Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Alexis Bledel had an enjoyable dinner with a dude.  After dinner, Alexis Bledel and the dude left the restaurant. 
ALEXIS:  I had a really enjoyable dinner.  Thank you for a wonderful time.
DUDE:  And I'm glad you know everything about the Chicago Cubs in graphic detail.  Not that many girls know much about professional baseball. 
ALEXIS:  Well that's me, I'm the walking talking encyclopedia of professional baseball knowledge.
DUDE:  The next time we hang out, we should talk in graphic detail about football and hockey too.
The Dude tripped and accidently threw his car keys in front of a family of fifteen skunks several feet away. 
DUDE:  Will you please get my car keys for me?
ALEXIS:  You're kidding me.
DUDE:  Does it look like I'm kidding?
ALEXIS:  You just tossed your keys into the middle of a family of skunks and you want me to go get it for you?
DUDE:  How else will I drive you home?
ALEXIS:  Get the car keys yourself.
DUDE:  Why should I get the car keys.
ALEXIS:  You're the idiot to tossed the car keys in that direction in the first place.
DUDE:  I tossed those car keys by accident.  And I can't get the car keys back because there are skunks surrounding the car keys.  I need to smell like musk and I can't do that if I'm sprayed by a skunk.  It's better that you do it instead.
ALEXIS:  Ok, but you're going to owe me big time.
Alexis Bledel walked towards the skunks and recovered the car keys.  She got sprayed by fifteen skunks simultaniously.  She walked towards the Dude.
DUDE:  Oh my GOD, you smell like a skunk.
ALEXIS:  That's because I got sprayed by fifteen skunks. 
DUDE:  Oh my GOD, you're smell horrible.
ALEXIS:  Can you drive me home now?
DUDE:  Did you smell yourself recently?  You have a horrible body oder.  Oh my GOD, there's this important Hollywood get together a few seconds from now.  Everybody who's important is going to be there.  Failure to show up will end your acting career forever.  Failure to make a positive first impression will end your acting career forever.  We must go to that party right this second.
ALEXIS:  But I smell like fifteen skunks.
DUDE:  If you want to continue acting in Hollywood films, you must show up for this party.  Oh my GOD, why did you have to play around with skunks.  I'm going to tell everybody I know that you got sprayed by a skunk seconds before the most important Hollywood gathering epic event of the century.  You won't believe the texts I'll send to everybody I'll know. 
ALEXIS:  I really need to take a bath first.
DUDE:  We can't do that.  The party will be over and your acting career will be ruined forever if we don't leave right this second.  I'll drive since I have my car keys again.

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