what I can do."

Caterina walked into the women's restroom and pulled out her makeup from her purse.  She didn't get to use any of it when Casino Killer #2 strangled her to death from behind.


Meanwhile, Miranda Cosgrove finally reached the restaurant portion of the Casino.  Casino Killer #2 sat across from her at a table as she waited to get served.  Casino Killer #2 brought two glasses of soda pop with him.
Casino Killer #2 said, "I brought along something for us to drink while you wait for somebody to take your order."
Miranda said, "That's so sweet.  Thanks.  How can I possibly thank you."
He took a sip of his soda pop.  Miranda Cosgrove took a sip of her soda pop.  Miranda looked at him blankly when she realized that her soda pop has been laced with quick acting poison.
Casino Killer #2 replied, "If you want to thank me, the best thank you gift a girl could offer is to die."
Miranda Cosgrove fell off her chair and lay on the floor in a crumpled defeated heap.  Casino Killer #2 canceled Miranda Cosgrove's order as he walked over her dead body.
A Friendly Person said, "The Stage Magician won't take no for an answer.  If he doesn't get to kill you as part of his magic show act, then you get to kill him instead.  Plus, you get to escape with all the money you and your girllfriends won by cheating."
Jennette said, "Ok, let's get it over with."

 A Friendly Person led Jennette down the hallway.  A Friendly Person kept trying to chat up Jennette McCurdy, but she kept shooting him down with abrupt one word answers.  She didn't even remember what a Friendly Person said.  She remembered just saying, "No, just lead the way in silence." to anything a Friendly Person said regardless of the statement.  She was too busy studying the decor of the Casino as if she was going to be tested on it later. 

She was eventually lead to the backstage and then onto the stage itself.  Two Stage Magicians greeted her.  It was a packed house composed only of men who hates women.
Stage Magician #1 said, "Now that we gave a lecture about how women are horrible and needs to die, here is a denonstration.  You seen this young lady shoot down this likeable young man.  Let's see her suffer for it."
The men only crowd jeered and heckled loudly.
Magician #2 said, "The magic trick is simple.  This young lady..."
Jennette said, "My name is Jennette McCurdy."
Magician #2 said, "Sorry, Jennette will have a chance to electricute one of us on the electric chair."
Jennette interrupted with sarcasm, "Oh how appropriate."
Magician #2 continued, "And then one of us will have the chance to electricute Jennette McCurdy.  And we'll keep taking turns in the electric chair until one of us dies."
Magician #1 faced Jennete and asked, "Do you want to attack us first or do you want us to attack you.  It's time for you to decide."
Jennette said, "I'll attack and try to kill you first."
Magician #1 said, "You see, it's just as I've told you."
The mens only crowd jeered and heckled.
Magician #2 sat down in the electric chair.  Jennette secured him to the device.  Magician #1 lept on top of Magician #1 and said with sobs, "Oh please don't die, I need you."
Jennette said, "Fine if you want me to electricute you too."

Magician #1 jumped off of Magician #2.  Jennette McCurdy switched on the electric chair and nothing happened.  Magician #2 is safe from harm.  The mens only crowd cheered with joy.
Magician #1 released Magician #2 from the electric chair.
Magician #2 said, "And now it's time for Jennette McCurdy to be attacked and possibly even killed in battle against one of us.  And if she survives, she gets to attack one of us with the electric chair."
Jennette McCurdy sat down in the electric chair.  Magician #2 strapped her in.  Magician #1 jumped on Jennette and cried out, "Oh please don't die, I need you."
Magician #2 cried out, "Oh no, Jennette is tempting my sidekick to fall in love with her.  I must kill her in self defence before she complete her seduction."

Magician #2 turned on the electric chair.  Jennette McCurdy was killed by electricution on the electric chair. 
 The dead girl was removed from the electric chair and the corpse fell to the floor with a loud thud.  The crowd cheered with delight.  Jennette's dead body was left on the stage for the rest of the magic show and was never removed.
Meanwhile, back in the house, Danica McKellar noticed that the newspaper still hasn't been picked up from the driveway.  She started to wonder if she should make the effort to pick up the newspaper from the driveway or die trying to make the effort.  She turned away from the window to look at the other women in the room.  Katie Holmes, Lake Bell, Hilary Swank, Lindsay Lohan, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, Julie Benz and Danica McKellar are the only women in the house.  Two women who were in the house has vanished while trying to get the newspaper from the driveway.  The door opened and a Eyeglasses Wearing Female walked in.
Lindsay faced Dancia and asked, "What's wrong?  You look out of sorts."
Dancia said, "It's nothing to get worried about.  I simply got a few disturbing thoughts, but I don't have any proof for any of them."
The Eyeglasses Wearing Female said, "I wish I could agree with you ladies.  Can I speak with Katie in private?"
Katie said, "What you have to say can be said in the company of these other women."
The Eyeglasses Wearing Female said, "I would rather not trouble them with such thoughts."
Lake said, "What's wrong?  What could be going on that we're not already aware of?  Are we being invaded by aliens as well as being murdered one by one by serial killers?"
Hilary said, "Perhaps we're heading towards a flash flood as well as being murdered one by one."
Julie said, "This is serious.  Any one of us girls could be the next to vanish without a trace."
Rosie said, "I hope I got my makeup applied correctly."
Katie said, "We can talk in one of the bedrooms."
Katie lead the Eyeglasses Wearing Female into a bedroom that once belong to Reese Witherspoon before she died.  Katie sat down on the bed.  The Eyeglasses Wearing Female preferred to stand in front of a seated Katie.

The Eyeglasses Wearing Female said, "I can't live in the fear that any given moment I could end up getting murdered.  There has to be an end to the torment."
Katie said, "We can fight back against the serial killers.  There's no other way around it.  If you don't want to be terrorized then we need to take back the streets.  We need to regain our sense of safety."
The Eyeglasses Wearing Female said, "I have a better solution to the serial killer problem that's whittling down our group girl by girl all the way down to zero.  I suggest that you do what I'm about to do right now."
The Eyeglasses Wearing Female pulled out a gun and she blew her brains out.  Shocked by the messy explosion of brains, shattered skull and blood soaking most of the room, but missing Katie, she stepped backwards out of the room.  She walked into the bathroom and washed her face.  She took a few deep breaths as she struggled to calm herself down after watching a woman committ suicide. 

Katie walked out of the house through the backdoor.  She looked at the backyard and tried to get the Eyeglasses Wearing Female's suicide from her now troubled mind.  It wasn't an easy thing for her to do.  The wind blew against Katie as she looked at the backyard in an effort to restore psychological balance.  No matter how hard she tried, the suicide still was difficult for her to deal with.

Danica McKellar approached Katie as she stood in the backyard.  The two women stood next to each other.
Danica said, "The other girls saw the dead body in the bedroom.  Shit.  That's totally messed up."
Katie said, "Those serial killers are only good at killing people and wrecking lives.  Have those serial killers ever done anything redeemable."
Danica said, "Don't worry, we'll kill all of those assholes and avenged those women that were needlessly killed by the serial killer psychos."
Katie said, "I certainly hope so.  I guess I'll have to clean up the mess.  Are you coming?"
Danica said, "You go ahead.  I'm going to get the newspaper from the driveway."
Katie said, "Good luck.  Two girls have tried and failed.  I hope you succeed where previous women have failed."
Katie Holmes reentered the house.  Danica moved to walk around the house to the driveway in the front of the house when she found somebody moving in a portion of the backyard that can't be seen from inside the house.

 Danica McKellar walked towards the secluded portion of the backyard that can't be seen from inside the house.  She found the Party Animal reading the newspaper with a flashlight.
Danica said, "Excuse me asshole, but that newspaper belongs to me."
The Party Animal said, "You'll have to kill me to get the newspaper back."
Danica said, "That's fine by me.  Let's tango if that's what you want."
The Party Animal Stood up and he stabbed Danica in the stomach ten times.  Danica gasped in pain before she lay down on the ground in a defeated crumpled heap.  The Party Animal sat back down to read the newspaper.
Hilary Swank wasn't sure how to clean off all the blood from the bedroom.  There was too much blood and it was all over the place.  She took a deep breath as she looked around her.
She wasn't sure why she was selected to clean up all the blood, brains, shattered skull fragments and the dead body from the bedroom.  However, the house won't be a normal girl only sanctuary if the mess isn't cleaned up somehow.  And then comes the need to dig a grave.  Damn.  She'll need to dig a hole to drag the corpse into somehow.  A shovel.  Hilary Swank needs a shovel.  Hilary Swank walked into the garage to fetch a shovel.  Then she left the garage and walked into the backyard to dig a grave to toss the dead female into.

Hilary Swank picked up her shovel and she rammed the shovel into the tough clay-like soil.  And when a hole big enough to function as a grave didn't materialize, she tried to dig yet again.  And no matter how hard she tried to ram her shovel into the ground, the tough clay-like soil wouldn't give way.  Hilary rested for a bit and maybe that was her biggest mistake.  The Party Animal roughly took the shovel away from the sexually seductive voluptuous woman.
Hilary Swank said, "Hold on a second, that shovel belongs to me."
The Party Animal slammed the shovel against Hilary Swank's stomach.  Hilary Swank released a defeated groan as she fell to the ground.  Hilary Swank tried to rise to her feet only to be slammed in the stomach by the shovel a second time.  The Party Animal slammed the shovel against the back of her head.  Hilary Swank released a second defeated groan before she fell to the ground.  She closed her eyes as she stopped breathing.  Hilary Swank is no longer alive.  Hilary Swank is legally dead.  And now it's time to murder Katie Holmes.
Katie Holmes, Lake Bell, Lindsay Lohan, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley and Julie Benz are the only women in the house.  Katie Holmes looked out of the window to see the newspaper being tossed back on the driveway.  However, the newspaper is a disorganized mess.  There was a crudely written note placed on the disorganized mess of a newspaper. 
Lindsay said, "Go ahead and grab that goddamn newspaper if you want.  Nothing wrong will happen."
Lake said, "Lindsay is only saying that because you want to be the last girl standing."
Rosie said, "There's no reward for being the last girl standing."
Lindsay said, "There won't be a last girl standing because we're not being killed off by a serial killer one by one."
Julie said, "Don't go out there alone Katie.  Take one of us along with you."
Katie said, "I'll be alright.  I'll do it alone."
Katie Holmes walked out of the house alone.  She walked towards the driveway towards the disorganized mess of a newspaper that was recently thrown on the driveway.

She reached the disorganized mess of a newspaper on the end of the driveway, but she spun around.  Katie walked towards the backyard and she stopped only a few feet away from where Hilary lay silent and still without moving.  She didn't see anybody either living or dead.  If Katie walked a few feet farther, she would've seen something.  Instead, she walked around the house back towards the driveway.  If Katie noticed the dead body of Hilary Swank, then he'd have to kill her.  If she read the note attached to the disorganized mess of a newspaper, then he'd have to kill her.  If she returned to the house without doing either, then she got to survive.  Thankfully, she walked towards the disorganized mess of a newspaper so killing her will become necessary.

Katie Holmes bent over in a crawling position to read the note placed on the disorganized mess of a newspaper.  It read, Chase me to the the backyard, fight against me and die if you don't want to committ suicide in the bedroom.  Katie crumpled up the note with frustration as a male hand slowly stroked down her spine.  The Driveway Guy stabbed Katie Holmes from behind.  Katie Holmes fell face first on top of the disorganized mess of a newspaper.  The Driveway Guy tied up and gagged Katie Holmes as she lay on the disorganized pile of newspaper.  The Driveway Guy stabbed her from behind again.  And when he saw her left hand move a microinch forward, the Driveway Guy stabbed her five more times.  Her left finger moved another micro inch.  He stabbed her from behind three more times.  Katie started to cough up blood as he stabbed her five more times.  Katie Holmes closed her eyes and stopped moving.  Katie Holmes is no longer alive.  Katie Holmes is legally dead.  The dead girl was left lying there as seventy percent of her blood started to soak the disorganized mess of a newspaper.
Lake Bell, Lindsay Lohan, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley and Julie Benz are the only women in the house.  Julie looked out of the window and saw a bunch of guys standing at the end of the driveway blocking the view of where the newspaper normally would be.  Julie frowned before she faced Lake, Lindsay and Rosie.
Julie said, "Heck of a party going on.  I wonder what's the occasion."
Lindsay said, "You do realize those guys are tresspassing on the end of our driveway.  One of us should tell those guys to scram."
Rosie said, "All of us could do that."
Lindsay said, "One of us should be guarding the hostages."
Lake said, "Is that gun still loaded."
Julie said, "I checked, but the last bullet was used for the suicide."
Lake said, "Damn, there goes that plan.  Julie and I are going to find out what's going on with that gathering of men in the driveway."
Julie said, "Lake and I will murder all of those guys if it's necessary."
And so Lake Bell and Julie Benz exited the house to walk towards the driveway.  One of the guys approached the two girls.
The Driveway Guy said, "I'm sorry, but the end of this driveway is closed to girls."
Lake said, "that's impossible.  This driveway belongs to us women."
The Driveway Guy said, "Don't force me to murder you both in self defense."
Julie said, "Oh you wish you're strong enough to murder me."
The Driveway Guy said, "I'm serious.  One more step forward and I'll kill you both one by one."
Erinn Hayes approached Lake Bell and Julie Benz. 
Erinn asked, "What's going on ladies?"
Julie said, "Some asshole won't let us use the end of our own driveway without fighting all three of us girls to the death."
Erinn said, "Oh is he really.  We'll see about that."
Lake said, "Let's go get them Erinn.  I want to kill them all so badly."
Erinn said, "Today is a good day for us girls to murder a bunch of sexist pigs.
And so Lake Bell and Erinn Hays approached the end of the driveway and saw the dead body of Katie Holmes.  Now the Driveway Guy had no choice but to murder Lake Bell and Erinn Hayes.

While Driveway Guy #2 and Driveway Guy #3 and Party Animal attacked Lake Bell, Driveway Guy #1 attacked Erinn Hayes.  Erinn Hayes proceeded to strangle Driveway Guy #1.

Driveway Guy #2 stabbed Erinn Hayes from behind ten times.  Driveway Guy#1 stabbed Erinn Hayes from the front ten times.  Erinn Hayes released a groan before she fell face first dead on top of Katie Holmes' dead body---vagina on rear end and breasts on spine.
Katie Aselton approached Lake Bell and Julie Benz.
Katie said, "Sorry I'm late.  Erinn Hayes ran ahead of me.  Where is she?"
Julie said, "Erinn is dead."
Lake said, "Those assholes killed her."
Driveway Guy #2 said, "Don't force us to kill you."
Driveway Guy #3 said, "Please force us to kill you."
Katie Aselton said, "I'm going to kill those jerks."
Lake Bell said, "Let's kill those jerks together."

 Katie Aselton punched Driveway Guy #3 in the face.  She tried to grab Driveway Guy #2's knife away from him. 
Party Animal cried out, "Don't take his knife away.  I must kill you to stop that from happening."

Party Animal stabbed Katie Aselton in the stomach seventeen times before she fell dead face first on top of Erinn Hayes----Vagina on rear end and breasts on spine.  Lake Bell spun around to face the Party Animal.  She no longer cared that she was forcing him to kill her in self defense.  She felt a strong urge to kill him or die trying.

 Lake tried to strangle the Party Animal with angry aggression.  Driveway Guy #2 stabbed Lake from behind with his knife five times.  Driveway Guy #1 stabbed Lake from behind five times.  Driveway Guy #3 stabbed Lake from behind five times.  Party Animal rammed a knife into Lake's stomach five times.  Lake released a groan before she lay down face first on Katie Aselton's dead body---vagina on rear end and breasts on spine. 
Driveway Guy #1, Driveway Guy #2, Driveway Guy #3 and the Party Animal faced Julie Benz.
Julie said, "Hello Gentlemen.  What do you think of the weather.  It's pretty nifty.  Don't you think?"
Poppy Montgomery raced towards Julie Benz. 
Poppy Montgomery said, "Sorry I'm late.  Erinn Hayes and Katie Aselton raced both raced ahead of me.  Oh dear GOD, they killed them already."
Julie said, "Lake Bell is also dead."
Poppy said, "Shit.  I guess we're going to kill them all in retaliation."
Julie said, "It certainly looks like it."

 Poppy said, "So which of you gentlemen want to die first."
Driveway Guy #1 said, "I'd rather give both of you girls a chance to escape without a scratch.  I promise to give both of you girls a head start."
Poppy said, "That's not going to happen."

Driveway Guy #1 stabbed Poppy in the stomach twelve times.  Driveway Guy stabbed Poppy in the stomach three times.  And when that didn't work, the Party Animal rammed his knife through Poppy's trachea.  Poppy looked at her attackers with a blank expression before she fell down face first on top of Lake's dead body---Vagina on rear end and breasts on spine.
Julie smiled.  Driveway Guy #1 smiled.  Driveway Guy #3 smiled.  Party Animal smiled.  Driveway Guy #2 smiled.
Julie said, "What's the price of corn these days."
None of the guys facing her answered the question.

Julie said, "So how about giving me a head start as I run for my life."
Driveway Guy #2 said, "Oh I'm sorry, but that offer expired when your friend Poppy died.  I'm afraid that I'll be needing to kill you now."
Julie said, "It's not necessary for you to kill me.  I'm sure we can find a compromise that we both can agree on."
Driveway Guy #2 said, "I'd rather see the planet die forever than ever compromise with somebody like you.  Compromise are for idiots and cowards.  I'm not an idiot nor am I coward."
Archery Guy fired an arrow into Julie from behind.  Archery Guy fired three more arrows into Julie from behind.  Julie looked at Driveway Guy blankly before she lay down on Poppy's dead body face first---Vagina on rear end and breasts on spine.
Driveway Guy #2 said, "It took you long enough."
Archery Guy said, "I prefer hearing the words thank you."
Driveway Guy #2 said, "I'll thank you when Lindsay Lohan and Rosie Huntington-Whiteley are dead and both of the hostages have been rescued."
Lindsay Lohan and Rosie Huntington-Whiteley are the only women in the house.  Both women needs to die before the hostages can be rescued.  Driveway Guy #1, Driveway Guy #2, Driveway Guy #3, Party Animal and Archery Guy entered the house.  Lndsay Lohan and Rosie Huntington-Whiteley are in the living room.  Both of the hostages are in the kichen.  It's impossible to enter the kitchen without entering the living room and killing both of the women.  Lindsay and Rose saw the intruding guys and now it's impossible to allow the two women to escape.  Now it's necessary for both women to die in battle against Driveway Guy #1, Driveway Guy #2, Driveway Guy #3, Party Animal and Archery Guy.  Both women faced all five guys in the living room.
Lindsay said, "I'm sticking to the plan.  Us women won't release the hostage until all the girl hating murderers are punished for their crime."
Driveway Guy #2 said, "It's too late.  Too many women are dead.  Don't force me to kill you too."
Lindsay said, "Then you'll have to murder me."
Driveway Guy #1 said, "I knew she'd say that."
Driveway Guy #3 said, "It's such a waste to kill such a pretty girl like Lindsay."
Archery Guy said, "Lindsay will murder you three if you guys don't kill her first."
Party Animal said, "Let's just kill the women already so we can get back to the party and rock the night away."
Rosie said, "Do you guys have any idea how sick and inappropriate you're starting to look right now?"
Lindsay said, "Don't try to reason with the jerks."
Rosie said, "Well it's worth a try."
A female stood behind Driveway Guy #1, Driveway Guy #2, Driveway Guy #3, Party Animal and Archery Guy.  The five men turned around to face Britney Spears.
Britney Spears said, "Grab the Party Animal and the three of us are leaving."
Rosie asked, "What about the hostages in the kitchen."
Britney said, "It's too late.  That plan has been defeated.  Now we're escaping to fight another day."
Lindsay said, "We're staying here and we're fighting."
Britney said, "Don't be an idiot.  We'll both die if we stay here."
Britney Spears and Lindsay Lohan raced out of the door.  Lindsay Lohan was the fastest and the most agile.  She had no problems reaching the soon to be stolen car.

Rosie said, "I'm getting out of here."

Rosie Huntington Whitely grabbed Party Animal and she pulled him out of the house.  Archery Guy followed Rose and fired an arrow from behind her.  Rosie stagged as she pushed Party Animal into his car which the girls have stolen.  Britney was in the driving seat.  Lindsay was in the rear seat with the Party Animal.  Rosie stagged to the passenger side of the front seat.  Archery Guy fired another arrow into her from behind.  Two arrows were rammed through her spine, straight through all of her vital organs and emerged close to her breasts. 
Rosie said, "It's too late.  They killed me.  Just go."
Rosie lay down and legally died on the driveway as the stolen car sped forward. 
The Party Animal sat down next to a seated Lindsay.  All he needs to do is kill Lindsay inside the car before the car can reach it's destination and then kill Britney as she struggles to pull him out of the car, then the kidnapping plan will be successfully defeated with both hostages rescued and all the kidnapping girls killed.  But how will he succeed in killing Lindsay when she's seated right next to him? 
He faced Lindsay and asked, "What's blonde, red, silent and unmoving all over."
Lindsay said with a frown, "I don't know."
The Party Animal replied, "The answer is you."
The Party Animal stabbed Lindsay in the stomach and he kept stabbing Lindsay in the stomach until she died sitting down.  Lindsay Lohan is no longer alive.  Lindsay Lohan is legally dead.  Lindsay died on top of her murderer and prevented him from killing Britney while she was driving.  The Party Animal will have to wait until Britney have parked before he can try to kill her as she dragged him out of the car.
Britney said, "Just wait until we reached the destination.  Then you'll know the true meaning of the word unprovoked violence."
Britney Spears finally reached the destination which was Denise Richard's apartment building.  She got out of the car.

Britney Spears walked around the car and she opened the door.  The Party Animal shoved Lindsay's dead body aside and stabbed Britney Spears in the stomach the second the door was opened.  Britney gasped in pain before she fell backwards dead face up.  At last.  It's over.  Britney Spears is legally dead.  The Party Animal walked over Britney's dead body as he walked towards Denise Richard's apartment building.
The Party Animal said, "Thanks for the ride lady."

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