Wednesday, October 17, 2012


I placed my hand on the window glass.  Still no sign of Indian Summer.  Still no seventy degree weather.  Seventy degree weather is supposed to be not needing to wear a coat and it looks as if I'm going to need a coat in order to walk outside.  That's ok.  I don't mind wearing a coat.  And I'll survive if Indian Summer never arrives.  My life will continue regardless.  Though it would be great not needing to wear a coat today, I still have to function without the arrival of Indian Summer if necessary.  At any rate, it's still a good Autumn style day outside.  The weather, while still rather cold, is still rather pleasant.  I shall have a good time no matter what happens today.
While I'm lost in thought about Autumn, here are some photos of film and television actors and comediennes Tina Fey (30 Rock) and Amy Poehler (Parks and Recreation).

Tina Fey


Amy Poehler

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