Monday, October 8, 2012


Ancient Roman Emperor Tiberius Caesar and Ancient Roman Emperor Caligula Caesar were the last world leaders to play the tadpole game.  Essentially, Tiberius or Caligula would stand in the center of the swimming pool while young junior high and high school boys would swim around them aimlessly.  If Tiberius and later Caligula would catch the boy, the boy would have to submit to any sexual act afflicted upon him.  Then the female gender arrived for the first time ever.  Up unil this point, there was only one gender and that was male.  The female gender was a fake gender and a Parasite that was slowly killing the world by their presence.  The female gender fooled boys into thinking that girls were around he whole entire time and it was normal to like girls sexually.  But that was never true. This is the truth folks.  Girls are evil Parasites pretending to be drag queens.  Then girls fooled boys into thinking that drag queens were unnatural and girls were natural when the opposite was true all along.  Boys chasing after boys in the swimming pool became unnatural when in reality it was the only normal thing.  Boys lost their immortality because girls fooled them into thinking that death and childbirth was normal.  In truth, boy babies brought back dead boys only to be ruined later.  Girl babies only spread the Parasite further.
Technically, Tiberius Caeser and Caligula Caesar saw the female invading Earth for the first time during the Ancient Roman Empire.  And there was no such thing as the female gender before that point.  A girl walked into Tiberius Caeser and Caligula Caesar's swimming pool and a rainbow light was produced from her.  And from that point, boys everywhere was brainwashed into believing that girls always were here when that was in fact a lie.  However, the Fake Female Gender Clones Pretending to be Drag Queens came to Earth on scouting missions much earlier.  Some of the Fake Female gender Clones Pretending to be Drag Queens who arrived much earlier became legends and folklore.  Such as evil all women armies of the ancient world such as the Amazons and Valkrie with the horrible destruction they caused.  All of your favorite Bible stories was the product of female disinformation.  It was Eve who tempted the Snake to eat the Forbidden Fruit.  The snake then urged Adam to do the same.  Adam used his rib to make the snake.  Eve was never made from Adam's rib because Eve was a Non-Homosapian Parasite killing the world by her mere presence.  Adam and Snake was happy together until Eve came along to ruin everything.  Esther was on a homicidal genocide binge against boys until Haman tried to stop her before being tortured horribly for the effort.  It was Mary Magdeline who crucified Jesus Christ before she framed Jusas Iscarote and Pontas Pilate. Judas Iscarote and Pontas Pilate actually supported Jesus Christ without reservation the whole entire time. Mary Magdeline was the true villain because being born a female automatically made her evil.  It all ended the same way.  The failure to murder Eve, Esther and Mary Magdeline when the chance was given was the first and biggest mistakes.  And now it may be too late. 
It used to be that the fake gender called females (actually a Parasite that drains all of Earth's resources only for themselves and noboby else) can produce unlimited clones of themselves or regenerate damaged body organs and/or limbs.  Girls only pretended to die so that boys won't learn the truth that Earth was a one gender only planet---Boys only.  It used to be that sleeping chemicals could only delay the Parasite.  But that wasn't always reliable.  Then chemicals was sprayed on the non-homosapien Parasites which then bonded the non-Earth based Parasites to the last ever Fake Female Gender Clones.  Killing the last of the Fake Female Gender Clones then murders the Parasite.  Killing the Fake Female Gender clones then releases the captive Drag Queens the Fake Female Gender clones kidnapped and replaced.  Regenerating damaged body organs and/or limbs is now impossible.  Girls can revive from the dead only eleven times but that can only be aided by a machine.  Hook the machine to a force field and girls loses the ability to revive from the dead.  Thus the non-homosapien Earth based Parasites is killed forever ridding the Earth of the evil enemy Parasite plague once and for all.
 In the near future, the United States Government realizing that girls was the enemy Parasite strove to ressurect Tiberius and Caligula.  To so so required outlawing the entire female gender and hiring teams of boys to kill every girl in sight in hopes of wiping out the entire female gender forever before the human race---Boys only---Dies by global warming.  Thus is the war between the boys against the girls.
I never met Amber Tamblyn.  I don't know anybody who is rich and famous.  I'm a minimum wage employment restaurant janitor first and foremost.  I'm on the outside looking in.  I'm perfectly fine being on the outside looking in.  Don't get me wrong, it would be nice to win the lottery.  Doesn't everybody have that dream?  I know that winning the lottery won't happen anytime soon though.  So here I am in the public library and I'm surfing the Internet.  I've read a news report that film and television actress Amber Tamblyn married actor David Cross (Arrested Development) recently.

It's always good to see true love winning in the end---Even to people who I never met.  With my luck, I'll be sitting next to Amber Tamblyn next to the airport and will be too speechless with shock of my good luck, that I'll be unable to utter a word until she walks off and spend the next few hours at the airport standing next to airport security.  Of course, such incidents only happen in the fiction that starts in my brain and gets written down on the page (Hopefully without run on sentences. 

In other locations of Hollywood, Kate Mara is an actress that everybody may have seen, but can't name a single film she appeared in.  She made brief bit parts in 127 Hours and Iron Man 2 as well as eight episodes of the limited run mini-series American Horror Story.  I can't help but admire how beautiful that woman truly is.  Come on, look at how cute and adorable Kate Mara is.  How can such a cute, adorable and innocent looking girl cause so much harm to anybody.

You might believe that sexual intercourse with Kate Mara would be the best thing ever.  And her incredible beauty would reinforce such a claim.  However, sex with Kate Mara has it's consequences.  You will never know if, when or how Kate will end up betraying you to such an extent that you will be forced to kill her in self defense.  In that case, sex with Kate Mara always will end up resulting in turning that woman into a crime scene investigation after killing her in self defense when she pulls the unavoidable murder attack.  The alternative is to let her betray you and then you're the one screwed instead of Kate Mara being screwed.  Oh well, I guess that's just the way life functions.

 Oh yes, don't forget Amber Tamblyn and Kate Mara having climbing mountains and having sex with James Franco at the start of the film 127 Hours (Before he spends 80% of the film with his hand stuck under a giant bolder sobbing and wailing in pain.  He ends up cutting his arm off in the Oscar nominated film.  The following scenes depict James Franco's last day with both arms attached to his body before a giant falling bolder made him physically handicapped.  In that case, sex with Amber Tamblyn and Kate Mara resulted in James Franco losing both of his arm when a giant bolder fell on his right arm.  Of course, Amber Tamblyn and Kate Mara never pushed the he//////////avy bolder from the mountain ledge and onto his right arm as he lay under a mountain to get some rest.  But he did have sex with Amber Tamblyn and Kate Mara.  And his refusal to kill Amber Tamblyn and Kate Mara after having sex with him now screwed him with a heavy bolder on his right arm that's impossible for him to ever remove without cutting off his right arm.

And now that James Franco has his arm stuck under a boulder, he either has to cut his arm off or die from hunger and thirst.  While he sobs and wails from pain from the heavy boulder slammed on his arm, he misses Amber Tamblyn and Kate Mara badly.  James Franco misses Amber Tamblyn so badly that he watches both women on his camcorder playback while waiting to die from hunger and thirst while having a heavy boulder slammed on his arm.

Britney Spears was throwing a slumber party with Christina Aguilera and Jennifer Lopez.  The three women were gathered in the penthouse that Britney Spears owned next to Denise Richard's penthouse.  Britney telephoned Denise Richards to see if she wanted to join the slumber party, but she got no response.
Christina Aguilera asked, "Aren't you worried that you'll get yourself killed if you keep picking a fight against the Party Animal?"

Britney Spears replied, "The Party Animal is going to pick a fight against me anyway regardless what I do.  The Party Animal and I will just keep fighting against each other until one of us dies."
 Jennifer Lopez said, "It's such a shame that a peace treaty can't be signed between the Dandelion Girls and whoever those girl hating girl killing creeps call themselves."
Britney said, "Such a peace treaty won't last anyway.  I can't stand being in the same room with any of them without trying to kill them off somehow."
Christina said, "Misogany and Femenism was never meant to be codependents."
She was a cute girl and she never fails.  What could go wrong?  Well yeah, it was a simple plan.  All Emily VanCamp had to do was accept Joshua Bowman's offer to go on a date with her.  It took close to twenty tries before she finally said yes.  It was decided to have his birthday breakfast celebration on the beach.

And their breakfast picnic was a smooth and erotic morning on the beach.  And that was before Emily VanCamp shot Joshua Bowman several times.  And that was before Emily VanCamp framed him for the murder of his college campus roommate who she had murdered.  And that was before Emily VanCamp framed him for stock market fraud at his father's company that he worked part time at.  And as morning drifted into afternoon and as afternoon drifted into night, Emily VanCamp smiled with pride as Joshua Bowman's family went down the tubes.  Joshua Bowman's sister died from a drug overdose.  His father was shot by his mother when he turned out to be guilty of adultery and then his mother committed suicide.  And Emily VanCamp celebrated the early minutes of the evening by stealing every single dime from Joshua Bowman's trust fund to pay off an illegal gambling debt that she had made at an alcohol tavern.  After all, spending every stolen dine paying off an illegal gambling debt is a wise use of stolen trust fund money.  The District Attorney threw a party to honor Emily VanCamp's destruction of Joshua Bowman's life instead of prosecuting her for terrorism crimes that her legally deceased father and herself truly is guilty of.
Heidi Klum wasn't sure about the boots she was wearing, but she loved the tight leather pants she wore.  If she could keep the leather pants, but ditch the boots, then the fashion shoot would be so much better.  However, the Photographer had his ideas and it wasn't her job to dispute such a vision.  So Heidi Klum kept her mouth shut and she did what she was told.  And she never made it known that she was seething about how she hated the boots that she wore.  Perhaps she'll learn to enjoy the boots if she worked hard enough to find something good to say about her footwear.

And when the photo shoot was over, Heidi Klum rewarded the Photographer for giving her great leather pants, but lousy boots by slipping fast acting poison into his Coke.  And she watched without drinking Coke of her own as he fell to the ground dead.  And she stole the camera to be placed into her purse as she vanished into the crowd.  The Actual Fashion Model, a guy, arrived to find the Photographer dead and the fashion shoot ruined forever.
Keri Russell slept late and was woken up by her cell phone.  It was a prank call from the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse.  Damn, another one.  Keri Russell groaned as she slowly crawled out of bed, walked across her bedroom at the Dandelion Hotel towards her bathroom and removed her night gown.  She walked into the shower.  She showered for a few minutes before turning the water off.  She slowly started to towel herself off without knowing that she was secretly being filmed.  And the secret filming was deleting footage that was supposed to be secretly filmed to the point of non-existence.  And perhaps she knew that.  Perhaps she didn't knew that.  But it was being done regardless of if she actually approved or not.  The fact that she was still alive and not murdered yet was making that reality.

 Keri Russell dressed herself and after eating a late breakfast at nighttime, she exited and locked up her Dandelion Hotel suite before taking the elevator to the Lobby of the Dandelion Hotel.  She walked towards the main doors calmly and without a care in the world.
 Keri Russell thought she saw Loser Lad walking behind her.  Keri spun around and she didn't see anything.  The girl thought she recognized his voice from the prank call that he kept making to her cell phone.  She continued walking forward without fear or concern.  She had no reason to believe that she was in any danger of being killed by Loser Lad.  It was standard business as usual as far as Keri Russell was concerned.
Loser Lad continued to follow Keri.  Just when he was about to violently attack and kill the nubile sexually seductive girl, Keri spun around and punched him five times before she kicked him to the floor.  Loser Lad crashed to the floor in a crumpled heap before Keri kicked him as he lay writhing in pain.  Keri smiled flippantly as she continued to walk onward, this time without being followed by Loser Lad.  Loser Lad completely lost track of the girl and therefore, was unable to kill her.
Michelle Trachtenberg woke up around five o'clock in the afternoon.  And after showering and grooming, she ate breakfast around dinnertime with elements of dinner included in her scrambled eggs and toast.  She didn't care.  A few more glasses of vodka and she'll be beyond caring much about anything.  And with her stomach filled and a nice outfit on her body, Michelle is ready to face the world---Regardless of if the world was truly ready for her.

And she walked on the side of the road.  She looked at her watch.  Yes, the car was driving down this road at exactly the predicted time.  She hitchhicked for a ride the only way that Michelle knew how.
Oh yes, Michelle Trachtenberg knew how to hitch a ride.  Car Guy looked at Michelle as the car drove down the road. 
Car Guy asked, "Where do you want to go?"
Michelle pulled out a very sharp knife from her purse and pointed at Car Guy.  Michelle said with a slight smile, "You and I are going to hang out with my best friend forever Katee Sackhoff."
And so Car Guy spent several hours with Michelle Trachtenberg and Katee Sackhoff.  And there really wasn't much left of Car Guy for the medical doctors to treat when Michelle and Katee was finished entertaining Car Guy.
Juliette Lewis took pride in showing up at the movie theater thirty minutes earlier than scheduled.  And she enjoyed having the chance to ride the limousine to the movie theater.  Oh yes, Juliette Lewis was enjoying every second of her limousine ride.

 And when the limousine reached it's destination, Juliette Lewis got out of her limousine and she entered the movie theater to sabatoge a film premier.

And leaving James Franco behind with a heavy rock on his hand in the middle of a desert with no food or water, Kate Mara needed to get down and party.  So she did what any rational sane girl would do.  She attended a party with her best friend forever Olivia Wilde.  To be more exact, the party was also a film premiere.  Kate Mara never been to a film premier, but Olivia Wilde has been to lots of film premere.  So Olivia Wilde was more than willing to show Kate Mara the ropes.  And Olivia Wilde briefly lost track of Kate Mara.  Olivia frantically looked around the crowded movie theater.

Kate Mara briefly lost track of Olivia Wilde.  So Kate Mara frantically looked around the movie theater.  Kate too was in a state of panic.

And so it was to Kate Mara's relief that she finally found Olivia Wilde again.  And with both women reunited, all is right with the world again.
Night has already fallen across the land when Emma Stone woke up.
She ate a combination of breakfast, lunch and dinner.  There were pancakes mixed in with oatmeal, steack and french fries and a steaming mug of coffee.  And after eating her meal, she showered and dressed.  It was a huge night ahead of her.  There was a lot for her to do.  And she was late when she arrived at the film premier uninvited.  And she apologized for she has slept late.

Emma Stone spent time with Jessica Biel.  They had a wonderful time messing up the popcorn to make it inedible.  It's impossible to think about messing up a film premier without ruining the popcorn.  That's because the popcorn is always the best part of the movie experience.

Olivia Wilde loves to hang out with her best friend Sophia Bush.

Emmy Rossum thought she saw Leighton Meester on her way to the movie theater.
Emmy Rossum and Leighton Meester greeted each other warmly when Emmy Rossum made it inside the movie theater.  The two women loves hanging out with each other.

Emmy said, "So I heard that you're planning a kidnapping and brainwashing operation later tonight."
Leighton replied, "Actually, there's no need for that if the movie theater operation wipes out all the guys in general and the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse in particular.  However, the kidnapping and brainwashing operation is a backup in case one of the movie theater screens allows some of the guys in general and some of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse in particular escape."
Emmy replied, "In that case, I should hope for a very happy and lucky evening."
Leighton thought she saw the Unknown Third Person enter the movie theater.  Leighton excused herself as she went in search for the Uknown Third Guy and to kill him if the sabatoged movie theater screens #1, #3 to #20 fail to do him in while the film itself is being ruined.

The Unknown Third Guy gave Leighton Meester the slip.
Hispanic-American born women Selena Gomez and Jessica Alba loves hanging out with each other.

Emmy Rossum thought she saw Rose McGowan in the lobby of the movie theater.  The Dandilion Girl walked across the movie theater lobby towards Rose McGowan in hopes of having a conversation with the lady.

Emmy Rossum and Rose McGowan warmly greeted each other. 
Emmy said, "Hell of a turnout.  I can't imagine what the world would be like if the Dandilion Girls actually won and the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse has been destroyed forever."
Rose said, "I hope that I'll surivive this night long enough to find out."
Emmy said, "Of course the sabatoged movie theater screens #1, #3 to #20 will succeed in wiping out all the guys in general and the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse in particular."
Rose said, "Well I hope I can count on your cooperation if movie theater screen #2 actually allow some of the guys in general and the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse in particular to escape to kill all the Dandilion Girls 100% one by one."
Emmy said, "Oh yes, I'll be more than happy to help you out, unless I'm murdered somewhere in the movie theater or the parking lot by a Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse murderer."
 Rose thought she saw The Male Attacker and excused herself in pursuit of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse murderer.  The Male Attacker realized that he might need to kill Rose McGowan if he isn't able to give the Dandilion Girl the slip.

Rose McGowan got to survive the evening for a few more hours when the Male Attacker managed to give her the slip.  However, sooner or later, Rose McGowan will mess up and the Male Attacker will be forced to kill her.  However, that time isn't taking place right now.
Jennifer Garner, Anne Hathaway, and Jessica Biel also loved to hang out with each other.  The three women could girl talk to each other for hours if there wasn't the Dandilion Girl team mission to be concerned about.  After all, wrecking the film premier is just as important as girl talk between women.  Still, with everything working according to plan, a few minutes of girl talk between women can't hurt anybody.

Emmy Rossum and Jessica Alba warmly greeted each other.
Emmy said, "Heck of a turnout.  It looks as if every single Dandilion Girl has shown up."
Jessica replied, "Every single Dandilion Girl has shown up.  This is very important.  The sabatoged film premier will both ruin the film and kill the entire men's only audience.  The Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse will be massacred to non-existance with no opportunity to rise from the ashes since only a Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse guy can ressurect another Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse guy and all of them will be dead forever."
Emmy said, "Such a shame that we have a huge bloodbath on our hands to atone for."
Jessica said, "I'm not bothered about the guilt of the bloodbath to worry me.  It's either me or them and I'm not ready to die tonight."
 Emmy said, "Well I'm safe and sound as long as you're tough enough to survive a violent attack from the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse."

 Jessica Alba thought she saw Parking Lot Lord, Parking Lot Lad, Parking Lot Guy #1 and Parking Lot Guy #2.  Jessica wasn't sure if Emmy Rossum saw the four Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse members either.  She wasn't going to miss an opportunity to kill all four guys by asking.  That would be wasting valuable minutes. So Jessica chased after Parking Lot Lord, Parking Lot Lad, Parking Lot Guy #1 and Parking Lot Guy #2 with intent to kill or be killed in self-defence.

 Jessica Alba briefly lost track of Parking Lot Lord, Parking Lot Lad, Parking Lot Guy #1 and Parking Lot Guy #2.  Parking Lot Guy #1 stood behind Jessica Alba and he was ready to stab her to death from behind in the movie theater lobby.  Jessica Alba turned around and forced Parking Lot Guy #1 to hide into the shadows.  Jessica Alba had no idea how close she came to getting murdered.
Jessica Alba ran into her best friend forever Milla Jovovich entirely by chance.  The two women greeted each other warmly.

  Jessica Alba asked, "Have you seen Emmy Rossum?  I lost track of her?"
Milla replied, "I'm afraid that I didn't get to see her yet.  You can always try to call her on the cell phone if it's urgent."
Jessica said, "I thought I saw something important and I wasn't sure if I needed backup.  Also I walked off from a conversation with her rather abruptly."
Milla said, "It must've been one heck of a diversion."
Jessica said, "The Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse might be here."
Milla said, "Oh I certainly hope so.  That's why where here.  We're hoping to wipe them out beyond any hope of ressurrection tonight."
Parking Lot Lord and Parking Lot Lad was seen in the movie theater lobby from a distance.
Jessica said, "Did you see that?"
Milla said, "I see it.  Let's kill them before they kill us."
Jessica bolted ahead and lost track of Milla Jovovich.  Jessica chased after Parking Lot Lord and Parking Lot Lad before both of them vanished into the crowd. 

Milla Jovovich lost track of Jessica Alba.  She originally intended to chase after and kill Parking Lot Lord and Parking Lot Lad, but she ended up chasing after Parking Lot Guy #1 and Parking Lot Guy #2.  And so Milla chased after Parking Lot Guy #1 and Parking Lot Guy #2 in the movie theater lobby before both Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse members gave her the slip.  Milla Jovovich cursed her bad luck and promised that she'll be more successful in killing them both the next time she finds the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse or die trying.

Parking Lot Guy #2 stood behind Milla Jovovich and he was about to stab her to death from behind.  Milla turned around and Parking Lot Guy #2 was forced to vanish into the crowd.  Milla Jovovich had no idea how close she came to getting herself murdered by the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse.  She may not be so lucky the next time the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse choses to launch another surprise murder attack attempt against her.
Ginnifer Goodwin loves to hang out with her best friend Olivia Wilde.

Jennifer Garner thought she saw a Suspicious Guy walking past and she followed him with the intention of either killing or getting herself killed.  In another part of the movie theater lobby, Jessica Simpson encountered Jennifer Garner (Who looked like she was in a rush to go somewhere) and Brooke Shields.  There was only a few minutes left before the sabatoge to the movie theater projector is completed and then it will be done.
Brooke Shields spotted the Suspicious Guy that Jennifer Garner and was following and she chased after him instead.  However, the Suspicious Guy gave Brooke Shields the slip just when she thought she was being inconspicious.

Brooke Shields was almost stabbed to death when Natasha Bedingfield entered the room causing the Suspicious Guy to hide from sight.
Natasha asked, "What are you doing here?  We got too much to do to slack off like this."
Brooke replied, "I thought I saw somebody."
Natasha replied, "I don't see anybody."
Brooke replied, "You probably scared him off."
Natasha replied with a smile, "Then I arrived just in time.  Let's go."
And so Brooke Shields and Natasha Bedingfield exited the deserted portion of the movie theater lobby and rejoined the more populated area of the movie theater lobby.
Jennifer Garner loves to hang out with her Hispanic-American best friend forever Jessica Alba

Emma Stone loves hanging out with her best friend forever Olivia Wilde.

Karen Gillan realized that screen #7 was starting eariler than usual, snuck in to stab a guy to death.  She took his seat and proceeded to talk loudly on her cell phone to a fellow Dandilion Girl in the movie theater lobby---A few feet away.  And she wouldn't stop speaking loudly on the telephone so that none of the male only audience could hear the movie. 

But it didn't matter, because Karen Gillan pulled out a gas mask just when tear gass was flowing into movie theater screen #7 and wiping out all the guys in the movie theater audience.  And she escaped through the rear exit to the parking lot behind the movie theater with a smug smile on her face.

I know it sounds like a cliche, but it's true.  Hilarie Burton saw him from across the room.  She knew she had to make the move so she walked across the movie theater lobby closer to him to start a conversation.  She was confident that the conversation will be a success.

Hilarie Burton approached a guy who wasn't sure if he should enter movie theater screen #2.
Hilarie said with a wide smile, "Hello, who might you be?"
The Guy replied, "My name is Captain Parakeet."
Hilarie replied with a confused expression, "So you call yourself Captain Parakeet because you like birds?  Or is there some other reason for calling yourself Captain Parakeet for some other reason?"
Captain Parakeet replied, "I'm a Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse super-hero, but all the best animal name have already been taken."
Hilarie said, "You don't have to be a member of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse if you don't want to do so.  You don't have to murder women if you're not gay enough for it.  You don't need to give yourself a super-hero name either.  You can be a normal person too.  What time is it?"
Captain Parakeet asked, "It's 915 in the evening."
Hilarie said, "Hold on a second, I need a better look."
Hilarie grabbed Captain Parakeet's left hand (Which had the wrist watch on it) and pressed it agaisnt both of her voluptuous breasts. 
Hilarie continued, "Oh yes, it is 9:15 in the evening.  It's a great time for some sexual intercourse, but I don't have a guy to sare it with.  Do you know a guy willing to have sex with me?"
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad apprached Captain Parakeet and Hilarie Burton and pushed her away.
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad said, "Get back lady, you won't get the chance to murder my friend today."
Hilarie said, "You may have defeated me, but I'll score the ultimate victory."
Hilarie Burton walked off with a smug angry expression on her face.
Captain Parakeet said, "Thanks for rescuing me.  That girl almost did me in."
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad said, "Not to worry, Hilarie Burton will be punished and killed for her crimes.  The Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse will end her life before the evening is through."
Jennifer Garner loves hanging out with her best friend Jessica Biel.  The Suspicious Guy lost track how many times Jennifer Garner almost walked backwards into his kitchen knife only to walk forward at the last second.  Jennifer Garner has no idea how close she came to dying multiple times throughout her conversation to Jessica Biel.

Emma Roberts and Emma Stone always enjoyed the chance to girl talk and gossip.  It's been all of four hours since the two girls last seen each other and there was a lot of catching up to do.
Jennifer Garner loves hanging out with her best friend forever Ellen Page

Anna Paquin made a crucial point to say hello to Emma Stone.  Emma Stone was amazed by how many Dandilion Girls showed up to ruin the film premier.  And yes, the task of ruining the film premier was much more of a huge success than any of the women in the Dandilion Girls could imagine.  And Anna Paquin could talk to Emma Stone for hours, but the deadline was limited and there was still much work to be done.

Ashley Greene loves hanging out with her best friend Jennifer Garner

Emma Stone thought she spotted Michelle Williams....
....And so Emma Stone went in search of Michelle Williams in futility.

Meanwhile, Michelle Williams thought she spotted Emma Stone.  And so Michelle Williams searched for Emma Stone in futility.

And so Michelle Williams stepped outside of the movie theater in hopes of finding Emma Stone.  It turned out that Emma Stone was inside the movie theater the entire time.  Michelle Williams frowned as she walked towards the movie theater once again.

Emma Stone never found Michelle Williams.  Michelle Williams never found Emma Stone.  However, Emma Stone had a close conversation between Taylor Swift while she was searching for Michelle Williams.  And a close conversation between Taylor Swift and Emma Stone....
...Became much deeper when Gwyneth Paltrow joined the conversation between Taylor Swift and Emma Stone.

Gwyneth Paltrow thought she heard somebody so she seperated from the group to investigate.  She walked into a movie theater screen #2 of the fifteen screen movie theater.  She was alone.  Or rather, she was under the belief that she was alone.  She turned around to see a guy standing behind her.  He raced out of the backdoor to movie screen #2 with Gwyneth Paltrow chasing after him. 

Gwyneth Paltrow cornered him in the parking lot and backed into a nearby car.
Gwyneth asked, "Pardon me, but what's your name."
He replied, "You can call me the Unknown Third Guy."
Gwyneth asked, "Is that your actual birth name?"
The Unknown Third Guy said, "That's my nickname.  And that's all you're ever going to get from me.  Sorry, but I have to run for my life right now."
And so the Unknown Third Guy raced back through the rear door and into movie screen #2.  He bolted the door shut behind him only to face Jessica Biel directly.

Jessica Biel said, "I think we should allow Gwyneth Paltrow to join this conversation."
The Unknown Third Guy replied, "I'll murder you in self defence if you unblock the rear door and allow Gwyneth Paltrow to enter screen #2."
Jessice Biel said, "You might foolishly believe that you can murder me before I allow Gwyneth Paltrow the chance to reenter this theater, but you're going to be mistaken.  I'm a difficult girl to murder and I never lost a battle against anybody."

 Jessica Biel walked towards the rear exit and she started to unblock the rear door to allow Gwyneth Paltrow the chance to enter.  The Unknown Third Guy started to stab Jessica Biel to death from behind her.  The Unknown Third Guy kept stabbing Jessica from behind until she lay down on the floor dead in a large puddle of blood.  The rear door was blocked once again.
Brooke Shields reached Juliette Lewis. 

Brooke said, "Jessica Biel vanished somewhere in move theater screen #2.  I need you to check it out.  Gwyneth Paltrow hasn't been able to get the rear door unblocked.  You might need to unblock the rear door from the other side of the door."
Juliette said, "Sounds like an easy thing to do.  I'll get right on it."
Brooke said, "Be careful, there might be a girl hating serial killer running loose."
Juliette said, "You're talking to a girl who killed more seriel killers than any other woman I've known. Don't worry, I'll be fine."
Juliette Lewis took a deep breath as she walked inside movie theater screen #2.

There wasn't anybody inside movie theater screen #2 except maybe Jessica Biel's dead body.  Juliette Lewis walked down the center aisle of movie theater screen #2.  She reached the rear door and started to get it unblocked.  The only way she could do that was to stand with Jessica Biel's dead body between her legs with her left foot on the left side of Jessica's dead body and the right foot on the right side of Jessica's dead body. 
The Unknown Third Person said, "No, I can't allow you to unblock that door."
Juliette said, "It's too late, because that's exactly what I'm doing right now."
The Unknown Third Person replied, "Then I must kill you in self defence."
And that was the second that the Unknown Third Person stabbed Juliette Lewis from behind.  And he kept stabbing Juliette from behind until she lifelessly lay down on top of Jessica's Biel's dead body---Breasts resting on spine and vagina resting on rear end. 
The Suspicious Man entered movie theater screen #2.
Suspicious Man said, "That's two girls we had to murder today."
The Unknown Third Person said, "I had no choice.  I had to murder them both in self defence.  Yeah, we killed two girls.  We might have to kill more women before the night is over."
The Suspicious Person said, "I'm going to get some popcorn.  Do you want some?"
The Unknown Third Person said, "Oh yes, get me some popcorn."
The Suspicious Person walked out of  movie theater screen #2 and bumped into Jennifer Garner.  Jennifer Garner walked forward and forced the Suspicious Person to walk backwards into movie theater screen #2.
The Unknown Third Person said, "Let me guess, you got women problems on the way to purchase popcorn."
The Suspicious Person said, "I got women problems on the way to purchase some popcorn."
Jennifer Garner said, "Two people are going to die and one of them isn't me."

 Jennifer Garner saw the dead bodies of Jessica Biel and Juliette Lewis piled on top of each other in front of the rear exit.  She walked towards the rear exit.
The Suspicious Person said, "Oh please don't unblock the rear exit.  We don't want Gwyneth Paltrow to burst into this movie theater screen to sabatoge the film projectors. It would be nice if the actual movie was showing in at least one of the twenty movie screens."
Jennifer Garner said, "I'm sorry, but somebody has to defeat creeps like you."
The Suspicious Person said, "Don't force me to murder you."
Jennifer Garner said with a laugh, "Oh yeah, I'd love to see you try to murder me."

 Jennifer Garner stood with the dead bodies of Jessicia Biel and Juliette Lewis between her legs with the left side of the two dead women pressed against her left leg and the right side of the two dead women pressed against her right leg. Jennifer Garner tried to unblock the rear door as the Suspicious Person proceeded to stab her in the back. 
And he kept stabbing her until Jennifer Garner lay down on Julliette Lewis' dead body breasts on spine and vagina on rear end. Jennifer Garner is legally dead.
Michelle Williams reached Zooey Deschanel.  The two women warmly greeted each other.
Michelle said, "Heck of a turnout.  It appears that everybody showed up."
Zooey said, "Oh yeah, this might be the biggest moment for women's liberation ever."
Michelle said, "Oh my Godess, I certainly hope so."
Kate Winslet approached the two girls. 

Kate asked, "Has either of you two women seen Emma Stone?"
Michelle said, "I thought I saw her walk into this building, but I lost track of her soon afterwerds."
Zooey said, "I don't know where Emma Stone has vanished to.  Michelle might have better luck finding Emma Stone for you."
Kate faced Michelle and said, "Can you find Emma Stone for me?  It would mean a great deal for me.  I'll be forever in your debt."
Michelle said, "Oh yeah, it will be my pleasure."
Michelle walked away from both  Zooey Deschanel and Kate Winslet.  She walked towards Amy Adams who was standing nearby.

Amy Adams and Michelle Williams warmly greeted each other. 
Amy said, "Oh yeah, Brooke Shields has been trying to find you.  She wants you to check out movie theater screen #2.  There's something going wrong with it.  It won't be proper if only nineteen out of twenty movie theater screens actually work properly."
Michelle said, "I'll try to fit that in.  I'm also trying to find Emma Stone.  Do you know where she vanished off to?"
Amy replied, "I wish I knew, but I didn't see her yet.  Thanks again for fixing movie theater screen #2.  It saves me the trouble of fixing it myself."
Michelle said, "Hey, fixing movie theater projectors is my specialty."
Michelle Williams walked towards movie theater screen #2.

Michelle Williams entered move theater screen #2 where she saw three dead girls piled on top of each other near the rear exit.  The rear exit was blocked.  The Unknown Third Person and the Suspicious Person noticed Michelle Williams arrival immediately.
Michelle asked, "What's going on here?"
The Suspicious Person, "Jessica Biel, Juliette Lewis and Jennifer Garner was trying to unblock the rear door and prevent us from saving movie theater screen #2 from being sabotaged.  It's too late for us both to save the other nineteen move theater screens, but we were able to save this one."
Michelle said, "I guess tonight is the night that all of your plans will unravel."
The Unknown Third Person said, "I'm giving you the chance to escape justice and live to fight another day.  All you need to do is flee from movie theater screen #2 before I'm forced to kill you in self defence."
Michelle said, "It's too late because both of you jerks are going to die."
Michelle Williams kicked the Unknown Third Person to the ground.  She punched the Suspicious Person and he fell down too.  The Suspicious Person lay down on top of the Unknown Third Person groin on rear end and chest on spine.  The Suspicious Person almost had an extreme rush of positive emotion until he realized that the girl was still alive and that ruined the mood.  Michelle must die so that he can get back into the mood.  Time for Michelle to die.  Michelle Williams walked down the aisle and stood with three dead girls between her legs.  Her left leg pressed on the left side of the three dead girls and her right leg pressed against the right side of the three dead girls.  The Unknown Third Person stabbed Michlle in the back.  The Suspicious Person stabbed Michelle in the back.  And when she didn't die, the Suspicious Person stabbed Michelle five more times while the Unknown Third Person stabbed her three more times.  Michelle lifelessly lay down on top of Jennifer Garner's dead body breasts on spine and vagina on rear end.  Michelle Williams is legally dead.
Mandy More sat next to Mary Kate and her identical twin sister Ashley Olsen as they waited for the movie to start.  Or rather, they waited for their handiwork to cause the movie to fall apart right there in front of them. 

Ashley said, "My sister and I have tried to learn how to sword fight.  However, it never seems to work the right way.  My sister and I always nearly killed each other off trying to learn to sword fight.  I guess the moral of the story is never play around with sharp metal objects."
Mary Kate said, "Learning to sword fight was fun at the time."
Mandy said, "There's nothing wrong with learning self defense skills.  You may never know when or where you're going to be attacked by a homicidal maniac.
Ashley said, "Well, yes, that's true.  However, my sister is going to learn some kung fu next time."
Natalie Portman approached the group.   She said, "Hey ladies, what's going on?"

Mandy Moore said, "Mary Kate, Ashley and I are talking about self defense strategies.  I'm thinking about something involving ropes.  Mary Kate and Ashley is thinking about something about sword fighting.  What about you?"
Natalie said, "I'll just keep bumping off the girl hating attackers until they're lying down on top of each other like firewood kindling."
Mary Kate asked, "So you're more of a kung fu type of girl."
Natalie said, "Half kunk fu and half knives."
Ashley said, "That sounds sweet."
The Suspicious Guy walked past the four girls.
Mandy said, "Did you girls just see that?"
Ashley said, "I think I did.  Hey Natalie, hold our seat.  We got a jackass to murder."
Mary Kate said, "Three girls against one girl killing asshole won't be a fair battle."
Natalie said, "Don't worry, consider your place in line saved."
Mary Kate Olsen and Ashley Olsen chased after him with intention to kill.  The two identical twin girls lost track of Mandy Moore as they chased after the Suspicious Guy in the lobby of the movie theater.  With two girls chasing after him, it was harder for the Suspicious Guy to give them both the slip without thinking of ways to kill them both.

The Suspicious Guy turned a corner and finally gave Mary Kate Olsen and Ashley Olsen the slip.  However, this time it was Mandy Moore's turn to chase after him.  So he ran through the lobby of the twenty screen movie theater.  This time he may be forced to kill Mandy Moore if he doesn't give her the slip.  However, there never was the perfect spot to kill the girl.

And when the Suspicious Guy managed to give Mandy Moore the slip, he was more than able to relax.  He still hasn't been able to purchase two tubs of popcorn at the concession stand.  Meanwhile, Natalie Portman patiently sat still waiting for Mandy Moore, Mary Kate Olsen and Ashley Olsen to return from chasing after the Suspicious Guy.  Natalie Portman realized how important it was to make sure that the three girls place in line is preserved.  After all, Natalie Portman always believed that she deserved to be the sixth person to see the movie inside movie theater screen #2 before it's ruined forever.

The Suspicious Guy knew that he won't be able to encounter Natalie Portman without fighting her and killing her.  So he exited the movie theater in hopes of finding an alternative path to the conession stand to purchase a tub of popcorn.  He discovered Karen Gillian a little to late and he knew that she's only interesting in fighting him to the death.
Karen Gillan cried out, "Hey there, what are you doing here?  If you're here to wipe us out, then you got another thing comming."
The Suspicious Guy knew he had no choice but to run for his life again.  Karen was trying to contact the other Dandilion Girls by her cell phone without success.

 Karen Gillan dropped her phone.  She abandoned her chase against the Suspicious Guy just when she was gaining on him to pick up her cell phone.

The Suspicious Guy stabbed Karen Gillan from behind just when she bent over and successfully grabbed her phone.  Thug #4 accidently ran Karen Gillan over with his car and parked his car with the rear car wheels still on the dead girl's corpse. 
The Suspicious Guy said, "Thanks for killing Karen Gillan for me.  It looked like she was going to survive my knife attack against her."
Thug #4 said, "I didn't realize that a girl has been murdered."
Meanwhile, inside the movie theater, Natalie Portman was hanging out with Scarlett Johansson  as they waited for movie theater screen #2 to start showing the movie.  The two girls are frustrated that the simple act of getting the movie started was taking longer than necessary.  Natalie Portman wasn't budging from her spot and neither was Scarlett Johansson.  It was either Natalie and Scarlett or it was Mandy Moore, Mary Kate Olsen and Ashley Olsen.  And Natalie Portman and Scarlett Johansson was determined to ruin the movie showing in movie theater screen #2 even if they have to die trying to accomplish a seemingly simple task.

Scarlett Johansson thought she saw Suspicious Guy and Thug #4.  She gave chase to the two guys through the movie theater and forever lost her spot in line. 
The Unknown Third Person punched Scarlett, kicked Dandelion Girl #1 to death, punched Scarlett and kicked Dandelion Girl #2, punched Dandelion Girl #3 and kicked both Dandelion Girl #4 and Dandelion Girl #5 causing all four Dandelion Girls to lie down legally dead.  Unknown Third Person punched Scarlett before kicking her.
Scarlett proceeded to strangle Thug #4 as the Unknown Third Person punched Dandelion Girl #6, punched Dandelion Girl #7, punched Dandelion Girl #8, punched Dandelion Girl #9 and kicked Dandelion Girl #10 causing all five girls to lie down legally dead.  The Unknown Third Person yanked Scarlett away from Thug #4 and punched her to the floor.
Scarlett stood up and the Unknown Third Person punched her causing her to fall down.  The Unknown Third Person punched Dandelion Girl #11 and she died.  The Unknown Third Person punched Scarlett when she tried to stand up and she fell down.  The Unknown Third Person punched both Dandelion Girl #12 and Dandelion Girl #13 causing both girls to die.  Scarlett stood up only to be punched to the floor by the Unknown Third Person before he punched both Dandelion Girl #14 and Dandelion Girl #15 to death. 
The Unknown Third Person punched Dandelion Girl #16 to death before kicking Dandelion Girl #17 to death.  Scarlett was helped to her feet by Thug #4 and he lovingly kissed her.  The Unknown Third Person punched Dandelion Girl #18, punched Dandelion Girl #19 and kicked Dandelion Girl #20 causing all three girls to lie down legally dead.  Thug #4 was about to kiss Scarlett, the Unknown Third Person kicked Scarlett from behind causing her to fall down and Thug #4 kissed the Unknown Third Person by accident. 
Scarlett said with anger, "That's it jerk, you're going to die now!"
The Unknown Third Person punched Scarlett and she fell face down, kicked Dandelion Girl #21 to death, punched Scarlett when she stood up and she fell face down, kicked Dandelion Girl #22 to death, punched Scarlett when she stood up and she fell face down, kicked both Dandelion Girl #23 and Dandelion Girl #24 to death, kicked Scarlett when she stood up and she fell face down and kicked Dandelion Girl #25 to death.
Scarlett stood up and she grabbed Thug #4 and pulled him away into the Women's Bathroom for a make out session.  Dandelion Girl #26, Dandelion Girl #27, Dandelion Girl #28, Dandelion Girl #29 and Dandelion Girl #30 was punched to death by the Unknown Third Person.  Thug #4 felt Scarlett's voluptuous breasts as she pulled closer to him.  They lovingly kissed.
The Unknown Third Person tried to reach the Women's Bathroom to kill Scarlett and rescue Thug #4.  He punched Dandelion Girl #31, Dandelion Girl #32, Dandelion Girl #33 and Dandelion Girl #34 to death before kicking Dandelion Girl #35 to death. 
Scarlett said with a smile, "Isn't it so much better to make out with a girl."
Thug #4 said, "It's so much better to make out with a girl."
Scarlett and Thug #4 lovingly kissed each other.
The Unknown Third Person said, "Don't worry Thug #4, I'll kill the wicked girl and save you from harm.  I just have to get there first."
The Unknown Third Person punched Dandelion Girl #36. Dandelion Girl #37 and Dandelion Girl #38 to death. 
Scarlett said, "You just have to believe that I'm so much better than the alternative."
Thug #4 said, "You are so much better than the alternative."
The Unknown Third Person kicked Dandelion Girl #39 and Dandelion Girl #40 to death.
Scarlett said, "Tell me how to change back the movie theater projector for movie screen #2."
Thug #4 said, "I can't tell you that."
Scarlett said, "But I thought we were in love with each other.  You have to tell me everything if we were in love with each other."
Scarlett lovingly kissed Thug #4.
The Unknown Third Person needs to kill Scarlett Johansson.  Before he can do so, he kicked Dandelion Girl #41 and Dandelion Girl #42 to death before punching Dandelion Girl #43, Dandelion Girl #44, Dandelion Girl #45 and Dandelion Girl #46 to death.
Thug #4 felt Scarlett's voluptuous breasts as he lovingly kissed the girl.
Scarlett said, "Tell me how to change back movie screen #2.  I will not be defeated like this."
Thug #4 said, "I'm tempted to tell you, but I'm waiting to be rescued at the last second instead."
Scarlett lovingly kissed Thug #4. 
Thug #4 said, "I can't resist you though because you're so pretty."
The Unknown Third Person punched Dandelion Girl #47, Dandelion Girl #48, Dandelion Girl #49 and Dandelion Girl #50 to death.  He still needs to kill Scarlett Johansson before it's too late.
Thug #4 said, "I'll tell you, but you have to unblock the rear door first."
Scarlett said, "I don't need to do anything that you tell me."
Thug #4 said, "Then you won't get the needed information."
Scarlett said, "Damn it, you got your agreement."
The Unknown Third Person kicked Dandelion Girl #51 to death, punched Dandelion Girl #52 and Dandelion Girl #53 to death, kicked Dandelion Girl #54 to death before punching Dandelion Girl #55 to death and advanced towards the Women's Bathroom to kill Scarlett Johansson before it's too late.
Thug #4 whispered the needed information into Scarlett's ear before he lovingly kissed her.  She punched him in the face.  The Unknown Third Person entered the Women's Bathroom to punch Scarlett in the stomach and she fell face first.
The Unknown Third Person asked, "How much did you tell her?"
Scarlett stood up and the Unknown Third Person punched her and she fell face down.
Thug #4 said, "Enough information to make Scarlett's death essential."
Scarlett stood up and she was kicked to the floor causing her to lie down face down.
Unknown Third Person said, "I was afraid you would say that."
Thug #4 said, "I'm sorry."
Scarlett stood up and she was punched to the floor and she lay down face down.
Unknown Third Person said, "That's ok, we'll kill the girl and make it right again."
Scarlett stood up and the Unknown Third Person punched her to the floor and she lay face down.
Thug #4 said, "You're so understanding."
The Unknown Third Person said, "You should've killed Scarlett when you had the chance."
Thug #4 said, "Yeah, I know that."
Thug #4 said, "I'll be sure to kill Scarlett next time she tries to do that to me."
The Unknown Third Person punched Scarlett and tossed her against the wall when she tried to stand up.  Scarlett fell to the floor and lay face down.
The Unknown Third Person said, "You keep saying that, but you never seem to learn from your mistakes.  That makes me feel very cross with you."
Scarlett tried to stand up.  The Unknown Third Person punched her and she fell face down face down.
The Unknown Third Person said, "Next time, I want you to punch the girl."
Thug #4 said, "I can't because she's so pretty."
Scarlett stood up and Unknown Third Person punched her in the face causing her to lie down face down.  The Unknown Third Person punched Dandelion Girl #56 and Dandelion Girl #57 to death before kicking Dandelion Girl #58 to death.
The Unknown Third Person said, "I insist that you punch out Scarlett the next time she stands up.  Sooner or later we will succeed in having her punched to death.:
Thug #4 said, "Ok, if you insist on it."
Scarlett stood up and Thug #4 punched her causing Scarlett to lie down face down.
The Unknown Third Person said, "See how easy it is to punch the girl."
Thug #4 said, "It's very easy for me to punch the girl."
Scarlett stood up and she shoved the Unknown Third Person against Thug #4 and she ran out of the Women's Bathroom.  The Unknown Third Person lay on top of Thug #4 groin on groin and chest on chest with the Unknown Third Person on top.  The Unknown Third Person scrambled to his feet.
The Unknown Third Person said, "Don't just lie there.  We need to kill Scarlett now."
Thug #4 stood up and said, "Where did she go?"
The Unknown Third Person said, "I have an idea.  Follow me."
Scarlett attacked the Unknown Third Person when he ran out of the Women's Bathroom.  Scarlett attacked Thug #4 when he ran out of the Women's Bathroom.  The Unknown Third Person kicked Scarlett and she lay face down.  The Unknown Third Person kicked Dandelion Girl #59, Dandelion Girl #60 and Dandelion Girl #61 to death.
Thug #4 said as he stood up, "Is Scarlett dead."
Scarlett stood up and she ran down the hallway.
The Unknown Third Person said, "Scarlett isn't dead and she must die now!"
Scarlett was attacked from behind and tossed against the wall by the Unknown Third Person and she lay face down.  The Unknown Third Person kicked Dandelion Girl #62 causing her to legally die.
Thug #4 said, "You found Scarlett Johansson."
Unknown Third Person said, "I found Scarlett Johansson."
Scarlett stood up and she was kicked to the floor and she lay without moving face down.
Thug #4 said, "That girl doesn't want to die."
Unknown Third Person said, "We need to convince her that she needs to die."
The Unknown Third Person kicked Dandelion Girl #63 and punched Dandelion Girl #64 causing both girls to legally die.  Scarlett stood up.
Thug #4 said, "Scarlett is still alive."
Scarlett said, "I'm still alive."
Unknown Third Person said, "Yeah, I know she's still alive.  She must die now."
Scarlett said, "I dare you to murder me.  You're not capable of pulling off a successful murder attack against me before I unlock the rear door and rewire the projectors to movie theater screen #2."
Unknown Third Person said, "I must kill you before you do that."
Thug #4 said, "Scarlett lost her mind.  She must die now!"
Scarlett punched Thug #4 to the ground only to be kicked twice by Unknown Third Person causing Scarlett to fall face down to the floor.  Unknown Third Person helped up Thug #4.
Unknown Third Person said, "Are you ok?"
Thug #4 said, "I'll feel better if we just saw the girl die."
Scarlett stood up and she kicked Thug #4 to the floor before she ran.  Unknown Third Person chased after the girl with intent to kill her.
Scarlett punched the Unknown Third Person and he fell to the floor.  Scarlett smiled as she walked over him and towards Movie Theater Screen #2.
 Scarlett walked closer towards Movie Theater Screen #2.  The Unknown Third Person slowly stood up again and walked towards the doomed girl.
 Scarlett spun around and she kicked the Unknown Third Person to the floor.  She smiled when she walked towards Movie Theater Screen #2.  Just when her hand was on the door handle, she remembered that she was supposed to find Natalie Portman. 
Scarlett said, "I have to find Natalie Portman first.  If doing so ruins my only chance to unblock the rear door and rewire the film projector to Movie Theater Screen #2 without getting myself killed, then so be it."
So Scarlett walked away from Movie Theater Screen #2 and went in search of Natalie Portman.
And as compensation for forever losing her spot in line, Scarlett Johansson failed to catch both Suspicious Guy and Thug #4.  And frustrated by her loss, she walked towards the spot that Natalie Portman was sitting at in hopes that she hasn't been killed while she was chasing after two members of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse in futility.  Scarlett walked closer as she saw Natalie Portman walking into movie theater screen #2.  Natalie Portman walked into movie theater screen #2 and forever gave up her spot in line.  Natalie saw four dead girls piled up on top of each other near the rear exit which was still blocked.  What was supposed to be Scarlett's permanent death gets to be Natalie's permanent death instead.

 Natalie Portman said, "Do you have some sort of mental problem that nobody is aware of?  There's nothing about this is normal.  You must stop this right now."
The Unknown Third Person said, "You know that I must stop the Dandilion Girls from ruining the film premier.  You know the only way I can stop the Dandilion Girls is to murder them all one by one.  You're a Dandilion Girl.  Therefore, I'm forced to murder you.  It's all rational and normal when you look at it this way."
Natalie replied, "The problem is that I'm not interested in getting myself murdered by jerks like you."
The Unknown Third Person said, "You don't have much choice in the matter."
Natalie said, "I'm unlocking the back door and I'm going to let Gwyneth Paltrow in."
The Unknown Third Person said, "I'm going to murder you if you try to do that."
Natalie replied, "Then hurry up and kill me because I'm not backing off just because my life is about to be senselessly ended in a murder attack."
Natalie Portman walked down the center aisle and towards the rear door.  The Unknown Third Person tried to stop her, but she punched him to the floor.  She stood with the dead bodies of four girls between her legs with her left leg on the left side of the four dead girls and her right leg pressed against the right side of four dead girls. 
The Unknown Third Person stabbed Natalie Portman in the back and sliced open her throat when she didn't die right away.  Natalie gargled human blood before she lay down on on top of Michelle Williams dead body---Breasts on spine and vagina on rear end.  Natalie Portman is legally dead.
Unaware that Natalie Portman is both defeated and murdered by the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse, Scarlett Johansson ran into Courtney Cox.

Scarlett said, "We need to tell somebody that four girls have vanished."
Courtney said, "I thought Natalie is attacking the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse."
Scarlett said, "I saw Natalie enter movie theater screen #2, but that doesn't mean that she survived a murder attack against her."
Courtney said, "Then we shouldn't tell any other members of the Dandilion Girls that four girls are missing and possibly killed until we know for certain that Natalie Portman is either dead or alive.  Both of us will need to enter movie theater screen #2 to help out Natalie Portman if she's alive and avenge her if she's dead.  Then we'll tell the rest of the Dandilion Girls information that only we know about---That four Dandilion Girls are missing and possibly killed."
Scarlett said, "I don't like that plan, but I'll go along with it anyway."
Courtney said, "That a girl, I knew I could persuade you to do anything I want you to do.  If you don't want to check out movie theater screen #2, I could always get Mandy Moore, Mary Kate Olsen, Ashley Olsen, Sophia Bush, Ashley Greene, Taylor Swift, Emma Roberts, Natasha Bedingfield, Anne Hathaway or Ginnifer Goodwin to check it out.  You can take over whatever task Mandy Moore, Mary Kate Olsen, Ashley Olsen, Sophia Bush, Ashley Greene, Taylor Swift, Emma Roberts, Natasha Bedingfield, Anne Hathaway or Ginnifer Goodwin were supposed to do in case they never return from movie theater screen #2."
Scarlett said, "That's ok, I'll check out movie theater screen #2 instead."
And with that, Scarlett Johansson entered movie theater screen #2.

Scarlett walked down the center aisle and she saw five dead girls piled on top of each other near the rear exit.  Scarlett spun around to see nothing and nobody behind her.  She spun around to face the door.  She stood with five dead girls between her legs.  Her left leg was pressed against the left side of five dead girls.  Her right leg was pressed against the right side of five dead girls.  She removed heavy piece of metal #1 from blocking the rear door.  She removed heavy piece of metal #2.  She removed heavy piece of metal #3.
Thug #4 said, "Look at my basket ball pretty lady.  I can play basketball like a pro."
Scarlett said, "Please don't toss the basketball this direction you dumbass.  You'll kill me by accident.  I'm too young and pretty to die by accident.  We can be happy together."
Thug #4 said, "I want to play basketball with you instead."
Thug #4 tossed his basketball towards Scarlett, accidentally missed her and struck heavy piece of metal #3.  Heavy piece of metal fell on top of Scarlett's skull and caused the girl to fall and her skull to crack.  Scarlett lay face down on top of Natalie's dead body breasts on spine and vagina on rear end.  Thug #4 tossed basketball #2 towards Scarlett, missed the lying down girl and struck heavy piece of metal #2 and it fell on top of Scarlett's skull and caused the skull to crack.  Thug #4 tossed basketball #1 towards Scarlett, missed the lying down girl and struck heavy piece of metal #1 and it fell down on top of Scarlett's skull and caused the skull to crack.  Scarlett Johansson is legally dead.
Thug #4 asked, "Why won't the pretty girl play basketball with me?"
The Unknown Third Person said, "You murdered the Dandelion Girl."
Thug #4 said, "You're telling me that I'm guilty of unprovoked murder one against an innocent girl?"
The Suspicious Guy said, "Don't worry about crimes of unprovoked murder one against an innocent girl.  Innocent girl deaths never carry any harmful consequences."
Thug #4 said, "Girls keep dying before they can play basketball with me."
The Unknown Third Person said, "Nobody is perfect."
Thug #4 said, "I had a dream at night.  In my dream, Jesus Christ, Moses, Mohamed, Peter Pan and the Fiddler on the Roof was the same exact person the whole entire time."
The Unknown Third Person said, "There are some statements that are better off being kept to yourself.  That was one of those statements."
Miley Cyrus looked at her sister Brandi Cyrus. 
Brandi said, "I had a dream that you and I died side by side within mere feet of each other.  And when our dead bodies were dragged off, our dead bodies were dragged off side by side.  Then I woke up and asked a dream interpreter what it meant.  She told me that you and I won't get the chance to die side by side nor will our dead bodies be dragged off side by side.  That you have issues that need to be resolved first and my death can't wait for your issues to be resolved.  Then the Dream Interpreter hung herself on a noose soon afterwards.  I'm afraid that you won't be there to provide backup to prove that you and I isn't doomed to die.  but you won't provide backup.  I can't go in there alone.  I need backup."
Miley said, "Of course you're going to have backup.  Why wouldn't you have backup?"
Brandi said, "We're talking about changing the Internet server for the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse so that it only has pornographic images of girls and nothing else.  It's a dangerous thing to suggest.  Having backup could help a great deal."
Miley said, "I would never ask my own sister to embark on a dangerous mission without backup.  Come on, it's me we're talking about.  I'll never let you down."
 Brandi said, "I suppose I could try to figure it all out."
Miley said, "That a girl.  I knew you would come through for me."
Brandi said, "I hope it doesn't turn out to be my worst mistake."
Miley replied, "And it won't be your worst mistake.  I assure you that much."
 Brandi said, "And you already have a girl picked out to provide me some backup."
Miley said, "I also have the computer codes you'll need to enter and the way towards the computer server.  Trust me, I got everything under control."
Brandi said, "I'm glad to hear that.  Those jerks won't know what hit them."
Miley said, "That's the whole idea."
 Miley said, "Oh here she is.  Right on time."
Brandi walked away from her sister Miley and towards her backup.  And so, Marta Pozzan stood next to Brandi Cyrus.  The two women looked at each other.
Marta said, "Let's get started."
Brandi said, "There's no time like the present.  I have a good feeling about this mission."
Marta said, "Oh yeah, it's going to be lots of fun."
 Marta Pozzan and Brandi Cyrus walked out of the Dandelion Movie Theater, walked down the street and they walked towards the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse Safehouse.  After using an electronic cloaking device to slip into the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse Safehouse, then it was time for the two girls to get to work.
 Brandi walked towards the hidden computer server as Marta stood guard.  The only way to kill Brandi was to first attack and kill Marta.  Time for Marta Pozzan to senselessly die in a murder attack.  It's now necessary to kill the girl once and for all.
Parking Lot Lad walked behind Marta and he proceeded to strangle the girl to death from behind.  Marta tried to remove the strangulation grip from her throat without success.  The girl gasped for air without success as her knees and legs buckled under pressure of trying to stay alive without success.  The girl found herself crumpling to the ground as she slowly started dying.
 The strangulation grip against Marta Pozzan was released as she legally died.  Parking Lot Lad walked over Marta's dead body as he entered the computer server room.  Brandi had no idea she was being followed by Parking Lot Lad as she walked towards the computer server.  Brandi must die before she can complete her task.  Hurry up and kill the girl.
 Brandi had no idea that she was being followed and that was her last mistake.  She switched on the computer server and she started to purge all the files of non-girl photos.  The purging of all the files of non-girl photos will be permanent if Brandi Cyrus isn't killed this instant.
 Parking Lot Lad walked behind Brandi and he started to strangle the girl from behind.  Brandi struggled against the strangulation grip.  Parking Lot Lad increased his strangulation grip against the girl as she struggled in futility against the murderous attack.
 Brandi tried one last time to screw up the purging of all non-girl photos from the computer server and replace it with all girl photos instead.  Parking Lot Lad reversed the effort as he continued to strangle the girl to death.  He pulled Brandi away from the computer server as his strangulation grip against her got tighter.
 Brandi was forced to give up and allow death to claim her.  She closed her eyes as she slowly sank to the floor lifelessly.  Brandi slowly started to die as Parking Lot Lad released his strangulation grip against the girl.  Soon, Brandi Cyrus will be dead.
Brandi Cyrus is no longer alive.  Brandi Cyrus is legally dead.
Marta Pozzan and Brandi Cyrus died within mere feet of each other.  The dead bodies of Marta Pozzan and Brandi Cyrus were dragged off side by side.
Parking Lot Lad exited the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse Safehouse to encounter Jessica Alba.  Jessica smiled as she walked past Parking Lot Lad with calm confidence.  This is a girl who has no fear of death nor any fear of dying.  Parking Lot Lad needs to change that by attacking and killing her.  Jessica Alba can't be allowed to survive.

Parking Lot Lord and Parking Lot lad was waiting in line for popcorn and soda pop when Jessica Alba spotted them.  Jessica Alba grabbed Parking Lot Lord's right arm and pressed his right arm against her voluptuous breasts.  She smiled.  He smiled.
Jessica Alba said, "You're going to eat all that popcorn all by yourself?  Care to share it with me?  We can make love and I'll make it worth your while."
Parking Lot Lad said, "Parking Lot Lord already promised to share his popcorn with me.  Excuse us both.  We need to get going.  That's for the conversation."
Parking Lot Lad pulled Parking Lot Lord away from Jessica Alba.
Parking Lot Lord asked, "Why did you do that for?"
Parking Lot Lad replied, "Jessica Alba was about to murder you."
Parking Lot Lord said, "Such a shame we couldn't kill Jessica Alba in self defence."
Parking Lot Lad said, "We'll get the chance to murder Jessica Alba in due time."
Parking Lot Lad and Parking Lot Lord walked to the parking when their efforts to purchase popcorn and soda pop was defeated by Jessica Alba's perversted desire.  And their efforts to enjoy the parking lot was hindered by the arrival of Miley Cyrus.  Mily Cyrus got out of her car to see Parking Lot Lord and Parking Lot Lad directly in front of her.

Miley Cyrus said to Parking Lot Lord and Parking Lot Lad, "Hey jackass, get away from the movie theater.  You're not invited to step anywhere near the movie theater unless you're ready to die in disgrace and humiliation.  You don't look ready to die in disgrace, so get away or else I'll kill you."
Parking Lot Lord said, "I can go anywhere I want because this is a free country."
Parking Lot Lad said, "Go ahead and try to kill us lady.  We both dare you."
Miley said, "Fine, I guess both of you have been asking for it the entire time."
And so Miley Cyrus chased after Parking Lot Lord and Parking Lot Lad until they hid from her in a men's clothing store.  And it was only a temporary solution because Miley Cyrus was running in circles around the men's clothing store until Parking Lot Lord and Parking Lot Lad came out.  And she chased after them with murderous hatred even further until they both finally outran her.  And Parking Lot Lord and Parking Lot Lad rested after failing to kill Miley and failing to be killed by Miley.  But sooner or later, they both will have no choice but to kill the woman.
Parking Lot Lord and Parking Lot Lad had to hide when Ashley Olsen, Elizabeth Olsen and Mary Kate Olsen walked across the parking lot.
Said Mary Kate, "I'm not trying to be critical.  I'm just stating a fact.  The color lipstick you wore was the wrong color."
Ashley said, "You're so totally wrong about that."
Mary Kate said, "Oh my Goddess, help me out with this Elizabeth."
Elizabeth said, "I'm staying out of this."
Ashley said, "I'm never wrong about lipstick color."
Mary Kate said, "I beg to differ.  You were wrong about lipstick color the other night."
Parking Lot Lord walked behind Dandelion Girl #1 and Dandelion Girl #2 and slammed their heads together.  Dandelion Girl #1 and Dandelion Girl #2 lay down legally dead.  Parking Lot Lad kicked Dandelion Girl #3 and she fell backwards legally dead.
 Ashley faced Elizabeth before she said, "Like you never made any lipstick blunders."
Elizabeth said, "I actually never made any lipstick blunders."
Mary Kate said, "Elizabeth was right.  She never made any lipstick blunders."
Ashley groaned before she said, "I can't believe both of you girls are ganging up on me."
Parking Lot Lord grabbed Dandelion Girl #4 and swung her against Dandelion Girl #5, Dandelion Girl #6 and Dandelion Girl #7 killing all four girls before kicking Dandelion Girl #8 to death.  Parking Lod Lad punched Dandelion Girl #9, kicked Dandelion Girl #10, punched Dandelion Girl #11, punched Dandelion Girl #12 before kicking Dandelion Girl #13---Killing all five girls.  Dandelion Girl #14 attacked Parking Lot Lad before Parking Lot Lord kicked her in the vagina and killed the girl instantly.
 Ashley said, "It appears that a few boys realized that all girls are born evil.  We need to kill the before they ruin everything."
Elizabeth said, "Leave it to me ladies.  I'll take care of it."
Mary Kate said, "I'll help out Elizabeth."
Ashley said, "I need you next to me for assistance in other matters."
Parking Lot Lord kicked Dandelion Girl #15 to death.  Parking Lot Lad punched Dandelion Girl #16 to death.  Parking Lot Lord kicked Dandelion Girl #17 to death.  Parking Lot Lad kicked Dandelion Girl #18 to death before he punched Dandelion Girl #19 to death.
 Ashley Olsen and Mary Kate Olsen walked away as Elizabeth Olsen walked towards Parking Lot Lord and Parking Lot Lad.
Parking Lot Lord said, "Who was the Drag Queen you kidnapped and replaced."
Elizabeth said, "You'll meet him soon enough when I kill you and have two Fake Female Gender Clones Pretending to be a Drag Queens take your places."
Parking Lot Lad said, "I can't let you get away with it.  You must die now!"
 Parking Lot Lord punched Dandelion Girl #20 and she fell dead.  Elizabeth punched Parking Lot Lad and he fell to the ground.  Parking Lot Lord punched Dandelion Girl #21, kicked Dandelion Girl #22 and punched Dandelion Girl #23 causing all three girls to lie down legally dead.
 Parking Lot Lad got up and Elizabeth punched him to the ground.  Parking Lod Lord punched Dandelion Girl #24 and she fell to the ground legally dead.  Parking Lot Lad got up and Elizabeth kicked him to the ground.
Elizabeth said, "Just die and stay dead damn it."
 Parking Lot Lord punched Dandelion Girl #25 and she lay down legally dead.  Elizabeth punched Parking Lot Lad and he fell to the ground.  Elizabeth smirked as she kicked the boy.
 Sofia Vassilieva punched Parking Lot Lord as she stood next to Dandelion Girl #26.  Parking Lot Lord punched Dandelion Girl #26 and she lay down legally dead.  Parking Lot Lord tried to kick Sofia and she stepped backwards without effort to avoid the blow.  Elizabeth punched Parking Lot Lad and he fell to the ground.
Sofia cried out, "What the fuck.  You keep kicking that boy to the ground and he never dies.  The other boy kicks us girls to the ground and us girls stay dead forever."
Elizabeth said, "Us girls need to change that before the boys kills us off forever."
Parking Lot Lord punched Dandelion Girl #27 and she lay down legally dead.  Parking Lot Lord kicked Sofia and she winced in pain.  Elizabeth punched Parking Lot Lad and he fell to the ground.
 Parking Lot Lord punched Dandelion Girl #28 and she lay down legally dead.  Elizabeth punched Parking Lot Lad and he fell to the ground.  Parking Lot Lord punched Sofia and she fell.  The girl struggled to stand up as Parking Lot Lord kicked Dandelion Girl #29 to death.
Elizabeth asked, "Are you ok?"
Sofia said, "I'll be fine."
Parking Lot Lord punched Dandelion Girl #30 and she fell dead.  Parking Lot Lord punched Elizabeth before kicking Sofia.  Both girls fell to the ground.
 Elizabeth pressed her breasts and her vagina on the ground as Sofia stood up.
Elizabeth stood up and she punched Parking Lot Lad to the ground.  Parking Lot Lord kicked Elizabeth to the ground.  Parking Lot Lord punched Dandelion Girl #31 to death.  Parking Lot Lord punched Sofia and she fell to the ground.
 Elizabeth pressed her breasts and her vagina to the ground as Sofia stood up.
 Jessica Chastain walked towards Sofia Vassilieva.
Jessica said, "Hello Sofia, how are you doing today."
Sofia replied, "I could be better."
Jessica said, "Somebody should check on Elizabeth.  She doesn't look well."
Sofia said, "I'll do it once those boys are taken care of."
Jessica said, "Somebody should do it now."
Sofia said, "I'll do it later damn it!"
Jessica walked towards Elizabeth.  Parking Lot Lad approached and Jessica punched him to the ground.  Parking Lot Lord kicked Jessica and she fell face first to the ground next to Elizabeth who also lay face first to the ground.  Elizabeth and Jessica pressed their vaginas and their breasts to the ground with their legs spread out.  Both girls fell unconscious before reaching their masturbation orgasms simultaneously.
Jessica was tied up and gagged as Sofia approached the two boys.  Parking Lot Lord punched Sofia before he kicked her.  Sofia punched Parking Lot Lord and he kicked her causing the girl to double over in pain.  Sofia looked at her murderers with a blank expression on her face as she slowly stopped breathing altogether.
 Sofia was legally dead before she fell face first to the ground.  Parking Lot Lord checked for a pulse and he found none.  The girl is dead.
Sofia Vassilieva is no longer alive.  Sofia is legally dead.
Elizabeth stood up and she punched Parking Lot Lad to the ground.
 Elizabeth walked towards Parking Lot Lord.
 Elizabeth saw Sofia lay down dead.  Elizabeth saw Jessica bound and gagged.  Elizabeth bent over Jessica.  Elizabeth's voluptuous breasts brushed across Jessica's spine as she tried to untie Jessica.
 Parking Lot Lord punched Elizabeth and she lay down on top of Jessica.  Elizabeth was bound and gagged without much resistance as Elizabeth lay on Jessica---Breasts on spine and vagina on rear end.  Elizabeth passed out on top of Jessica.
 Jessica Chastain and Elizabeth Olsen was kidnapped.
Rose McGowan approached Parking Lot Lord and Parking Lot Lad.  Parking Lot Lord punched Dandelion Girl #32 and kicked Dandelion Girl #33 causing both girls to die.  Rose punched Parking Lot Lad and he fell.  Parking Lot Lord punched Dandelion Girl #34 and she fell dead.
Rose said, "Release the kidnapped girls now!"
Parking Lot Lord said, "Do it yourself."
 Parking Lot Lord punched Dandelion Girl #35 and she fell dead.  Parking Lot Lord kicked Dandelion Girl #36 and kicked Dandelion Girl #37 causing both girls to die.  Rose punched Parking Lot Lad and he fell.
Rose said, "I'm giving you one last warning.  Release the kidnapped girls."
Parking Lot Lord punched Dandelion Girl #38 and kicked Dandelion Girl #39 before punching Dandelion Girl #40 causing all three girls to fall dead.
Parking Lot Lad grabbed Rose from behind and gagged the girl.  She was unable to remove the gag from her mouth.  Parking Lot Lord punched Dandelion Girl #41 causing her to fall dead.
 Parking Lot Lad bound Rose's arms and she was unable to remove the ropes.
Parking Lot Lad tied up Rose's legs and the girl was as good as kidnapped.  Rose McGowan's effort to avoid getting kidnapped failed and she was taken hostage.
Miley Cyrus approached Demi Lovato as both women walked closer towards the hiding place that Parking Lot Lord and Parking Lot Lad have been hiding in.  It may be necessary for Parking Lot Lord and Parking Lot Lad to murder both Miley Cyrus and Demi Lovato if they succeed in finding their hiding place.
Miley said, "Thank Goddess you're here.  You can help me out."
Demi said, "Let me guess, you found two Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse Thugs for us both to kill, one for me and one for you."
Miley said, "I certainly hope so.  Those jerks are somewhere around here."
 Miley said, "It would feel good if us girls actually succeeded in killing the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse instead of getting wiped out one by one by them."
Demi said, "I understand that the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse is going to keep killing Dandelion Girls one by one until there are only seven of us Dandelion Girls left alive and even those girls are doomed to die."
Miley said, "Not if I have anything to do with it."
 Miley said, "Perhaps we're looking in the wrong place."
Demi replied, "Perhaps we're looking in the right place."
Miley said, "I certainly doubt it, but I'm willing to look around in greater detail."
 Miley Cyrus walked backwards closer toward the hiding place of Parking Lot Lord and Parking Lot Lad.  Parking Lot Lord was forced to press his groin on Parking Lot Lad's rear end and his chest on Parking Lot Lad's spine trying to reach for the perfect chance to kill Miley Cyrus.  Demi Lovato stood next to Miley, but she can't be attacked until Miley is attacked first.  Parking Lot Lord was forced to wiggle his groin fully clothed on Parking Lot Lad's rear end trying to reach for the perfect chance to stab Miley to death from behind.
Demi said, "You don't suppose that either of us two girls will turn out to be easy to kill."
Miley said, "Nobody will ever consider me to be an easy to kill girl.  That's utterly impossible."
 Miley said, "I don't see anything.  We should look elsewhere."
Demi said, "I need to see this billboard first.  We should walk backwards to see it better."
Demi Lovato and Miley Cyrus walked backwards closer toward the hiding place of Parking Lot Lord and Parking Lot Lad.  Parking Lot Lord was forced to press his groin on Parking Lot Lad's rear end and his chest on Parking Lot Lad's spine trying to reach for the perfect chance to kill Miley Cyrus.  Demi Lovato stood next to Miley, but she can't be attacked until Miley is attacked first.  Parking Lot Lord was forced to wiggle his groin fully clothed on Parking Lot Lad's rear end trying to reach for the perfect chance to stab Miley to death from behind.
 Demi Lovato and Miley Cyrus walked backwards so close that Parking Lot Lord can stab Miley to death while having an extreme rush of excitement from pressing and wiggling his groin on Parking Lot Lad's rear end.  Demi slipped and fell.  Miley helped her up.  The chance to kill Miley was ruined.  Both girls walked away from the hiding place that Parking Lot Lord and Parking Lot Lad was using to hide from the two girls.
 Miley said, "We should get going."
Demi said, "I never got to see the billboard."
Miley said, "You can see the billboard some other time."
Demi said, "I certainly hope so."
 Demi paused before she added, "Damn it, I may not have the chance to see the billboard later.  I need to see the billboard now."
Miley said with a groan, "Ok, let's see the damn billboard."
 Demi Lovato and Miley Cyrus walked backwards closer toward the hiding place of Parking Lot Lord and Parking Lot Lad.  Parking Lot Lord was forced to press his groin on Parking Lot Lad's rear end and his chest on Parking Lot Lad's spine trying to reach for the perfect chance to kill Miley Cyrus.  Demi Lovato stood next to Miley, but she can't be attacked until Miley is attacked first.  Parking Lot Lord was forced to wiggle his groin fully clothed on Parking Lot Lad's rear end trying to reach for the perfect chance to stab Miley to death from behind.
Miley said, "What the fuck?  I still don't see the damn billboard."
Demi said, "That's because we need to walk backwards two more times you dummy."
 Demi Lovato and Miley Cyrus walked backwards closer toward the hiding place of Parking Lot Lord and Parking Lot Lad.  Parking Lot Lord was forced to press his groin on Parking Lot Lad's rear end and his chest on Parking Lot Lad's spine trying to reach for the perfect chance to kill Miley Cyrus.  Demi Lovato stood next to Miley, but she can't be attacked until Miley is attacked first.  Parking Lot Lord was forced to wiggle his groin fully clothed on Parking Lot Lad's rear end trying to reach for the perfect chance to stab Miley to death from behind.
Miley said, "So we need to walk backwards one more time.  What happens if I get killed after walking backwards one more time."
Demi said, "I'll kill you if you don't see the billboard with me."
Miley said, "I guess I'm going to die whatever I do.  Let's get it over with."
 Demi Lovato and Miley Cyrus walked backwards so close that Parking Lot Lord can stab Miley to death while having an extreme rush of excitement from pressing and wiggling his groin on Parking Lot Lad's rear end.  Demi didn't slip and fall and force Miley to help her up.  It's possible for the easy to get murdered Miley and Demi to get themselves attacked and killed.
 Miley said, "I see the billboard.  Let's hug to celebrate."
Demi said, "Sounds like a good idea."
Parking Lot Lord started to have a rush of positive emotion pressing his groin on Parking Lot Lad's rear end and wiggling while switching his knife for a machete to kill both easy to kill girls simultaneously with.  Both girls moved to hug each other while Parking Lot Lord prepared to kill them both while having a rush of positive emotion pressing his groin on Parking Lot Lad's rear end and wiggling.

 Miley Cyrus and Demi Lovato separated and walked away from the hiding place.  The chance to kill both easy to kill girls have been ruined.
Miley said, "You were right.  It was a great billboard.  More than worth the effort to see it."
Demi said, "I knew you would agree with me."
 Demi Lovato and Miley Cyrus approached Selena Gomez.
Selena asked, "What's going on?"
Miley said, "I nearly killed Parking Lot Lord and Parking Lot Lad.  Demi got to see her favorite billboard.  All is right with the world."
Demi said, "All isn't right with the world.  Parking Lot Lord and Parking Lot Lad is still alive."
 Demi said, "Miley and I can use some help."
Miley said, "Please say yes.  Demi and I can use an extra set of hands."
Selena said, "Sorry, but I have someplace else to be."
Miley said, "It's a pity, but Demi and I understand."
Demi said, "Good luck with whatever else you need to do."
Selena Gomez walked away from Miley Cyrus and Demi Lovato.  Goldfish Man and Goldfish Lad had Selena tied up and gagged.  Selena is still alive as she was punished through incarceration by kidnapping in a cell that's easy for her to escape from.
Emma Roberts thought she heard Selena Gomez and walked to where she was last seen.  Emma stood in the same exact spot where Selena stood and she didn't see anything.
Emma said, "Damn it, where the fuck are you Selena."
 Goldfish Man and Goldfish Lad grabbed Emma Roberts from behind and had her tied and gagged.  Emma Roberts is still alive as she was punished through incarceration by kidnapping in a cell that's easy to escape from.
Ashley Greene first spotted Selena and then she spotted Emma.  Both girls vanished.  Ashley walked towards the same exact spot where both girls vanished.
Ashley asked, "Hello?  Selena?  Emma?  Where the fuck are you two?"
 Goldfish Man and Goldfish Lad grabbed Ashley Greene from behind and had her tied and gagged.  Ashley Greene is still alive as she was punished through incarceration by kidnapping in a cell that's easy to escape from.
Taylor Swift spotted and followed Ashley close behind only to enter a deserted portion of the alley.  Taylor spun around and she failed to see anything.  The dark alley was barely lit as she considered escaping while she still had the chance.
Taylor said, "This isn't positive.  This isn't positive at all."
Goldfish Man and Goldfish Lad grabbed Taylor Swift from behind and had her tied and gagged.  Taylor Swift is still alive as she was punished through incarceration by kidnapping in a cell that's easy to escape from.
Miley Cyrus and Demi Lovato approached Gwyneth Paltrow.
Miley asked, "Tell me the good news.  How much progress are we making."
Gwyneth said, "We're not making any progress at all.  Selena, Emma, Ashley and Taylor has been kidnapped alive.  I need Demi to rescue all four girls and bring them back here."
Demi said, "I shall rescue all four girls with enthusiasm and gusto.  Goldfish Man and Goldfish Lad isn't going to get the chance to kidnap alive another Dandelion Girl."
 Demi walked away from Miley and Gwyneth as she walked towards the spot where Goldfish Man and Goldfish Lad is hiding.  Demi paused with a frown.
Demi said, "Four girls stood in this exact spot and vanished.  I dare Goldfish Man and Goldfish Lad to kidnap me alive the same exact way."
 Goldfish Lad approached and Demi kicked him to the ground.  Goldfish Lad stood up again only to have Demi punch him before kicking him to the ground a second time.
 Goldfish Man grabbed Demi Lovato from behind and had her tied and gagged.  Demi Lovato is still alive as she was punished through incarceration by kidnapping in a cell that's easy to escape from.
Miley Cyrus faced Gwyneth.  Gwyneth was concerned.
Gwyneth said, "This is exasperating.  Now five girls have been kidnapped alive.  I won't be hindered like this.  Go get them Miley."
Miley said, "I don't want to be kidnapped alive.  And what happens if Emma is killed as a result of my failed attempt to rescue her and I got kidnapped in the process.  Then Selena, Ashley, Taylor, Demi and myself will end up getting killed too."
Gwyneth said, "I'll kill you myself if you don't do as I order you to do."
Miley said, "So I'm going to die regardless.  Then I better do as you say and pray that I'm only kidnapped alive instead of killed."
 Miley Cyrus took a deep breath as she walked towards the spot where Goldfish Man and Goldfish Lad are hiding from her.  Either kill Miley or kidnap her.  The girl must be punished now.  No escape should be allowed for the easy to defeat girl.
 Miley punched Goldfish Lad and she kicked Goldfish Man.  Both of her attackers stood up.  She kicked Goldfish Lad and he stood up.  She punched Goldfish Man and she kicked Goldfish Lad.  Both men stood up.  Miley punched Goldfish Man and he stood up before she kicked Goldfish Lad.  Miley punched Goldfish Man and he too fell.
 Miley thought she saw marijuana on the ground and she bent over to pick it up.  Goldfish Man and Goldfish Lad stood up and it's too late for the girl.
 Goldfish Man and Goldfish Lad grabbed Miley Cyrus from behind and had her tied and gagged.  Miley Cyrus is still alive as she was punished through incarceration by kidnapping in a cell that's easy to escape from.
Goldfish Man and Goldfish Lad returned to their hiding place.  The only way to use the hiding place was to lie on top of each other groin on rear end and chest on spine.  Both men found themselves looking at Avril Lavigne face to face.
Avril said, "What the hell is wrong with you."
Goldfish Lad said, "Walk away from this lady."
Avril said, "You know I can't do that."
 Avril punched Goldfish Lad before she faced Goldfish Man face to face.
Avril said, "Punish me now if you want to save you buddy from being killed.  Or let your buddy die and make love to me instead."
Goldfish Man grabbed Avril Lavigne from behind and had her tied and gagged.  Avril Lavigne is still alive as she was punished through incarceration by kidnapping in a cell that's easy to escape from.
Gwyneth Paltrow didn't move from her spot.  She didn't dare.  She tried to escape, but her efforts was in futility.  Goldfish Man and Goldfish Lad eventually caught up with her.
 Goldfish Man and Goldfish Lad grabbed Gwyneth Paltrow from behind and had her tied and gagged.  Gwyneth Paltrow is still alive as she was punished through incarceration by kidnapping in a cell that's easy to escape from.
Michelle Trachtenberg saw it all go down as she attempted to escape the movie theater without getting either killed or kidnapped.  Parking Lot Lord noticed the girl and he punched Dandelion Girl #42, kicked Dandelion Girl #43 and punched Dandelion Girl #44 causing all three girls to fall dead.  Parking Lot Lad punched Dandelion Girl #45 and Dandelion Girl #46 causing both girls to die.  Michelle continued her escape without being noticed.  
 Michelle succeeded in escaping the movie theater without getting murdered or kidnapped.  Then she remembered seeing Gwyneth Paltrow unconscious and being kidnapped.  Michelle returned to the front entrance of the movie theater.  It was free of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating boys.  She bent over Gwyneth with her breasts brushing against Gwyneth's breasts.  Gwyneth lay face up and Michelle bent over Gwyneth face down.
 Parking Lot Lad placed a gag over Michelle's mouth.  Michelle was unable to remove the gag.  Parking Lot Lad tied up Michelle's arms.  Michelle was unable to remove the ropes.  Parking Lot Lad tied up Michelle's legs  Michelle was unable to remove the ropes.
 Michelle felt dizzy as she was forced to breathe in chloroform.  Michelle fell unconscious on top of Gwyneth's unconscious kidnapped form---Breasts on breasts and vagina on vagina.  Michelle was unable to escape the kidnapping attack.
Michelle was kidnapped by the Girl Killing Woman Hating Posse.
Denise Richards found the place where Selena Gomez, Emma Roberts, Ashley Greene, Taylor Swift, Demi Lovato, Miley Cyrus, Avril Lavigne, Jessica Chastain, Elizabeth Olsen, Michelle Trachtenberg and Gwyneth Paltrow are kidnapped alive in.
Denise noticed that all six girls have been bound and gagged. 
Denise said, "Hold on ladies, I'll get you free."
 Goldfish Man and Goldfish Lad grabbed Denise Richards from behind and had her tied and gagged.  Denise Richards is still alive as she was punished through incarceration by kidnapping in a cell that's easy to escape from.
Mandy Moore stood outside the building where seven girls are being kidnapped in.  Mandy Moore was the lookout while Denise does the rescuing.  Now that Denise has been kidnapped, it's time to punish Mandy before she too escapes.
Mandy said, "Hurry up Denise, I don't have all day.  Goldfish Man and Goldfish Lad will return any second now and I don't want to be here when that happens."
 Goldfish Man and Goldfish Lad grabbed Mandy Moore from behind and had her tied and gagged.  Mandy Moore is still alive as she was punished through incarceration by kidnapping in a cell that's easy to escape from.
Mary Kate Olsen and Ashley Olsen spotted Mandy More being tied up and gagged before she was dragged alive and breathing to be incarcerated by kidnapping.  Both girls walked closer to the building where eight girls are being kidnapped.
Ashley said, "I'm not sure if this is wise for us to be here."
Mary Kate said, "I won't abandon eleven kidnapped alive girls if there's still a chance for us both to rescue all eleven of them."
 Goldfish Man grabbed Mary Kate and Goldfish Lad grabbed Ashley from behind and had her tied and gagged.  Mary Kate and Ashley is still alive as she was punished through incarceration by kidnapping in a cell that's easy to escape from

Krysten Ritter and Emily VanCamp stood next to each other as the men's only audience in theater screens #1, #3 to #20 started to keel over dead as the film itself started to fall apart.  However, no such luck was happening.  The men's only audience continued to stand outside movie theater screen #2 without being allowed in.  Krysten looked at Emily.  Emily looked at Krysten.  Krysten frowned.
Krysten said, "The Dandilion Girls won't tolerate the failure that's going on with movie theater screen #2.  It would expose the Dandilion Girls as failures."
Emily VanCamp said, "Oh I wouldn't worry about it.  The failure to wipe out the men's only audience in movie theater screen #2 and the failure to destry the film in movie theater screen #2 simply won't be mentioned.  Perhaps there's still a chance that a possible mess can be prevented and reversed."
Krysten said, "Should we go inside movie theater screen #2 to check what's causing the delay?"
Emily spotted the Suspicious Guy and said, "Or perhaps we can ask this creep over there what's causing the delay.  I'm betting that he has a better idea what we're up against."
And so Krysten Ritter walked directly towards the Suspicious Guy with intention to kill him off....

....While Emily VanCamp walked behind the Suspicious Guy with intention to kill him off.  The Suspicious Guy wasn't yet aware that he's about to be attacked by two Dandilion Girls in an ambush attack.  And he might need to kill the two women now before it's too late and he's killed off forever.

The Suspicious Guy sharply walked right past Krysten Ritter without attacking her and out of the movie theater.  Krysten offered a what-the-fuck-is-going-on type of gesture and Emily shrugged her shoulders.  Emily VanCamp followed the Suspicious Guy out of the movie theater and into the parking lot with intention to kill the Suspicious Guy.

The Suspicious Guy climbed into the backseat of his car to grab a sharper knife to kill Emily VanCamp with.  Emily VanCamp climbed into the backseat of his car in an attempt to kill him.
Emily VanCamp said, "I don't know what you're doing at the movie theater, but you're not going to get away with it. I'll kill you if that's what it takes to stop your horrible plans."
The Suspicious Guy stabbed Emily VanCamp between her breasts.
The Suspicious Guy said, "I'm trying to watch a movie, but I keep running into crazy women who are trying to kill me off for no reason."
The Suspicious Guy stabbed Emily VanCamp between her breasts five more times before she died in the backseat of his car. He left Emily VanCamp's corpse lying there in the backseat of his car and exited his car and walked back to the movie theater.
The Suspicious Guy said, "Now it's time for me to kill Krysten Ritter."
Krysten Ritter was baffled.  She didn't know how the planned ambush failed so badly.  However, she wasn't about to let the Suspicious Guy get away with ruining her planned ambush.  And she was still determined to murder the Suspicious Guy no matter the consequences---Even if it leads to her death.  No sacrifice was too great to make sure the Suspicious Guy dies forever.
Krysten Ritter stepped outside of the movie theater and walked across the street to a Street Vendor cart.  The brunette lady encountered Kate Bosworth waiting in line to purchase a hamburger.  Krysten ordered a hamburger too.  After purchasing the meal, the two women sat down at a nearby picknic bench.  The two women talked to each other as they ate their hamburger meal.

Krysten Ritter asked, "Have you seen Emily VanCamp?  She was supposed to be chasing after the Suspicious Guy, but then she vanished.  The Suspicious Guy vanished too.  And now the movie playing in movie theater screen #2 has started to stall.  I'm suspecting that the Suspicious Guy might be to blame for the mess."
Kate Bosworth asked, "Did you tell anybody about this?"
Krysten replied, "You're the only lady who knows either than me.  Or rather, that's what I'm suspecting.  I'm afraid to tell any of the other Dandilion Girls for fear of jinxing our already more than surprising success so far at the movie theater."
Kate replied, "Don't tell any of the other Dandilion Girls.  Not yet at any rate.  I'm going to need to contact Denise Richards about how the Dandilion Girls are going to counter this."
The two women finished their hamburger meal when the Suspicious Guy walked past them both.
The Suspicious Guy said, "Oh damn, not again."
The Suspicious Guy tried to run off to safety.
Krysten said, "That's him.  That's the guy.  If we kill him now, we can still sabatoge movie theater screen #2 and finish the job."
Kate said, "What are we waiting for.  Let's kill him."
Krysten Ritter and Kate Bosworth chased after the Suspicious Guy with intent to kill him.

Kate Bosworth lost track as she continued to chase after the Suspicious Guy.  The Suspicious Guy was prepared to kill the bleach blonde woman if he doesn't succeed in losing her anytime soon.

 The Suspicious Guy turned a corner and was able to lose Kate Bosworth.  Breathing a sigh of relief, the Suspicious Guy returned to the Movie Theater.
Meanwhile, Krysten Ritter continued her search for both Kate Bosworth and the Suspicious Guy.  To be more exact, she was planning to help Kate Bosworth murder the Suspicious Guy.  To the bruntte woman's frustration, she wasn't able to find either.

The Street Vender stabbed Krysten Ritter from behind.  The Street Vender roughly grabbed Krysten's right arm and dragged her backwards into the same car that Emily VanCamp's dead body was left behind inside of.  Krysten Ritter tried to get up only to be stabbed between her breasts fifteen times in a knife attack from the Street Vender.  Krysten closed her eyes and died.
The Street Vender said to Krysten Ritter's dead body, "Next time, don't pay for a $5.00 hamburger with a goddamn $100.00 dollar bill."
The Street Vender slammed the car door shut and he walked back to his street vender cart.
Jessica Alba was supposed to meet with Krysten Ritter to discuss certain matters, but the lady never showed up.  Not knowing what happened to Krysten Ritter, there was only one thing left for Jessica Alba to do.  So she searched the movie theater in futile hope of finding Krysten Ritter.  Parking Lot Guy #1 and Parking Lot Guy #2 knew that they might need to murder Jessica Alba if she finds out that Krysten Ritter is legally dead.

The Hispanic-American born lady exited the movie theater and she walked through the parking lot.  She walked right past the car with Karen Gillian's dead body under the rear wheels and with Emily VanCamp and Krysten Ritter dead in the backseat breasts on breasts and vagina on vagina without knowing it.  She saw a Winnebago and walked towards it.

Jessica Alba entered the Winnebego and looked around.  She realized that the Winnebego belong to the Girl Killing, Women Hating Posse.  In it, there were computers to revive every guy murdered by the Dandilion Girls the second the Dandilion Girl who took a male life is murdered.  All the guys killed in movie theater screens #1, #3 to #20 will be brought back to life the second every single Dandilion Girl is lyng down dead forever.  Realizing that she saw too much, Jessica Alba stepped out of the Winnebego in hopes of telling the rest of the Dandilion Girls.  Parking Lot Guy #1 and Parking Lot Guy #2 has no choice but the murder Jessica Alba before she can tell the rest of the Dandilion Girls about her discovery.

 Parking Lot Guy #1 and Parking Lot Guy #2 grabbed Jessica Alba and dragged her backwards back into the Winnebego. 
Jessica Alba said, "You creeps isn't going to get away with this.  The Dandilion Girls will destroy the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse forever.  I'm going to tell all of my Dandilion Girls coworkers about this Winnibego and you'll be ruined forever."
Parking Lot Guy #2 said, "Please don't force us to kill you in self defence."
Jessica Alba said, "Oh you wish you had the skill to murder me."
Parking Lot Guy #1 said, "I'm sorry lady, but I have no choice but to kill you.  I didn't want to end your life, but you forced me to murder you anyway."
Parking Lot Guy #1 stabbed Jessica Alba between her breasts.  Parking Lot Guy #2 stabbed Jessica Alba between her breasts.  Parking Lot Guy #1 stabbed Jessica Alba between her breasts ten more times.  Jessica Alba looked at her murderers blankly before she lay down on the floor dead.  Jessica Alba is dead and all of her evil plans has been defeated.
Emmy Rossum lost track of Jessica Alba in the movie theater lobby and her efforts to locate the Hispanic born girl turned out to be futile.  And she looked through every single micro inch of the movie theater except for movie theater screen #2.  And not giving up in her search for Jessica Alba, Emmy Rossum realized that the only other places to try to locate Jessica Alba would either be movie theater screen #2 or the parking lot.

And so Emmy Rossum continued her search for Jessica Alba in the parking lot.  She took a deep breath and she stepped outside of the movie theater and searched through practically every car except for the one that looked like a rather messy car wreck.  There's no way that Jessica Alba would be anywhere near such a screwed up looking car wreck. 

 And after searching through every single square inch of the parking lot except for the messed up looking parking lot car wreck and the male looking Winnebago, she chose to search the indoor parking garage before searching movie theater screen #2, the messed up looking parking lot car wreck and the male looking Winnebago.  And taking another deep breath, Emmy Rossum started to search the indoor parking garage of the movie theater.

 Emmy Rossum's hand was resting on the handle that would've led into movie theater screen #2, but she chose against it at the last second.

Emmy Rossum stepped outside into the parking lot in her continued search for Jessica Alba.

Emmy Rossum stepped inside her car to find her cell phone.  Perhaps she should give Jessica Alba a telephone call.  Perhaps Jessica Alba will tell Emmy Rossum where she's hiding from the cell phone.
Emmy Rossum entered the driving side of her car.  Parking Lot Lord stabbed her between her breasts in the driving side of her car fifteen times.  Emmy Rossum looked at her murderer with shock as the Parking Lot Lord sliced her throat open when her left hand moved.  Emmy Rossum's blood was splashed all over the front seat area of her car.  It took a while, but Emmy Rossum is finally dead. 
Hilarie Burton was both calm and confident as she moved her way through the movie theater lobby.  And as the male gender in general and members of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse were murdered in movie theater screens #1, #3 to #20 in bulk quantities, Hilarie's good mood only improved.  The lady felt as if she could accomplish anything.

 And yes, Hilarie Burton was starting to get worried when the sabatoged film in movie theater screen #2 wouldn't start.  For there would be guys in general and the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse members in particular escaping to wipe out the Dandilion Girls if the movie in movie theater screen #2 didn't start son.  So she entered movie theater screen #2 to check out the reason for the delay.  All she saw was an empty movie theater screen room with dead girls piled on top of each other lesbian style with a dead girl lying dead nearby. 

Hilary Burton exited the movie theater screen #2 just as Thug #4 found his rubber basket ball.  Thug #4 didn't realize that there was a girl in the movie theater screen #2 until she left the room.  Hilarie Burton reentered the movie theater lobby where she approached Sophia Bush,

Sophia Bush hanging out with Mandy Moore
 and Sophia Bush hanging out with Rose McGowan. 
Hilarie Burton said, "There's something wrong with movie theater screen #2.  None of the guys and none of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse members are entering it to die."
Rose McGowan replied, "Don't tell anybody about this until we know for certain that some guys in the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse actually never entered movie thater screen #2 to die."
Hilarie replied, "But all the women in the Dandilion Girls will be massacred one by one all the way down to zero if movie theater screen #2 fails to kill any guys and fails to kill the surviving members of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse members."
Mandy said, "We don't want to cause a commotion and ruin all of our positive advances."
Hilarie said, "Ok, I'll do so, but under protest."
Rose replied, "That's a girl, I knew I can rely on you."
Hilarie Burton saw the Bomb Defuser and the Male Attacker and she nudged Sophia Bush.  Sophia Bush smiled as she joined Hilarie Burton in the chase against both the Bomb Defuser and the Male Attacker.  Both women chased their murderers into an abandoned warehouse
and into the women's bathroom.  Hilarie Burton attacked the Bomb Defuser with a knife.  The Bomb Defuser grabbed Hilarie's hand and tried to move Hilarie's hand that held the knife to stab Sophia between her breasts.  It took all of Hilarie's strength to fight against it.
  The Male Attakcer tried to attack Hilarie, but he was grabbed from behind by Sophia.  Thug #4 entered the women's bathroom bouncing his basketball.
Thug #4 said, "I saw you in movie theater screen #2.  Want to play balsetball with me."
Hilarie replied, "Go to Hell jerk."
Thug #4 dropped his basketball.  As he tried to grab his basketball, he found a leather puch connected to a string.  He pulled the leather pouch to find out where the string was connected to.
Hilarie said, "What are you doing jackass.  You're killing me.  Stop it.  You're about to murder me."
Thug #4 didn't understand why Hilarie was acting as if she was being strangled.  So he kept pulling on the leather bag attached to a leather string until Hilarie was strangled to death by her purse strap.  The Bomb Defuser stabbed Hilarie Burton between her breasts when her left hand moved.  Hilarie Burton is legally dead.  Sophia Bush escaped from the women's bathroom in the abandoned warehouse to fight another day.
Thug #4 asked, "Why is the pretty girl going to sleep."
The Bomb Defuser said, "Hilarie Burton is legally dead."
Thug #4 said, "It's sad when pretty girls die."
The Male Attacker said, "Actually, you did us a really huge favor by killing Hilarie Burton."
Meaghan Smith looked at Sarah McLachlan. 
Sarah said, "I need you to assist Hayden Panettiere, Kristen Bell, Sophia Bush, Blake Lively and Becky Newton.  I already made a cell phone to the girls.  They are expecting you at the movie theater.  Things are falling apart.  Girls are either dying or they are getting incarcerated through kidnapping.  You're the best hope for fixing a bad situation before it gets worse."
Meaghan said, "I shall do what I can.  Don't worry, the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse is going to be wiped out once and for all."
 Sarah replied, "That's kind of what I was expecting."
Meaghan said, "Your faith in me won't be disappointed."
Sarah and Meaghan hugged before she walked off towards the movie theater.  Meaghan must die before she gets there.  But who will get to kill the girl.
 Meaghan wasn't looking where she was going and she bumped into Lame Lad.  Her breasts were pressed against his chest and she looked at him with a wide smile.
Meaghan said, "Oh wow, I was meaning to talk to you all day and now here you are."
Lame Lad said, "What did you want to say."
Meaghan lovingly kissed him before she said, "That's what I wanted to say to you."
 Lame Lad said, "I'm enjoying this conversation already."
Lame Lad lovingly kissed Meaghan.  Meaghan smiled and she kissed him back.  Lame Lad kissed her and she kissed him back.  He was lovingly fondling her breasts as he started to get dizzy.  Meaghan lovingly kissed him before Captain Parakeet stabbed her from behind.
 Meaghan started to drool blood as she was stabbed from behind five more times.  Meaghan stood between Lame Lad and Captain Parakeet.  She must die so that Lame Lad can be hugged by Captain Parakeet before Lame Lad slips into a coma.  Captain Parakeet stabbed Meaghan from behind five more times and she fell to the ground in a puddle of blood.  Captain Parakeet walked over Meaghan before he hugged Lame Lad.
 Meaghan Smith is no longer alive.  Meaghan is legally dead.
Sarah McLachlan ran towards an escape pod.  The Male Attacker tossed sleeping gas into the escape pod that Sarah McLachlan stepped into.  Sarah McLachlan fell unconscious as the escape pod sped away from sight.
 After defeating Sarah McLachlan, then came the time to defeat Olivia Wilde.
Olivia Wilde walked down the street nearby the movie theater.  Goldfish Man and Goldfish Lad grabbed Olivia from behind.  Olivia rammed her left elbow into Goldfish Man and he lost his grip against her.  She kicked Goldfish Lad as he stood behind her groin on her rear end and his chest on her spine.  She kicked Goldfish Lad from behind yet again.
Goldfish Lad nearly lost his grip against her.
Olivia said, "You'll never get to punish me by incarceration through kidnapping."
Goldfish Man said, "We'll see about that young lady."
 Goldfish Man punched Olivia and she doubled over in pain.  Goldfish Lad tied her up and gagged the girl.  Selena Gomez, Emma Roberts, Ashley Greene, Taylor Swift, Demi Lovato, Miley Cyrus, Avril Lavigne, Mandy Moore, Mary Kate Olsen, Ashley Olsen, Elizabeth Olsen, Jessica Chastain, Denise Richards, Michelle Trachtenberg and Gwyneth Paltrow now has another girl to join them in being incarcerated through kidnapping.
Olivia Wilde has been punished by getting herself kidnapped.  Time to punish more girls before they escape justice.  Only the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse is allowed to enter and exit The Movie Theater without negative consequences.
Hayden Panettiere, Kristen Bell, Sophia Bush, Blake Lively and Becki Newton stood around looking like they were waiting for somebody.  But that particular somebody never arrived.
Becki said, "This is frustrating.  It's not fun when this crap keeps happening over and over again."
Hayden said, "You're preaching to the choir when you say that."
Blake said, "Well, at least nothing will happen to the five of us girls as long as we stick together."
Sophia said, "Which brings me up to the next topic of conversation.  Two of us girls needs to go looking for Meaghan Smith.  Meaghan appears to have vanished."
Becki said, "Oh Goddess, not Blake and I."
Blake said, "And the five of us girls were making such great progress."
Sophia said, "I would never have asked the two of you girls if you ladies wasn't up to it."
Kristen said, "Oh don't worry, it's still a five girl posse.  Sophia, Hayden and I won't be that far away.  That isn't going to be defeated anytime soon."
Kristen walked backwards until she felt Jeanine Heller's breasts pressed against her spine and Jeanine Heller's vagina pressed against her rear end.  Kristen spun around to punch Jeanine in the stomach while Hayden and Sophia stood nearby in a show of force.
Kristen said, "Watch it Mouse Lass, I'm not amused by your antics.
Jeanine Heller aka Mouse Lass said, "I only want to be your buddy."
Hayden said, "Kristen already has buddies with Sophia and myself.  She doesn't need to be buddies with dummies with you."
Sophia said, "Either Blake or Becki needs to get rid of Jeanine before she throws a temper tantrum and starts to ruin things for the five of us girls.  We already had Meaghan Smith vanish.  We don't need more than Meaghan vanish."
Becki said, "I'll get rid of Jeanine."
Blake said, "I'll just hang out with Hayden, Kristen and Sophia until you return."
And so Becki escorted Jeanine Heller aka Mouse Lass out of the building and away from Hayden, Kristen, Sophia and Blake."
After a few minutes of waiting, Hayden said, "It's taking Becki a while to return.  Blake needs to exit the building to check on Becki."
Blake said, "Please don't ask me to leave the building to check on Becki."
Sophia said, "I'll murder you right now for insubordination if you don't exit the building to check on Becki.  Don't think that I won't do it because I'll do it."
Kristen said, "You better do as Sophia requires."
Blake groaned with frustration as she turned around to face the door.  Hayden stood to the right of Kristen while Sophia and Blake stood to the right of Kristen.  Only one of the three is allowed to fall unconscious breasts on breasts and vagina on vagina on Kristen as she lay unconscious.  Who will it be?  Hayden, Sophia and Blake.  Only one of the three is allowed to fall unconscious breasts on breasts and vagina on vagina on Becki as she lay unconscious.  Who will it be?  Blake, Sophia or Hayden.  Jeanine Heller aka Mouse Lass is already molesting Becki as she overpowers the evil girl.  A second victim out of two needs to be kidnapped and incarcerated through kidnapping until all five girls are molested and defeated by Jeanine Heller aka Mouse Lass.
Kristen stood in front of Blake.  Blake stood in front of Kristen.  Perfect time for both girls to fall unconscious on top of each other.  Sophia and Hayden needs to be lured away if that's going to happen at the hands of Mouse Lass.
Blake said with a groan, "I'll check on Becki.  Don't worry ladies, I'll return."
Blake Lively exited the building to see Becki lying face up unconscious while being tied up and molested by Mouse Lass.  Blake pushed Jeanine Heller before bending over Becki.  Becki knocked Blake unconscious.  Blake Lively fell unconscious face down on top of Becki as she lay unconscious face up---Breasts on breasts and vagina on vagina.  Blake's left wrist was tied to Becki's left wrist.  Blake's right wrist was tied to Becki's right wrist.  Blake's left ankle was tied to Becki's right ankle.  Blake right ankle was tied to Becki's right ankle. 
Blake Lively and Becki Newton was helplessly molested by Jeanine Heller as they were incarcerated through kidnapping by their victimizer Jeanine Heller aka Mouse Lass.
Both girls was dragged off to a van to be driven to the same building where Selena Gomez, Emma Roberts, Ashley Greene, Taylor Swift, Demi Lovato, Miley Cyrus, Avril Lavigne, Mandy Moore, Mary Kate Olsen, Ashley Olsen, Olivia Wilde, Denise Richards and Gwyneth Paltrow are being molested by Mouse Lass as they are being incarcerated through kidnapping.
Hayden saw Sophia leaning against Kristen.  Hayden will need to be lured away if Sophia isn't lured away.  Only one girl is allowed to fall unconscious on top of Kristen and Sophia appears to want the responsibility of the punishment.  Besides, a girl needs to exit the building in a futile attempt to find Meaghan Smith.  What Hayden fails to realize is that Meaghan was punished and killed while kissing a guy and now her dead body is being kissed and molested by Jeanine Heller aka Mouse Lass.
Hayden looked at Kristen as Sophia leaned against her while both girls looked at Kristen's photography camera.  Hayden was about to walk off, but Sophia pulled away from Kristen at the last second instead.  So Hayden has to fall unconscious on top of Kristen---Breasts on breasts and vagina on vagina instead.  Hayden frowned as she saw Sophia walk off and exit the building.
Sophia faced Mouse Lass.  Mouse Lass faced Sophia.
Sophia said, "The pain you have brought to the Dandelion Girls ends tonight."
Mouse Lass said, "I seriously doubt that, but go ahead and believe that if you want."
Sophia saw Sarah McLachlan lie unconscious on the ground.  Sophia bent over Sarah before Mouse Lass grabbed Sophia from behind.  Mouse Lass pressed her breasts on Sophia's spine and her vagina on Sophia's rear end before knocking Sophia unconscious.  Sophia fell unconscious on top of Sarah---Breasts on breasts and vagina on vagina.  Sophia's left wrist was tied to Sarah's left wrist.  Sophia's right wrist was tied to Sarah's right wrist.  Sophia's left ankle was tied to Sarah's left ankle.  Sophia's left ankle was tied to Sarah's right ankle.  Sophia Bush and Sarah McLachlan was helplessly molested by Jeanine Heller as they were incarcerated through kidnapping by their victimizer Jeanine Heller aka Mouse Lass.
Both girls was dragged off to a van to be driven to the same building where Selena Gomez, Emma Roberts, Ashley Greene, Taylor Swift, Demi Lovato, Miley Cyrus, Avril Lavigne, Mandy Moore, Mary Kate Olsen, Ashley Olsen, Olivia Wilde, Blake Lively, Becki Newton, Denise Richards and Gwyneth Paltrow are being molested by Mouse Lass as they are being incarcerated through kidnapping.  Two more girls out of five needs to be molested and kidnapped.  Hayden won the game.  Hayden gets to lie on top of Kristen unconscious as the last two girls needing to be defeated.
Kristen said, "It's up to the two of us to find out where Meaghan has vanished to.  Are you ready?"
Hayden said, "I'm ready for anything."
Kristen was the first to exit the building.  Kristen was punched in the face and she fell against Mouse Lass breasts on breasts and vagina on vagina.  Kristen was laid face up on the ground unconscious after being helplessly molested by her victimizer Mouse Lass.  Hayden was the second to exit the building.  Hayden was punched in the stomach and she fell against Mouse Lass breasts on breasts and vagina on vagina.  Hayden was laid on top of Kristen---Breasts on breasts and vagina on vagina.  Hayden's left wrist was tied to Kristen's left wrist.  Hayden's right wrist was tied to Kristen's right wrist.  Hayden's left ankle was tied to Kristen's left ankle.  Haydenn's right ankle was tied to Kristen's right ankle.  Hayden Panettiere and Kristen Bellwas helplessly molested by Jeanine Heller as they were incarcerated through kidnapping by their victimizer Jeanine Heller aka Mouse Lass.
Both girls was dragged off to a van to be driven to the same building where Selena Gomez, Emma Roberts, Ashley Greene, Taylor Swift, Demi Lovato, Miley Cyrus, Avril Lavigne, Mandy Moore, Mary Kate Olsen, Ashley Olsen, Elizabeth Olsen, Jessica Chastain, Olivia Wilde, Blake Lively, Becki Newton, Sophia Bush, Sarah McLachlan, Denise Richards, Michelle Trachtenberg and Gwyneth Paltrow are being molested by Mouse Lass as they are being incarcerated through kidnapping.  There are no more girls contaminating the building.   
Milla Jovovich knew that she should've been a bit more concerned when Jessica Alba vanished into thin air.  She knew that she should sent out a search party to locate the missing Dandilion Girl.  However, she was having such a good time at the film premier event, that the thought kept slipping her mind.  And any notion of a movie theater killing would cause a panic that would ruin any chance of wiping out the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse for all time.  So she didn't verbalize her concerns about Jessica Alba disappearance and prayed that she made the right choice.

Milla Jovovich thought she saw a member of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse enter movie theater screen #2.  Mlla followed the guy into the movie theater screen #2 room to find no guys in the audience and a pile of dead girls near he rear door. 
The Unknown Third Person said, "Oh good, we get to murder another Dandilion Girl."
The Suspicious Person said, "Let me guess, we get to kill her while she tries to unlock the goddamn rear door.  This is getting much too predictable."
Milla said, "Actually, I have a different strategy in mind."
And Milla Jovovich punched the Suspicious Guy and tied him up.  And Milla Jovovich punched the Unknown Third Person and tied him up.  Milla exited the room and reentered movie theater screen #2 through the door into the film projector room.  She looked around the film projector as she tried to figure out what went wrong.  Captain Parakeet could look down Milla Jovovich's blouse to see her breasts as she examined the film projector.
Milla said, "Ah yes, so that's how the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse messed it up.  Well, if that's the case, I should be able to fix the problem very easily."
Captain Parakeet walked around until he stood behind the Dandilion Girl.  Captain Parakeet stabbed Milla Jovovich in the back.  He stabbed her five more times until she lay down on the floor dead next to the damaged film projector.  Milla Jovovich is legally dead.  Captain Parakeet untied both the Unknown Third Person and the Suspicious Guy.
The Unknown Third Person asked, "What happened to Milla Jovovich?"
Captain Parakeet replied, "The woman is dead.  I killed her."
The Unknown Third Person said, "Thank GOD we got that problem taken care of."
The Suspicious Guy said, "At least her evil scheme to fix the film projector so that the rest of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse could be knocked out of commission failed.  The death of Milla Jovovich means that there's one less Dandilion Girl that we have to worry about."
Emma Stone left the movie theater to grab a cup of coffee at Starbucks, watch some late night television and get some much needed sleep.  And the getting a cup of coffee at Starbucks was something that did fall into place. 
The Starbuck's Restaurant Barista was getting off work and chose to accompany Emma Stone back to her apartment at the Dandilion Hotel too.  And so Emma Stone and the Starbuck's Barista walked side by side slowly to the Dandilion Hotel as love bloomed between the two of them.
Emma Stone said, "This is the first time I ever saw you at Starbuck's.  Are you new?"
The Starbuck's Barista said, "Actually, this is my third day of work, but this is the first time I worked past nine o'clock in the evening."
Emma Stone said, "It's turning out to be one heck of an evening."
The Starbuck's Barista replied, "The evening might get even wilder before morning arrives."
Emma Stone said with a wide smile, "Oh yes, you can count on that."
Emma Stone slowly took off her clothes  to reveal her bra and panties as she waked backwards into her apartment suite at the Dandilion Hotel.  And with a happy smile, the Starbuck's Barista walked forward into Emma Stone's multi-room apartment suite at the Dandilion Hotel.  The door to the apartment was shut behind him as her clothes came falling to the floor.
Emma Stone asked, "Do you want to have sex with me?"
The Starbuck's Barista said, "Actually, now that we're alone and isolated, I'd rather murder you instead.  Every woman belonging to the Dandilion Girls must die.  You're a woman.  You belong to the Dandilion Girls.  Therefore, you must die."
And with that, The Starbuck's Barista started to stab Emma Stone with a kitchen knife several times until she fell nearby her bed in a messy splashing of blood. 
And it took several minutes for Emma Stone to die. And when she died, The Starbuck's Barista wiped the blood off his kitchen knife on the dead woman's corpse. Emma Stone is legally dead.
Kate Winslet hung around the movie theater for a few more minutes until she spotted Untied Shoelace Lad.  She followed Untied Shoelace Lad from a safe distance with intention to kill.  Kate Winslet was convinced that Untied Shoelace Lad wasn't aware that she was following close behind with the intention of either killing him or being killed by him.  There was no other option available as far as Kate Winslet was concerned.  She was more than prepared to die in battle for the greater Dandilion Girl cause (As long as every single Dandilion Girl didn't get wiped out one by one all the way down to zero (Which was always a possibility.)).
And the biggest what the fuck is going on moment arrived when Untied Shoelace Lad (Who never bothered to tie up his shoelaces) left the movie theater and headed for a deserted alley behind the movie theater.  Then Kate Winslet wasn't so sure that she's following Untied Shoelace Lad undetected.  And soon it looked as if a fight to the death will errupt as Untied Shoelace Lad will be forced to murder Kate Winslet if he doesn't lose her tail sometime soon.
Untied Shoelace Lad led Kate Winslet into an empty deserted alley and then vanished from sight.  Kate Winslet's long blonde hair spuna round as she looked behind her.  Nothing.  Her long blonde hair spun around again as she looked forward.  Nothing.  Frustrated she held her knife in her left hand and stood ready for anything.  But that wasn't good enough.  For she was grabbed from behind and stabbed between her breasts.  His arms wrapped around her in hopes of restraining her as he frequently stabbed her between her breasts until darkness took over her vision.  And it was then that Kate Winslet had no choice but to die in his arms as he lowered her corpse to the ground.  And it was over for her.  Kate Winslet is legally dead.
 Amy Adams got bored.  There was nothing for her to do.  So she left the movie theater earlier than expected.  She was certain that the other Dandilion Girls had everything under control that they won't miss her absence very much.
So she walked across the parking lot and nearly got run over three times.  Car #1, Car #2 and Car #3 was driving too fast and she could've gotten killed.  And having survived nearly getting run over and killed in the parking lot, she started to feel a bit hungry.
So she returned to the movie theater to help herself to some popcorn and soda pop.  She walked past three kitchen knifes.  And the way she helped herself to the popcorn and the soda pop without paying for it made te conession stand employees want to stab her to death with all three of those knives, but they failed to do so.  And so she ate her popcorn and she drank her soda pop without the threat of death hanging over her head.  And she was happy about that.  She was also feeling kind of bored.
Amy Adams returned to her penthouse suite at the Dandilion Hotel.
Amy Adams lay down face down on her bed reading a magazine.  And Loser Lad looked at her from a distance.  His hand was resting on a knife.  He could've stabbed her to death as she lay down reading a magazine.  Surely she won't mind being attacked and killed.  A dead Dandilion Girl is a happy girl.  Amy Adams is a Dandilion Girl.  Therefore, a dead Amy Adams is a happy Amy Adams.  But he failed to do so.  He just stood there and watched unnoticed.  After a while, Amy Adams took off her clothes to take a shower.
And after her shower, she lay face down on her bed.  Still, Loser Lad had the chance to stab her as she lay stark naked face down on her bed and he never took advantage of that opportunity.  Amy Adams dressed in her bikini and her favorite blouse.  She walked to the beach upon which she encountered the Driftwood Assassin.
Amy Adams asked, "What do you want?"
The Driftwood Assassin said, "You know what I want."
Amy Adams suddenly lost confidence when she realized that her death was near. 
Amy said, "Please don't kill me.  I'll do whatever you want."
The Driftwood Assassin said, "You'll do whatever I want without hesitation?"
Amy said, "You better believe it."
The Driftwood Assassin said, "I want to murder you in an unprovoked murder attack."
And so the Driftwood Assassin drowned Amy Adams to death in the ocean.  And he held the Dandilion Girl underwater until she stopped moving and died in an underwater drowning murder attack.  Amy Adams is no longer alive.  Amy Adams is legally dead.
And the Driftwood Assassin looked at Amy Adams' dead body as the ocean waves rolled over her dead body before drifting back to the sea.  He saw the dead girl lying lifelessly and unmoving and he realized that it was good.  Amy Adams isn't bored anymore.
Kerri Russel was watching the members of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse fall down dead as the film and the film projector that it was playing on started to fall apart.  And Kerri Russel was sitting there nice and smug as chaos erupted all around her.

And when it was no longer safe for her to hang around because of the nerve gas, she left movie theater screen #18 and she walked to the movie theater lobby.  Kerri Russel looked around her and saw no Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse members anywhere. 

Satisfied that the Dandilion Girls won the war against the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse was defeated and gone forever, Keri Russell left the movie theater to walk across the parking lot.  It was nine o'clock at night and she chose to walk to her multi-room suite at the Dandilion Hotel.

When Keri Russell arrived in her multi-room suite that she permenently rented at the Dandilion Hotel, she encountered Loser Lad.  Loser Lad was looking through her multi-room suite as if he was looking for something important. 
Keri Russell asked, "What are you doing here?"
Loser Lad said, "I thought we were going on a date with each other."
Keri replied, "I don't remember you asking me out."
Loser Lad said, "Do you want to go out with me?"
Keri said, "My bedroom is hardly the right place to ask me.  You should've asked me out at the movie theater.  What you're doing is kind of creepy looking."
Loser Lad asked, "So you want me to leave?"
Keri said, "Oh hell, let's have sexual intercourse anyway."
And so Loser Lad and Keri Russell had sexual intercorse with each other.
And after sexual intercourse, Keri Russell lay on her bed as Loser Lad went to her kitchen to fetch a bottle of champaign.  And Keri Russell smiled as she lay on her stomach and her breasts.  Everything was falling into place much too perfectly and Loser Lad had no idea how close to getting killed he was.  And soon it will be too late when her trap is finally set.
Loser Lad entered Keri Russell's bedroom and placed a bottle of champaign and two champaign glasses on a nearby table.  Keri Russell attacked him with a baseball bat and knocked him out.  And Keri Russell bent over his body until she was practically crawling above him to check to see if he's alive.  And if Loser Lad was still alive, she'll have to attack him again.

Loser Lad punched Keri Russell in the face so hard that she was knocked unconscous.
And when Keri Russell woke up, she was tied up and gagged by Loser Lad.

Loser Lad took pity on Keri Russell and removed her gag.

Keri Russell screamed for help so loudly, that Loser Lad was forced to regag her mouth.  Thankfully, all the surviving Dandilion Girls was still in the movie theater and nobody heard Keri Russell scream.
Keri Russell was gaged once again.
Loser Lad removed her gag once again.

Keri Russell left foot move to activate a secret alarm.  He was forced to murder the girl in self defence.  It was no longer realistic to keep Keri Russell alive and breathing any longer.  Loser Lad was forced to stab Keri Russell between her breasts over and over again until she died while still tied to a chair.  It took only a few minutes for Keri Russel to die and stay dead.  Keri Russell is no longer alive.  Keri Russell is dead.
Zooey Deschanel and her sister Emily Deschanel warmly greeted each other as they looked at movie theater screen #2.  The lack of Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse attendence made the two women nervous that something wrong was going on.  Zooey looked at her older sister Emily with a frown.
Zooey said, "I don't like this.  There shouldn't be zero sales in movie theater screen #2.  Two hundred and fifty members of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse would be escaping death to wipe out the Widlflower Girls to non-existance if we don't get the film projector working properly again."
Emily said, "Let's go and fix the problem ourselves."
Zooey said, "Sounds like a great idea.  Let's do it."

Emily Deschanel and Zooey Deschanel saw some dead Dandilion Girls piled on top of each other lesbian style and one more dead Dandilion Girl lying next to the dead girl pile in front of the rear exit. There's another dead Dandilion Girl lying next to the broken film projector. Emily felt nervous as part of her wanted to avenge the dead Dandilion Girls while the other half of her wanted to be murdered beyond any hope of resurrection so permenent that she can't possibly return---Not even if she wanted to return. Emily Deschanel motioned her sister Zooey as the two Deschanel sisters walked behind Captain Parakeet, the Unknown Third Person and the Suspicious Guy with intention to kill. The only way to stop both Deschanel sisters is to murder them both now. Emily Deschanel knocked both the Unknown Third Person and the Suspicious Guy out cold while Zooey walked towards the film projector in hopes of getting it fixed normally again. 

Emily Deschanel and Captain Parakeet violently wrestled with each other. It was clear that the only way Captain Parakeet was going to survive the wrestling battle against Emily Deschanel is to kill her in cold blood. And Captain Parakeet started to strangle Emily Deschanel. And when it looked like she was going to escape being strangled, the Unknown Third Person broke free from his bonds and he stabbed Emily Deschanel from behind.
Emily Deschanel looked at Captain Parakeet blankly as before she lay down on the floor dead.  Emily Deschanel is no longer alive.  Emily Deschanel is legally dead.  Zooey Deschanel continued her futile effort to fix the film projector.  Captain Parakeet untied the Suspicious Guy as the Unknown Third Person raced into the film projector room to murder Zooey Deschanel once and for all.

Zooey Deschanel was bent over the broken film projector with the dead body of Mila Jovovich between her legs with her left leg on the dead woman's left side and her right leg on the dead woman's right side.  Zooey Deschanel was bent over the broken film projector in such a way that the Unknown Third Person can look down her blouse to see her breasts and her bra.
When Zooey Deschanel realized that she was about to die in a murder attack, she said, "Fuck this shit, I'm getting out of here."
The Unknown Third Person said, "No, I can't allow you to escape justice to fight another day. I must kill you in battle right now."
It was too late. Zooey Deschanel unlocked the rear door and raced outside to the parking lot. Gwyneth Paltrow was so very close.

 The Unknown Third Person grabbed Zooey Deschanel from behind and started to stab her to death from behind.  He dragged the dying woman back into movie theater screen #2 and dragged her dying body back into the movie projector room.  Zooey Deschanel fell on top of Mila Jovovich's dead body---Breasts on spine and vagina on rear end.  Zooey's left arm caused the film projector to fall to the ground and crash apart into several unfixable pieces.  And that was the moment that Zooey Deschanel died.  And that was the day movie theater screen #2 fell to the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse forever.  Zooey Deschanel is no longer alive.  Zooey Deschanel is legally dead. 
Vodka Viceroy thought he saw Brooke Shields and he raced after her with the intention of killing her off.  And for the time being, Brooke Shields wasn't aware that he was chasing after her.  Then the roles were reversed and the spotted him.  And realizing that the reason why she was pulling out a knife was to kill him, Vodka Viceroy ran as fast as possible in the opposite direction.  And the hunter became the hunted as Brooke chased after him with intent to murder him.

 And just when Vodka Viceroy was about to turn the tables and murder the woman, she vanished again.  And when he spotted Brooke once again, Heidi Klum stood in the way.  And he faced Heidi with a stern determined expression on his face.
He said, "Please step out of the way and I won't be forced to murder you."
Heidi said, "That's not going to happen."
He said, "Come on honey, come on babe, come on sweetie, you know that Brooke Shields needs to die.  Don't be dificult and let me walk around you.  I promise you the chance to escape justice to fight another day if you let me pass.
Heidi Klum said, "The only way you're going to walk around me is by killing me."
He said, "I'm sorry you feel that way.  I can't be held responsible for what will happen next.  You brought what happens next upon yourself."

Vodka Viceroy stabbed Heidi Klum in the stomach.  And when she didn't die, he stabbed her in the stomach a few more times.  And as Heidi Klum lay down on the ground, Vodka Viceroy raced after Brooke Shields faster and faster.  She was walking towards the Dandilion Hotel and if she got to enter, what she knows about movie theater screen #2 failing will become knowledge of all the Dandilion Girls and destroying them will become impossible.  Vodka Viceroy only has seconds to complete the kill before it's too late.  The Photographer came back to life as Heidi Klum slowly died on the sidewalk.  All the people she killed came to life again as Heidi's life slipped away to be replaced with death.  Heidi Klum is no longer alive.  Heidi Klum is legally dead.  And Vodka Viceroy didn't care because he was too busy trying to murder Brooke Shields.
Meanwhile, Anna Paquin left the movie theater early to do some jogging and some pull ups in the public park nearby the movie theater. 

Anna Paquin wasn't expecting a battle to the death, but that's what she got when she saw Vodka Viceroy murder Heidi Klum and chase after Brooke Shields with intent to murder.  And so Anna Paquin chose to risk her life in hopes that her death would give Brooke Shields the time she needed to escape justice to live and fight another day.

Anna Paquin stood between Vodka Viceroy and Brooke Shields in a manner that the only way to continue walking down the sidewalk is to murder the girl. 
Vodka Viceroy said, "Please step aside young lady.  Don't force me to murder you too."
Anna said, "You really are delusional if you think that I'm an easy girl for you to murder."
Vodka Viceroy said, "I'm giving you one last chance to walk away from this alive."
Anna said, "I'm not backing down."
And so the Vodka Viceroy stabbed Anna Paquin between her breasts.  And he kept stabbing her between her breasts until the girl lay down on the ground dead in a puddle of blood.  And the Vodka Viceroy didn't care that he murdered Anna Paquin in cold blood because he was much more interested in ending the life of Brooke Shields.
Vodka Viceroy only stepped a few inches away from Anna Paquin's dead body when Courtney Cox stood in front of him.
Vodka Viceroy said, "Oh please don't force me to murder you too."
Courtney said, "What makes you think that I'll let you kill me.  More to the point, what makes you think that I'll let you murder my best friend Brooke?  You must be dumber than you look if you think that I'll just stand here and let you murder a wonderful fantastic lady."
Courtney Cox punched Vodka Viceroy in the stomach as she stood over him with a proud and arrogant smile on her face.  She was winning and he knew that he needs to murder her if his reputation as an invincible murderer of women will be preserved.

Vodka Viceroy slowly stood up as he said, "Walk away and I promise to let you escape justice without a scratch and live to fight another day.  Keep fighing me and I'll murder you."
Courtney Cox said, "I'd rather fight you to the death if that's alright with you."
Vodka Viceroy stood up and he stabbed Courtney Cox between her breasts.  Courtney looked at him blankly before she lay down on the sidewalk.  He picked up the dying woman and he stabbed her between her breasts a second time.   Courtney Cox fell to the sidewalk in a submissive pose as Vodka Viceroy stood over her with a proud and arrogant smile on his face. He was winning and his reputation as an invincible murderer of women has been preserved.  Courtney Cox is legally dead.  And the Vodka Viceroy didn't care that he murdered Courtney Cox in cold blood because he was much more interested in ending the life of Brooke Shields. 

 Brooke said, "It's too late, I have escaped getting murdered by you.  You'll never get another chance to end my life.  It's all over for the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse and you know it."
And with that Brooke Shields reached for the door handle.
 And she pulled the door open to walk through.
 And he stabbed her from behind as she walked through the door.
 And he stabbed her as she walked through the door.
 And he stabbed her ten times from behind as she walked through the door.
And Brooke Shields lay down on the other side of the door inside the lobby of the Dandilion Girl Hotel.  And he dragged the dying woman out of the Dandilion Girl Hotel and into a nearby Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse owned car to be hidden in a spot that nobody will ever locate.  And this was the day that Brooke Shields died.  And this was the day her dead body was hidden from sight forever.  And the mystery of her vanishing and death was never proven by anybody.  And she never got to tell any of the doomed Dandilion Girls what she learned about the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse. 

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