Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Demi Lovato was waiting in line at the grocery store.  Bonnie and the United States Armed Forces General were talking to each other in line in front of Demi Lovato.  Bonnie and the United States Armed Forces General were close enough for Demi to eavesdrop on the conversation.
THE UNITED STATES ARMED FORCES GENERAL:  We've been dating each other for a very long time.  I want to propose marriage to you, but I can't.  My Mother wants me to marry my own kind.  I'm being pressured by my Mommy to break up with you.
BONNIE:  You can't break up with me.  We've been going steady for the past two days.  How can I function without you?  My life will break apart.  I'm nothing without you.
THE UNITED STATES ARMED FORCES GENERAL:  I'm sorry, but my decision is final.  I'm sorry but our romance is over.
The United States Armed Forces General walked away from Bonnie without looking back.  Bonnie turned her attention to Demi Lovato who was trying very hard not to appear as if she was listening to the romance breakup (Which she was). 
BONNIE:  What should I do?  Should I chase after the United States Armed Forces General and plead with him to take me back even though I don't belong to his own kind.  Should the fact that I'm not of the United States Armed Forces General own kind be the exclusive reason for the breakup?  Should I let it ride?  Is that what I should do?  Should I just let it ride.
DEMI:  Why ask me?  You seem to have a better sex life than I do.
BONNIE:  You don't understand.  It's important that you answer my question.  One wrong answer could doom me to be an old maid for the rest of my natural life.  The right answer could lead to Holy Matrimony and lawfully wedded bliss.  What should I do?    Should I chase after the United States Armed Forces General and plead with him to take me back even though I don't belong to his own kind. Should the fact that I'm not of the United States Armed Forces General own kind be the exclusive reason for the breakup? Should I let it ride? Is that what I should do? Should I just let it ride.  Ride.  Ride.  Ride.  Let it ride.
Demi Lovato thought for a minute before she came to an answer.  The answer that Demi Lovato gave to Bonnie about the future of her sex life is....
This story will be continued tomorrow....

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