Monday, October 8, 2012


It's always good to walk among nature.  It's alwas good to visit the public park.  The forest is a wonderful place to spend time.  Yes, it's also good to spend time in the city.  However, the forest also has it's wonder and delight to enjoy as well.  I hope there will always be forests and jungles still in existence.  I would hate to see all the forests and jungles ripped down and paved over with asphault.  We need to respect nature.  Just because human beings can think for themselves with the ability to know the difference between right and wrong should that be mistaken as permission to demolish nature forever.  Having the ability to think for ourselves with the ability to know the difference between right and wrong should be used with the understand that those lesser than us should be treated with respect and dignity.  Those lesser than us is depending on us to provide guidence and not expecting to be bullied by power hunger psychos.  So respect the forest and respect all the wild creatures that live in the forest.  The human race must live among nature---Not run in fear and/or thirst to destroy nature just to prove how powerful we are. 
As I'm lost in thought about nature, here are some photos of rock star Charlyn Marie Marshall aka Chan Marshall (Pronouced Shawn Marshall) aka Cat Power.


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