Monday, October 22, 2012


Emily VanCamp posing as Kelly Brook and Kelly Brook posing as Emily VanCamp entered the private residence of evil Kennedyesqe madwoman Victoria Grayson's mansion in the Hampton's, New York.  Kelly Brook as Emily VanCamp was seven months pregnant while Emily VanCamp as Kelly Brook too busy dating gay guys and scaring off heterosexual guys to succeed in getting pregnant.  Emily VanCamp posing as Kelly Brook and Kelly Brook posing as Emily VanCamp was attending a two hundred and three women baby shower.  Victoria Greyson thinking that Kelly Brook Posing as Emily VanCamp really was Emily VanCamp insisted on throwing a baby shower in her honor.  Emily VanCamp posing as Kelly Brook (Who Victoria Greyson thought really was Kelly Brook) wasn't pregnant and didn't need a baby shower. 
EMILY VANCAMP (AS PHONY KELLY BROOK):  Now stick to the plan.  We're trying to sell a fake diary that my Daddy wrote so I can get real information about my dead, but risen from the grave psycho Mommy.
KELLY BROOK (AS PHONY EMILY VANCAMP):  I'm not sure if this will work, but I'll go for it.  Wish me luck.  Just promise me that you're not doing this because the dude you would've married got me pregnant because he thought I was you.
EMILY VANCAMP (AS PHONY KELLY BROOK):  You can trust me.  And you know that I'm trustworthy because I just got paroled from prison for unknown felony and mental illness issues.
Kelly Brook posing as Emily VanCamp approached Victoria Greyson. 
KELLY BROOK (AS PHONY EMILY VANCAMP):  Hello, I'm an evil pregnant woman who's trying to extort money from you.  My Biologic Dad had sex with you while my evil Biologic Mom was going psycho at Bates Motel and stabbing people with electric volts as they took showers.  Then you framed my Biologic Dad for Al-Qaeda terrorism, got him thrown in jail and paid people to kill him as part of a phony prison riot that actually took place.  And you did all that because your actual lawfully wedded spouse knows you had extra-marital affair and he was going to kill my Biologic Dad if you didn't kill him off first.  But I don't care about avenging my Biologic Dad's death because I want to find my evil Norman Bates impersonating psycho man Kara Wallace VanCamp.
VICTORIA GREYSON:  I'm ready to participate in your extortion scheme as long as your explanation actually makes sense.
KELLY BROOK (AS PHONY EMILY VANCAMP):  Here is the diary my Biologic Dad wrote before you framed him for Al-Qaeda terrorism.  But first, I want to know more about the resurrection of my evil Norman Bates impersonating psycho Mother Kara Wallace VanCamp.
VICTORIA GREYSON:  Kara Wallace VanCamp is dead.  I killed her to save your life so that I could toss you over the balcony later on.
KELLY BROOK (AS PHONY EMILY VANCAMP):  I didn't fall over the balcony.
Victoria Greyson tossed Kelly Brook Posing as Emily VanCamp over the balcony and she fell one floor into an expensive marble floor.
VICTORIA GREYSON (To Two Hundred Women Who She Invited to a Baby Shower that She Was Throwing for Kelly Brook Posing as Emily Van Camp Who She Just Tossed Off the Balcony One Story Into the Expensive Marble Floor):  The Baby Shower as been canceled everybody.  It looks as if the baby won't be born after all.  Everybody clear the mansion so that my maid can mop the blood off the expensive marble floor very slowly with a sponge while I toss my extortion check into the fireplace in slow motion music video style.  If you're lucky, you might even see me dance around this mansion around the dead body of a pregnant woman music video style.  I'm evil enough to do anything.
EMILY VANCAMP (AS PHONY KELLY BROOK):  Damn you Victoria Greyson.  Now I'll have to date your son Daniel and maneuver him to death row by forcing him to kill his best friend in self defence and make it look like premeditated murder while his sister goes down the tubes with a drug addiction disorder that I caused.  I shall ruin you with more run on sentences that anybody has the right to utter.
VICTORIA GREYSON:  Go ahead and try your best.  Your gay computer hacker sidekick and your alcohol tavern lover will both go bankrupt by evil schemes that I might be responsible for.  Such a shame that I murdered a pregnant woman.
EMILY VANCAMP (POSING AS KELLY BROOK):  Such a shame I insisted on using a pregnant woman who got pregnant because my alcohol tavern lover who thought she was me as an easy to kill decoy.  I guess I hate pregnant women almost as much as you do.
VICTORIA GREYSON:  Let's go to an alcohol tavern that you're not dating the owners of and get falling down drunk because I don't understand half of what I just said.
EMILY VANCAMP (POSING AS KELLY BROOK):  Sounds like a good idea.  The first round of beer is on me.
Emily Van Camp (Posing as Kelly Brook)

Kelly Brook (Posing as Emily VanCamp)

Victoria Greyson (aka Madeline Stowe) as the evil pregnant woman slayer in the television series Revenge.

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