Wednesday, October 17, 2012


It's starting to feel more like Indian Summer.  It only took a few hours and almost the entire morning before the seventy degree weather finally kicked in.  Yeah, it took a while, but it was more than worth the wait.  And since I couldn't stop the frequent bike tires from getting popped mysteriously on their own (Several times a month at certain moments), having to walk to the library and later minimum wage employment at Red Lobster while the weather is seventy degrees has it's benefits.  I may not able to save any of my Cleveland, Ohio located bicycles from going  down the tubes beyond repair, but there's a certain compensation for the hardship of always watching all of my Cleveland, Ohio based bicycles from going down in flames.  Having to walk everywhere while the weather is seventy degrees is both fun and delightful.  Plus, walking is a great form of exercise.
While I'm lost in thought about Indian Summer, here are some photos of film actress Emma Stone.

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