Saturday, October 20, 2012


And so it's Saturday Morning.  It's not Friday morning, but it's Saturday.  So how does somebody go about enjoying Saturday.  Well, for me I'm going to start by eating breakfast.  Yes, I know it's not huge, epic and eventful.  It's simply breakfast.  I'm going to enjoy cold cereal, coffee and a toasted begal for breakfast.  And what happens after that?  Perhaps I'll go for a walk later in the day.  It's cold outside, but otherwise it's still pleasent.  It's Auttumn so I shouldn't be expecting a heatwave anytime soon.  Well anyway, it's morning.  Breakfast awaits me.  And beyond that is the rest of the day for me to enjoy with happiness and delight.
As I'm lost in thought and making myself some breakfast, here are some photos of rock star Victoria Beckham.

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