Tuesday, October 9, 2012


It's never too late to start again.  Never let anybody tell you that it's too late for anything.  If a romance ends, don't get yourself up trying to get it back nor should you beat yourself up trying to apologize for the romance breakup.  Dust yourself and find yourself somebody new and aspire to avoid all the mistakes that ruined the previous romance.  The end of one life experience is always the chance to start a brand new unrelated life experience.  Gentle Reader, you only need an open mind to accept the arrival of the brand new unrelated life experience.  And who knows?  Perhaps the arrival of the brand new unrelated life experience will be better than the life experience that's forever ended and shouldn't be attempted to be reurrrected or apologized for.  Perhaps you'll find a brand new person or life experience who will accept you better.  Anytime GOD closes the door to a person or a life experience, GOD always opens the window to a brand new person or life experience that you never considered before but might find to be better than what was left behind.  GOD never leaves the faithful stranded without a way out.  Who knows what magic and wonder you will discover along the way. 
While I'm lost in thought about new experiences, here are some photos of film and television actress Katrina Bowden.  Katrina Bowden plays Cerie---Tina Few as Liz Lemon's incompotent secretary and personal assistant on 30 Rock.  She also was attacked by two serial killers who killed her off by accident on Tucker & Dale Vs. Evil (I'm guessing that Katrina Bowden's rape and murder victem is the evil part of the film title).




Poor Katrina Bowden is stranded in a Redneck town filled with girl hating serial killers in Tucker & Dale Vs. Evil.  Run Katrina Bowden!  Run!  Run!  Run! 

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